Started by @BookAddict

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Alex nodded and saw what she was seeing. "Well lets get across the river first, we can have the advantage there." She planned as she was about to step into the river.


Stella nodded, "Okay."

She almost ran into the river. A monster had caught up to her and dragged her away. She screamed and thrashed around violently.

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Alex looked back to the monster dragging the girl away and unshielded her spear shaft and cut the monster's hand and separates it from its body. "Hurry up." She warned and leaped into the river, The river was very cold, but it was also strong. Luckily, Alex was a good swimmer.


Stella nodded and jumped into the river. The current was strong, but Stella used the current to make it across.


Sage walked with Arianna towards the trial when he heard yells. He didn’t want to leave Ariana by herself but he figured he should probably go help whoever was yelling. “I’ll be back.” Sage promised.


Stella made it across. The wound stung, it was if the river didn't like it. She laid on her back too tired to move.

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Alex walked up right next to the girl. "Ok just stay still, you're going to make it worse." She replied before throwing her spear shaft and beheading about 2 heads of the monster. The other 2 were washed away by the strong current.


He ran towards the river, and found someone lying on the ground with someone standing near them.
“Uh… hello? You ok?”

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"She needs a medic, or a nurse." She quickly explained as she teared off a piece of her shirt and wrapped it around the wound. She caught her spear shaft and strapped it across her back. "Alex." She introduced.

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Alex bent down and held her arm under Stella to support her. "Here." She said and helped her get onto her feet.


(So I can be on at around 7:30 PST time, I think. I’m hanging out with my friend so I’ll be busy for 4 hours. Sorryyyy.)

/ all g. So can we all come on at 7.30 PST? That’s 9.30 cst and 12.30pm aest? I can do that /


Sage let the injured girl loop her other arm around his shoulders and started walking the her and Alex.
“I never got your name.” He enquirered of the injured girl, trying to distract her from the pain.

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"So where are we and what is this camp?" She asked as she helped Stella walk.


"So where are we and what is this camp?" She asked as she helped Stella walk.

”oh…” sage didn’t want to be the one to explain to Stella about the whole Roman gods thing. Some days he barely understood it himself.
“Look how about we leave that to Reyna. All you gotta know for now is that you’re safe.”