forum If your story was out/published what characters would you not want shipped together, but are afraid they would?
Started by @Leshierian

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@HighPockets group

  • Nich and Samuel. I mean, I get it. They have a really fun dynamic and to be honest I wouldn't be mad if people shipped them, but still. Nich is aromantic and Samuel, although he's biromantic, is heavily repressing any attraction he has towards men at this point in the story. They're also both asexual, and even if they weren't, neither of them (but especially Samuel) would be in a sexual relationship at this point in the story.
  • Quinn and anyone. They're 16 in a story of mostly 19 year olds, and they see Talia, Portia, and Vince as older sibling figures. While they are in the age range of Jayson and Leah, Quinn is aro-ace and doesn't even really interact with either Jayson or Leah.
  • Imogen and anyone. She's aro-ace, and even though she's very outgoing and touchy-feely with her friends, she's not into them.
  • Izzy and Leah. They're not related, but they grew up together and see each other as siblings.
  • Lysander and any of the main cast, he's 15 and the others are almost-18 at the youngest. Plus most of the other leads are in relationships already
  • Celia and Evan. NO. They're purposefully written as a toxic, abusive relationship.
  • Julianna and anyone, but especially Samuel. She's manipulative and abusive, and has canonically sexually abused him in the past.
  • Della, Teagan, and amy (the most wonderful woman in the world). They're best friends, and although they're all attracted to women, they don't have romantic or sexual feelings towards each other.
  • Becca and either Jackson or Morgan. Yeah, they're stepsiblings, but still legally related.
  • Ansel and anyone, he's 13 and the youngest in the main cast is 16.


Nora and Vara
Nora has a girlfriend already, and even tho she isn't in the story to much (bc she's believed to be dead for the better half) they'd both be glad to see each other again. I intend for them to get a happy ending and get married (:
Vera on the other hand is unfortunately straight. But the two do end up being pretty close friends.

Samuel and Vash.
Though when Samuel is being held captive, and being torchered for information, Vash is there for him. She's just another pawn in the scheme of things. Someone for him to trust only to be ultimately betrayed by.


I have a feeling that Galaxy and Sky are going to get shipped together, because:

A: Neither of them are in a relationship during the first book, Galaxy's love interest gets introduced in the second, while Sky meets hers in the third.

B: They do everything together, and tease each other a lot. (They've been best friends since they were 2, and are like sisters to each other. There is nothing romantic between the.)

@probablypolnareff language

Dollie and Luca for sure !! it'd be a toxic relationship bc Luca is a total narcissist and acts like he likes being around Dollie but actually hates it . plus , Luca purely hates Dollie , and Dollie hates Luca as well , so it wouldn't play out well if they were in a relationship . it'd probably end a split second after it starts

@larcenistarsonist group

Shea, Bianca and Paisley for sure. Like no romance between the three of them. Bianca is traumatized from the death of the only man she had ever loved, the Sorcerer's code prevents Paisley from having a relationship and Shea… yeah no.

@threesacult group

Zephyr with anyone, because they're fourteen and pretty much every other member of the cast is an adult. They're also aro-ace.
I feel like someone's bound to ship Drinn and Vio, but they're brothers. Please no.
Tetra and Poli. They have an enemies-to-friends thing going on, so I'm sure someone will read that as romantic tension, but Tetra's gay, and Poli has zero interest in her in a romantic way. They really act more like bickering siblings.
The worst ship I can think of is Azazel and the Sandman. It wouldn't happen anyway since the Sandman's aro-ace, but the way he treats Azazel when they're just friends is already so toxic and unhealthy I can't imagine what a romantic relationship would be like. This is definitely one of the most problematic ships, but I'm afraid it would happen because I've seen people romanticize abusive relationships before.

@Personwhowrites group

I wouldn't want any of my characters to be shipped together, except for a few exceptions. All the characters in my book are apart of a species that reproduces asexually, and the species as a whole usually doesn't feel romantic attraction. A few of them do feel romantic attraction, which is why I said there are a few exceptions, but even if so, they still don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone. So basically, I have a whole species that is almost completely aro-ace.

