SAMUEL: "So long as the beast lives, it shall remain."
THE WINCHESTERS: [Rush into the room.]
DEAN: [Aims his sawed-off shotgun at Samuel.]
LEVI: [Moves to the table where the worm is.] I was right about this thing being massive.
SAM: [Aims at a group of men studying the thing on the table.]
DEAN: "We'll be taking things over from here."
SAMUEL: [Surveys his surroundings, surprised by the ambush. Turns to Harriet.] "Did you decide to betray me as a means to retaliate for Jonathan and Caleb?"
HARRIET: [dropping the act] ”Carolyn didn't betray you. Though I can't say you don't deserve it. Threatening her. Well, karma’s a bitch and right now you're going to cooperate or things are going to get ugly for you.” [pointing her knife at him]
SAMUEL: [Glowers as he realizes he's been duped.] "How dare you impersonate my wife!" [Uses telekinesis to get rid of Harriet's knife.]
DEAN: [Brandishes his gun.] "I wouldn't try anything else unless you wanna make like a margarita, bonehead!"
HARRIET: [glares at Samuel] ”I could have done worse.” [she walks away from him to grab her knife but doesn't take her eyes off him and takes off her gloves]
SAMUEL: [Glaring at Dean.]
LEVI: [Watches the other Men of letters members stab the dream worm with steel knives. Winces whenever the inter-dimensional being shrieks in protest.]
SAM: [Aiming his own gun at Samuel just in case he attempts anything.]
LEVI: "Some help with this… thing would be nice, Harriet!" [Drives a gold knife into one of the worm's eyes, eliciting a shrill roar of pain from the creature.] Gonna have to get creative….
HARRIET: [nods and stands near Levi, brandishing her silver knife] ”Got any ideas? I have more gear in my bag but aside from this, not sure what would help.”
LEVI: [Sees that the metal he just tried has the strongest effect.] "Got anything made of gold? Hell, shooting it full of silver would work too!"
SAMUEL: "All my work…."
DEAN: "Shut up."
HARRIET: ”I don't have anything gold… but I do have silver bullets. Hopefully, guns work on this thing. He wasn't very helpful on answering that question. Hey, Dean! You still have my bag?”
DEAN: [Tosses Harriet her bag while keeping an eye on Samuel.]
HARRIET: ”Thanks.” [catches her bag and digs out a pistol, loads up the silver bullets and takes aim at dream beast's head.] ”Don’t know what reaction this thing is going to have so cover your ears fellas.”
LEVI: [Steps back out of the way, replacing his knife with one of his semi-automatic pistols. Taking aim, he gives a nod to Harriet and they open fire.] So loud! I'm not going to be able to hear anything for a while….
SAMUEL: [Flung Sam back, forcing Dean to shoot him. Dissipates in a smokey wisp.]
DEAN: "Now would be a good time to destroy that soul-link!"
HARRIET: ”I agree with you there. Any idea how?”
LEVI: [Ears are ringing from the loud noises made from the dream worm's death and gunfire.] Thankfully I can read lips. "Scratch the sigil off the brick I guess."
SAM: [Becomes dismayed.] "Which is downstairs."
DEAN: "Son-of-a-bitch!"
HARRIET: ”WHAT? I thought one of you guys grabbed it!” [growls in annoyance] ”Fine. Let's just hurry.” [picks up her bag and quickly heads for the door]
(Mentally, physically, and emotionally drained…. I'm sure you know about what I and countless others are going through.)
(Yes, I do. I was just checking on you.)
(😊 Thanks my friend…. Just relieved that nobody lost their life. Houses, mementos, and businesses are gone. I'm one of the "lucky" ones that still has a safe and dry home…. Just…. [Massive heavy sigh.])
(I’m glad to hear that but I understand your exhaustion.)
DEAN: [Muttering to himself.] "You don't have to be a bitch about it."
HARRIET: [turns to look behind her, raising a brow at Dean] ”What was that, hothead?”
DEAN: [Continues down the hall.] "I said that you don't have to be a bitch about it!" The sooner we get this done with, the better.
(She has been being a bit bitchy….)
(It’s not on purpose, I swear.)
HARRIET: [glares at Dean before taking a slow breath to calm down] ”Look, normally I’d be more offended but I’m going to let that one slide. It's our first time working together and we clearly have different ways of doing our jobs. You ever see Raiders of the Lost Ark?”
DEAN: [Smiles.] "Of course I have!"
HARRIET: [Smiled back a little] ”Great movie. Well, when Indy grabs the gold statue and the temple comes down around his ears with the boulder chasing him, I have a bit of a habit that when I finish a job I try to getting out of the area as quick as I can.”