(Hey, just thought I'd let you know; I’m going on a camping trip with my family later today and won't be back until the end of the month. I'll still try to get on and reply when I can, it just won't be very often.)
(Thanks for understanding, Sy! I did have a pretty fun time but I’m glad to be back home.)
(I more than understand! For me, family and friends is everything. Of course I make time for myself as well.)
(You’re a great friend, Sy. I’m the same way; friends and family first every time.)
(I’m looking forward to continuing this RP with you, if you want to keep going.)
(Of course I do. Kinda busy at the moment getting the latest chapter for my reference books up and linked together.)
(I'm gonna have some ice cream while thinking of what should happen next.)
LEVI: [Walking at his normal pace, but since he's so tall he has a longer stride which means that he's a bit further down the hall than the others are.] "We try to leave as-soon-as-possible too."
DEAN: [Torn between hanging back to stay with Sam, whose limping on a makeshift crutch, and catching up with Levi.] "Hey, slow down a bit, Goliath. Not all of us can keep up with you."
LEVI: [Sighs and slows his stride.] I hate having to walk slow, however it is better that we stay together.
HARRIET: [nods slightly at Levi] Glad to hear I’m not the only one who does that. [chuckles softly at Dean's teasing before smirking a little] ”Did your son get his height from you or his mom, because you're kinda the shortest guy in this group.”
DEAN: [Catches up to his son.] "I'm 6'1". That's still pretty tall."
SAM: [Chuckles.] "I'm 6'4."
DEAN: "Nobody asked you, Bigfoot."
HARRIET: [laughs] ”I never said you weren't tall, Dean. Honestly, I'm only 5’11”. I was just teasing. Trying to lighten the mood a little.”
((I'm camping in Michigan's UP right now. Probably won't be back home until Sunday. ))
(do you want to continue this?)
HARRIET: [smirks, rolling her eyes]
LEVI: "Let's take the elevator down. It'll be faster and easier for Sam."
SAM: [Smiles slightly.] "I appreciate that."
HARRIET: [nods a little in agreement] ”Ok. I just hope it's safe.”
LEVI: [Presses the "down" button, waits, and has to duck down just to get into the elevator. Raises his gun, sticking it between the others, and fires upon seeing Samuel coming after them.]
DEAN: "The hell Levi?!"
LEVI: "Sorry, but we had company."
HARRIET: [gets in the elevator with the boys and jumps at the sudden gunshot] ”What the— Jeez, how did you know?”