@sheabutter group

Destrian and Peter. My book mentions that they had a fling when they first met and then realized they'd be better off as friends and they both find someone else in the future. I just really don't want people to think that one summer means they're soulmates or whatever and completely ignore the fact that they're happier as friends.

@invisible group

I really wouldn’t like Arinya and Taia to be shipped together. Arinya is, and will always canonically be, to focused on education and her future to date someone. Also, Taia is in love with, and doesn't have a choice to be in love with, Chelsea. Who is Arinya's sister

@invisible group

I wouldn't want any of my characters to be shipped together, except for a few exceptions. All the characters in my book are apart of a species that reproduces asexually, and the species as a whole usually doesn't feel romantic attraction. A few of them do feel romantic attraction, which is why I said there are a few exceptions, but even if so, they still don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone. So basically, I have a whole species that is almost completely aro-ace.

That species sound awesome

Deleted user

Lance and Arwood. No. Just no.
My world is set in medieval times, which means being gay was frowned upon and scorned. (I want to get my book as close to those days as possible).
Yeah, I make fun of their relationship in the Incorrect Quotes Forum. but that's because I love the fact they're so loose around each other, pulling pranks and picking on each other. They're like really close brothers. Nothing. More.
Also, they're not gay. Lance doesn't have a love interest yet, but Arwood's one and only love is Thilah. He has no one else, and he needs no else.
I got so nervous someone would ship them together that I really debated pulling Lance out and putting in someone else. But like I said, I just really enjoy writing their brotherly love, and Lance fit so well.
I know I'm kinda fussy about this, but I just feel like shipping them together would ruin their relationship and characteristics.

@trainwreck404 group

I feel like Frog and Juniper might be shipped, since they spend the majority of the story together, but Juniper's based on my friend and I project onto Frog, so it'd just be weird. Also I don't really want Frog with anyone; they're good on their own.

Also I think someone might ship Vanessa and Alex, and that's a nope: they're both homosexual.


Mouse and Mycan: Mycan is a young adult and Mouse is a minor so no. Besides Mouse belongs to Wren and Wren alone


@squiddicus language

Alice and Isla. Sure, they are really close to each other, and sure, they've been through A LOT together, but I really can't see them as a couple (despite Isla being very much bisexual). I feel like people would really ship these two because of their close bond and similar anxieties, but I just can't imagine them together.

@Personwhowrites group

I wouldn't want any of my characters to be shipped together, except for a few exceptions. All the characters in my book are apart of a species that reproduces asexually, and the species as a whole usually doesn't feel romantic attraction. A few of them do feel romantic attraction, which is why I said there are a few exceptions, but even if so, they still don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone. So basically, I have a whole species that is almost completely aro-ace.

That species sound awesome

Aw thank you!

@invisible group

I feel like Frog and Juniper might be shipped, since they spend the majority of the story together, but Juniper's based on my friend and I project onto Frog, so it'd just be weird. Also I don't really want Frog with anyone; they're good on their own.

Also I think someone might ship Vanessa and Alex, and that's a nope: they're both homosexual.

If someone ships Vanessa and Alex when your book's out, and they’re obviously gay, the homosexuals will come for them. I will hold my brethren to this promise.

@trainwreck404 group

I feel like Frog and Juniper might be shipped, since they spend the majority of the story together, but Juniper's based on my friend and I project onto Frog, so it'd just be weird. Also I don't really want Frog with anyone; they're good on their own.

Also I think someone might ship Vanessa and Alex, and that's a nope: they're both homosexual.

If someone ships Vanessa and Alex when your book's out, and they’re obviously gay, the homosexuals will come for them. I will hold my brethren to this promise.

oh absolutely and I shall fight alongside you.


