Started by @BookAddict

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\ i swear. i can't decide whether i hate rick for doing that. or whether i love rick for doing it so damn well \

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"I-Is this Camp Jupiter?" Stella asked. the pain was throbbing through her body.

“Yes. This is camp Jupiter. Alex, were you guarding the tunnel? Or are you a new arrival too?”

"I guess I'm a new arrival??" She said unsure.

"Ok…" Sage wasn't sure what the protocol for this was. Especially since everyone was meant to be assembling for Arianna's trial. "Look, just… follow me and I'll take you to Reyna."

"Shouldn't we take her to the medics?" She asked in concern and gestured to her friend who looked pale.


"Well, everyone's going to be at the trial." Sage explained. "And Reyna will be at the trial too. So if we go there, we can get the medics, and take to Reyna at the same time. Two birds with one stone."

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"Trial? What trial, is someone getting hanged or something? What did they do?" A stream of questions gushed out of Camilla as they walked.


"No, no, no." Sage tried to get the image of Ari swinging from a rope, lifeless, out of his head. "Someone has been falsely accused of stabbing someone else. But it was a cursed blade so…"
Sage realised he probably wasn't making any sense. "Anyway, you'll see when we get there."

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"No, no, no." Sage tried to get the image of Ari swinging from a rope, lifeless, out of his head. "Someone has been falsely accused of stabbing someone else. But it was a cursed blade so…"
Sage realised he probably wasn't making any sense. "Anyway, you'll see when we get there."

Camilla shrugged. "Cursed blade like someone put a curse on it to kill someone. Well that's great, did you ever find the imposter?" She asked as if she were interrogating.


"Imposter?" Sage reevaluated his first impression of this girl. Obviously she wasn't as clueless to half-blood stuff as he'd first thought.

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"Yeah, you did say someone was falsely accused of stabbing someone and that there was a cursed blade meaning someone put a curse on the blade or atleast activated it or somehow controls it in order for it to do something. Like I mean the sword itself can't act on impulse because I don't think this is how it works." She explained her theory before asking. "Is the imposter the one on trial?" She asked.


"No, Ari is. My friend Cato accidentally \ was it accidental? \ gave this jerk Alexander a cursed blade. Ari and Alexander have a bit of a history, and Ari was talking to Alexander when the cursed blade stabbed him. Alexander pretended it was Ari, because he's annoying like that."

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Camilla stayed silent trying to process what he just told her before speaking. " Wait so this guy Cato, gave a jerk named Alexander and he pretended to stab himself or did he stab Cato or Ari. So why is Ari on Trial?" She asked once again, full of questions.


"The blade that Cato gave Alexander stabbed Alexander while Ari was talking to Alexander. Alexander pretended Ari stabbed him. Everyone believed him." Geez, Camilla was curious.

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"I think its called revenge." She replied sarcastically.


(I’m on for a few minutes.)
Arianna uncomfortably shifted in her seat, she looked at her purple hair. She could feel everyone at camp judging her, even though the entire camp wasn’t there.


"Probably not. That's a good thing though. If Alexander ever starts liking you, there's something wrong."
They'd finally arrived at the trial. Sage took Camilla and Alex over to Reyna.