forum Another Supernatural RP! (2/4 for now, but one more person is welcome to join)
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [freezes up briefly at the question before going back to work] ”I… I don't know. Some kind of magic. A curse. A spell. I didn't really put much thought into the how. I just took your word that it happened.”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

SAM: [Laughs.] "Magic had been involved in one of our little 'trips'."

LEVI: [Not paying attention to what he was doing and removes a boulder that would've taken the help of another person to lift. Realizes the mistake.] Crap…. I hope Har didn't notice! "Let's just get this over with. We can chat later."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: ”That had to be pretty powerful stuff.” [smiles softly and traces a pattern on the back of her neck before raising a brow slightly at Levi] What was… Ah, probably nothing. … Then again, that filing cabinet didn't feel that heavy when we lifted it…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

SAM: [Removes the final stone and wipes the sweat from his brow.]

DEAN: [Drinking from a flask.] "Ahhhh…." [Offers it to his son.]

LEVI: [Shakes his head.] "You know that I don't drink, and I know for a fact that there's alcohol in that!"

DEAN: [Shrugs and gives it to Sam, who gladly takes a few gulps from it before holding it out to Harriet.] "A quick rest before digging shouldn't hurt."

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

SAM: "You're clearly not the only one that could use a drink or two."

DEAN: "Or three."

LEVI: Or more than that. [Stretches in preparation to start digging Johnathan out of his grave.] "I always hate this part…."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [laughs a little] ”Careful, green eyes. We still have a job to do.” [nods at Levi’s comment] ”I know what you mean. I can handle seeing the bones but if there's still flesh, my stomach churns a little. Especially with the smell.” [scrunches her nose at the thought]

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: [Carefully jabs his shovel down into the earth, pulling dirt free and tossing it to the side.] "Luckily he's been down there for a long time, so we shouldn't have to worry about flesh."

SAM: [Helping with the digging, each of them taking turns.]

[The wind picks up as they get closer to the coffin.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [keeping watch, holding a container of salt] Can’t wait for this to be over… I’m probably going to have to hotwire one of those cars just to get home… Focus on that later. Any sign of Johnny and I’ll try to hold him off.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

DEAN: [Hits Johnathan's coffin.] "'Bout time!"

JOHNATHAN: "How dare you desecrate my resting place!?"

[Other spirits appear and latch onto him.]

DEAN: [Breaks the coffin open, prying the lid off with his shovel and climbs out.]

LEVI: [Sprays lighter fluid into the grave while dumping salt in at the same time.]

JOHNATHAN: [Fighting the other ghosts off, but is clearly outnumbered.] "No!"

SAM: [Throws a pack of lit matches in.]

JOHNATHAN: [Starts screaming in agony as his apparition is torn asunder by the other ghosts, Ethan can be seen amongst them.]

LEVI: [Winces.] "That was unpleasant to witness."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [fully ready to use the salt, but doesn't have a chance as the other ghosts hold back Johnathan, leaving her slack-jawed for a moment] ”You’re not kidding. That was like that scene in The Return to the King, but even that wasn't as… unnerving.” [turns to face Levi] ”I guess that instinct of yours was right. How did you know?”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: [Still uneasy from watching Johnathan's final moments.] "I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't." [Starts gathering things and takes them to his car.]

DEAN: "Okay, usual drill. Make sure we have everything that's ours, load up and head out."

SAM: "I'm guessing that you're going to want to find somewhere to get that burger you wanted."

DEAN: [Grins.] "You bet your ass, Sammy!"

SAM: [Rolls his eyes.] "Dude, how many times have I told you not to call me Sammy?"

DEAN: [Shrugs and goes back inside to gather their gear.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [nods, accepting Levi’s answer.] ”Ok then.” [smiles at the banter between Dean and Sam] ”What’s wrong with Sammy? It's a nice nickname.” A burger actually sounds great… ”I’m going to change out of Carolyn’s clothes and make sure I got all my stuff.”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: "Mmhmm." [Turns around and walks a little ways away, putting his phone to his ear.] "Hey babe. Sorry that I wasn't able to respond to your texts nor calls, I wound up being somewhere that I wasn't able to get service." [Can be seen tensing up.]

SAM: [Looking in his nephew's direction.] "Yeah, we'll do that Harriet."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [barely heard them as she walked inside, checking her own phone for the first time in weeks as she went back to grab her bag where Dean dropped it during the last fight before they were able to leave the building. This one had all of her clothes in it, Dean still had all of her weapons at the moment.] Finally! A signal. I should let them know I’m ok… [she smiles she hits speed dial and the phone rings]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [turns back to look at Dean, walking backward for a little while] ”If that’s an invite, I’ll take you up on that.” [perks up when her call picks up and she spins back towards her destination.] ”Bae?… Yeah, it's me. I’m so sorry I haven't been able to get in touch. You would not believe what I’ve been through.”