For me, Alastor and Azazel. Azzy and Ally are RELATED and whenever I do rps with them, I purposefully leave out info to make the story more eventful. Azzy, is Ally's biological parent, and that being a huge spoiler, is one I don't really like/


Cynthia and Blake, I just have a feeling the bad side of the internet would romanticize this somehow. Despite Cynthia being literally insane, and Blake dying because of her, looking at you bad side of internet =_=

@spacebluelily language

  • Fenris x Mark
    No, just no. Mark is abusive and isn't good for healthy relationships. It's pretty clear throughout the story. You ship these two together and I will hunt you down.

  • Fenris x Syrus
    Sure, they might have a wholesome relationship, but they're just friends. And like…Syrus is technically his boss. First of all, the fucking age gap. Syrus is at least 135 years old. While Fenris is 36. I know someone out there is going to say that they're adults and it's all fine, but no it's not. Syrus is straight and is married to Goldy, who is around his age range. She's only like two years younger than him.

  • Winter x Hayden, D'Angelo, or Llewellyn
    NOPE. Okay, I get it why some people might ship Winter with one of these three. But Winter is a lesbian. And D'Angelo and Llewellyn are straight and then the other one is pan. It just…wouldn't work. It would literally be a one-sided relationship if they shipped Winter and the boys because she is already in love with someone else.

  • Gavin x Mark
    Literally the same reason for Fenris x Mark. Plus Gavin and Mark hate each other. They both want the other to die. It's clear as daylight in the story too. I really can't see how one would even want to ship these two. Gavin needs somebody much better than Mark.

  • Hayden x D'Angelo
    This is wrong on so many levels. These two are fucking brothers. This is incest. Don't ship these two together.

  • Lena x Llewellyn
    Lena doesn't even like Llewellyn romantically. They're only friends and nothing more. And Lena isn't even straight.

  • Griffin x Syrus
    Okay, I don't want these two to be shipped. Wanna make them friends? Sure go ahead. They'd be great friends. Okay, Griffin is…60. Syrus is 135. That's at least a 75 year age gap. They have a frenemy relationship, and sure, Syrus might tease Griffin and call him nicknames a lot, but they're mostly viewed as enemies who can't really stand each other. And Griffin is going to die sooner or later. He isn't immortal, unlike Syrus and Goldy. Another problem. None of these two are gay. They're both straight. Griffin is never going to get a romantic interest. Honestly, he's better off without one.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Elijah and Claire or with Hunter- I know they're already twins but I fear that Claire's weird obsession with Elijah (and Elijah's obsession with Hunter) may be interrupted as incest and while their family is messed up their not that messed up

Sophie x Micheal- For obvious reasons- Incest- Micheal is one of the main arcs but unlike the other, there is NO romantic connection between them, hell they hardly have a siblingly relationship at the beginning of the story, Micheal hardly leaves his room for the first two arcs

Terry x Tori- Why is incest a theme in this post, while they're stepsiblings but not only is kinda weird but their relationship would basically be abusive, seeing since Terry literally helped Elijah release demon flowers because she joined the debate club, I don't even want them being seen as a healthy relationship

Lucas and Lucien-Ok I thought this will be a ship so I just don't what the neglect Lucas faced from Lucien to be overlooked, even with a happy end, I kind of don't want things to be so neatly ending on a happy note

Mavis X anyone- He's literally 4 and a ghost

(For the most part, Most anything else is fair game, Other than these and the ships I had in the last post, just be aware of age and sexual orientation)

@LilMeme group

Kosuke x Kage(or anyone in that case) Kosuke has a weird obsession with being needed with ruined all his relationship, like his old friend, Yuda, His wife, Ran, His Mistress, Aiko, and soon Kage, who he soon at friend just wanted as a friend, before slowly tearing at his self-esteem to making him until Kage had to escape the creep when he tried to rape him to break him and even when he met him again he tries to manipulate him to be with him

Asumi x Mamarou- While Mamarou pursue Asumi; First Asumi sees Mamarou as a father figure and a mentor, When Mamarou confessed to him, Asumi was horrified and didn't know how to react, At after the "Catch the Flag" game ended, Mamarou and berates him for not having sex with him, also Mamarou is like 4000 and sees Asumi as Nanami and doesn't even love him