forum Another Supernatural RP! (2/4 for now, but one more person is welcome to join)
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

DEAN: "Now that I think about it, I think you're right Harriet. It was Johnathan that told us that."

SAM: "We did salt and burn those though, so I'm guessing we're going to have to find a way to get rid of him some other way."

ETHAN: [Waves them over from behind the reception desk.] "I have information that can be of use to you."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [nods a little] ”Well, that's going to be fun. I really only know the one method… Short of an exorcism, which I admit I'm not great at.” [looks over at Ethan] ”I’ve seen you around. You work here, right? How can you help us?” [she not judging him, just very curious how a civilian ghost(?) can help a group of hunters]

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

ETHAN: "Well, I happen to know where Master Williamson is buried. In life before coming to work, and ultimately becoming
trapped, here at the Canella I enjoyed studying the occult."

LEVI: "And?"

ETHAN: "He is buried out in the garden. There's a cairn placed as a marker."

DEAN: [Gives a look of annoyance.] "Well, that's just great, considering that we can't get outside!"

ETHAN: "Actually, sir, now that you people have handled the monster upstairs and have broken the seal, you should be able to get outside unmolested now."

DEAN: "Oh."

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

ETHAN: [Nods in confirmation.] "All employees were made aware of it shortly after being hired and sworn to secrecy."

DEAN: "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to make sure that we can get out now." [Approaches the doors, swinging them outward.] "Oh thank freaking god!" [Breathes in the fresh air, enjoying the change from the stale air from inside.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: ”That makes sense. Even if people can't leave, Samuel wouldn't want rumors of his little pet getting out.” [stands up and follows after Dean] ”Hey, wait for me. Two weeks stuck in this place can drive someone crazy.”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I have to go to bed so I can get up early. 🙁But that's so I can watch my two eldest nephews! 😁 We're just about finished with this one. All that they have left to do is salt and burn Johnathan's corpse, say by (for now) to Harriet, and move on to their next job!)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

DEAN: [Runs towards his car.] "Oh Baby, I've missed you!" [Literally hugging the '67 Chevy Impala.]

LEVI: [Books it for his own car and starts rummaging around for something.]

SAM: "Thank you Ethan." [Makes his way outside to enjoy the fresh air.]

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: "Eureka." I was getting tired of having to look for people that had solution for these. [Removes his specially-made contacts that he's been wearing for the duration of being in the hotel. Looks into a mirror as he replaces the old ones with fresh ones, making his 1/3 blue, 1/3 brown, and 1/3 green eyes appear to be green to make sure they're in correctly.]

DEAN: [Retrieves some shovels from Baby's trunk.] "Let's get diggin'!"

(Levi's eye colors are split into thirds in a spiral.)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [nods at Dean's suggestion] ”I got some salt in my…” [does a double-take at Baby and lets out a wolf whistle] Heelllo, gorgeous… ”Wait a minute. That beautiful hunk of machinery belongs to you? Huh… Now I get your sex appeal.”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

DEAN: [Smiles.] "Yeah, I take great care of my Baby."

LEVI: [Grabs a shovel from his father and starts heading around back to the garden.] Sure, ignore the equally beautiful 1960 Chevelle SS. [Looks back at the black and dark blue car.]

SAM: [Looking down at his broken leg, frowning.]

CASTIEL: [Appears before them.] "I was wondering where you three disappeared to." [Sees Sam's leg.] "Seems you have injured yourself. Allow me." [Heals Sam's leg.]

SAM: "Thanks Cas!" [Drops the crutches.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: ”Sure looks like it. Maybe I misjudged you, Dean.” [smiles slightly before jumping when Cas ”sneaks upon them”] ”Holy crap! Dude! Not co… What the hell?” [she ends in more of a whisper as she watches Cas heal Sam before glancing at her ring which is almost a blinding pure white] Ok. Obviously not human, but what can heal like that and just appear out of nowhere? I have never seen this color before…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: [Chuckles from her reaction.] "You know how long it would take for us to heal if we didn't have an angel as an ally?"

SAM: "Months…. Hell, Cas has saved our lives more than once."

DEAN: "Cas, it's great to see ya, but I think we've got things handled from here."

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I'm just full of amazing ideas! Lol I wanted something unique for him, so…. Without contacts that's how his eyes look whether he's in his human form or his Blutlumar/Were-Chimera from…. He obviously doesn't wear contacts while he's a were-chimera.)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

CASTIEL: [Slowly turns to look at her.]

DEAN: "Settle down Cas, she's cool!"

CASTIEL: "Call if I am of need."

DEAN: "You know we will, man. Go do your angel thing!'

CASTIEL: "Very well." [Disappears, a fluttering of flapping wings can be heard as he leaves.]

(Note: I don't ship Destiel.)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

LEVI: [Chuckles again, shaking his head. Sighs.] "I used to be surprised by the existence of things that I thought weren't real while becoming a hunter; now it doesn't really surprise me all that much. After all, all legends start somewhere and have a certain amount of truth to them!" [Sees the cairn and goes about removing some of the piled rocks.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: “Yeah, I know that I just thought that I was past the point of being shocked by anything else that came with this job. I mean, your time travel story was… weird but this? I thought I’d seen most everything.” [looks up at the sky] ”Not the first time I've been wrong. Hell, I grew up reading the Bible as a kid.” [shakes her head and starts helping Levi]