forum Another Supernatural RP! (2/4 for now, but one more person is welcome to join)
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [walks over to Carolyn’s wardrobe and pulls out an outfit nearly identical to the one she was wearing earlier] ”Carolyn, forgive me for this. I'm not trying to be disrespectful but… If this will help stop Samuel then… I don't think I have a choice.” [she quickly gets changed into the clothes and puts a few of weapons from her pockets into a small-ish handbag] Salt… Iron knuckles… Silver knife… OH! I’ll need to hide my ring. [grabs a pair of gloves and walks into the hall]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [blinks in surprise at the sight of the dream worm and the group of people] Oookay. Was not expecting this. These guys might be his MoL team… Were they the original target of the soulbind? Maybe they even volunteered for it for the sake of their work on this thing…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

SAMUEL: "We know that it feeds on the dreams of anyone around it, and that it is evidently resistant to magiks." [Pulls out a knife made of silver, and plunges it into the beast.]

[The dream worm lets out a monstrous sound as the knife enters its body.]

SAMUEL: "It does however seem vulnerable to this realms weaponry."

LEVI: [Winces and covers his ears.] Holy fuck!

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [flinches slightly at the sound] ”I see.” And I’m willing to bet that your soulbind is making this thing stronger with all the dreams the guest have here. ”If I may ask, have you tried anything more… volitional or perhaps a different type of metal?”