forum If your story was out/published what characters would you not want shipped together, but are afraid they would?
Started by @Leshierian

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I don't have any characters out yet, but my OC Sel and my friend's OC Ian-
Sel sees Ian as his little brother and Ian sees Sel as a role model, possibly a big brother.
Also, Sel can't even feel romantic attraction towards people, so it already wouldn't work or at least be a healthy and functioning relationship. He also can't bring himself to care for anybody except for himself in most cases.

@threesacult group

Quill x Jack is one that’d be the most problematic. Quill has an innocent crush on Jack, but she’s sixteen and so I’d hope no one would ship them because of that. But I’ve seen people ship adults and children together before and—no. Just no. On that note, Quill x any of the main cast would be awful as she’s the only minor.

Jack x Cyrus would also be one that annoyed me. They make a good pair and have a lot of funny banter as friends but they seriously would not work as a couple. Plus, Cyrus is lesbian and has a wonderful girlfriend, so really Cyrus x anyone other than Aria would bother me.

Life x anyone. I don’t talk about Life much on here but he’s incredibly toxic and has been very manipulative to some characters in the past, especially Jack and Love. For the sake of everyone he should not have a romantic partner.

Cyrus x Dally. They’re incredibly close, ride-or-die friends but again, Cyrus is lesbian. Dally did have a crush on her when they first met, but respects her sexuality and has moved on.

Karma x Jack. This would be so horribly toxic. Karma has a huge crush on Jack, but she seriously does not respect the fact that he’s asexual which already makes him super uncomfortable with her. He has absolutely no romantic interest in her, either. Karma really shouldn’t be shipped with anyone; she’s too obsessive and borderline stalker-y for any of her relationships to be healthy.

Anthony x Cyrus. Stop it they are both gay
Also Anthony is her boss which makes this even weirder

@kenadi-the-procrastinating-writer emoji_events

Malachi and Willow. Sure they're extremely close but that's because they were both social outcast's. They're like Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable except ones gay and the other is a lesbian. I would hate for them to be shipped just because they are best friends. They both have love interests anyways.

Deleted user

There's one that's not canon but I do want shipped a little bit: Damien and Max. They both love Ramona, but Damien also has a little bit of a crush on Max. I'm making Max and Ramona endgame, because their relationship makes a little more sense. But I like Damian and Max XD but I DON'T want anyone shipping Ramona and Cassandra. Not only do they hate each other, they're COUSINS.

Deleted user

Myst and Uinim. I feel like they would but I hate the idea. Myst is 'cursed' with a demon named Uinim and it's like a father daughter kind of relationship, but people would totally want them as a couple and I dread it.
Truly and Mira. They go on quests all, the, frickin', time, they would so be paired up, But he is NOT interested in love and neither is she.
Vath and Nyx. Granted, Vath does like other girls, but Nyx isn't into that I mean, this wouldn't be the worst pairing but Nyx isn't lesbian.


I hate that I have to say it, but Fallon x Chiara. yes, they're very close and protective of each other and Fallon does care about her very very much, but they're siblings.
also if anyone dares ship fallon with liam i'm no joke calling the fbi, that's so beyond fricked up

@HighPockets group

Peter/Kate, because they're specifically written to have a super toxic relationship, and also Kate is aro-ace and therefore not interested in anyone, she's only with him because of comphet and to get her dad to pay for her college.
These probably go without saying, but Jayson/Talia, Beckett/Cora, Claire/Victor, Oscar/Beatrice, Joan/Nell, Amira/Margot, any of the Lowe or Norwood siblings, etc. because they're related you fucking perverts, if anyone ships them it's on sight-
Nathaniel/Marian, since it's specifically a fake relationship. Same with Anne/Oscar.
Honestly any of the assassin teens with each other? They're not really healthy people, and also have too much on their plates to be in relationships.

@Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

ooh this is a good one. It's weird because they're kind of in a relationship but Alga and Rothos. Their relationship is really toxic and weird and terrible and I'd be very concerned it people shipped it because that's not the point. It's not a cute, flirty romantic relationship.
I'd also be so mad if anyone shipped Alga and Tavi because they are just best friends. Tavi's also super gay but that's not immediatly clear and the way they talk about each other might make people think otherwise
Also Rothos and Tavi, they get along really well and Tavi is the first person who really brings Rothos out of his shell.
Also Terus and Tavi, because it is an older man and a younger woman who are friends and people love that. Even though they are again just friends and both super gay. He also helped raise her when her mom was losing her mind for a few years, but people will ship anything ffs

Deleted user

Delta x anyone is definitely not something I want. She's aroace and she's 14 and thinks that even if she wanted a relationship, she isn't mature enough for one anyways.
A specific ship I would not like would be Fylo x Delta which neither of them would want on the account that they've basically grown up as siblings and best friends and neither of them see each other in a romantic light. Also, Theo starts dating Karma after a while, and they go on to have a healthy relationship.
Karma x Delta is also a no. Karma and Delta start off with a pretty rocky friendship, but grow to care about each other more and more. Despite Karma being bi and having crushes on girls in the past, Delta and Karma don't work together. And she ends up dating Fylo.
Also, Anise x Basil is a definite no. God, why do people ship incest, it genuinely makes me so uncomfortable…


Any combination of Archie, Katana, and Reef. The three are siblings so that's an automatic no. Katana and Reef are adopted, but that's still incest and still very gross. (Also literally any other Incest ship, but these three are the most prominent ones.)
Yuzu x Reef is also something I definitely do not want to see as Yuzu is gay and acts as an older brother to Reef. Reef is biromantic who is only sexually attracted to girls so that's also iffy. But the big reason I don't want them shipped is because Yuzu ends up with Rolan and acts as an older brother to Reef.


Rae and Sypire. They're best friends, nothing more, plus they view each other as siblings. In addition, Rae is very much so a gay boy and Sypire is non-binary and into a different main character, Kaleb. Not to mention how Rae likes Jarrod lmao-

@threesacult group

If anyone dares ship Azazel x The Sandman I will cry. It's bound to happen but Sandy's pretty openly aroace and Azazel just doesn't see him that way. It would just make me uncomfortable, too, as they're not actually related but have a very close sibling sort of relationship.
For the love of God I hope no one ships Azazel x Quill. Quill is a c h i l d.
Anthony x Cyrus wouldn't make me upset, but it would just be weird and very against the canon, since they're both gay in the opposite directions.

@HighPockets group

Miette/Douglas, because Miette is like 10 years younger than him (also underage) and neither of them see each other that way. Just let them have a siblinglike relationship without ruining it please-

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Arthur and Matthew. Their relationship is… weird. Matt is super protective of Arthur, but not romantically, more in a… guilty… big brother-y… weird cross-between-a-father-figure/dumbledore-and-a-best-pal type deal… soooooo… yeah.
Because of how close they are it's not a hard leap to ship them… but honestly they just have a weird bromance.

@Williamnot group

OP: Hope the term ship is still used, I might be behind
Literally everyone in this post: No?????

Mel and Austin are close, Mel basically acting as Austins mom friend who is tired of his shit and Austin being a feral little ball of "self care is eating an entire bag of marshmallows at 3 am"

The thing I worry about most is that Austin is an insomniac because of his nightmares, but he constantly falls asleep on Mel's shoulder/lap because he feels safe around her. Which is prime shipping material.

However, Mel is a lesbian, and Austin is emotionally traumatized and doesn't want any of that romance stuff.



Odin and Alex. I feel like people would misinterpret Alex’s infatuation with Odin’s magic with Odin himself and I would just not like that. Their relationship is purely platonic…and obviously Alex is 15 and Odin is 19 so they definitely should not be together as love interests.

Also, I would not like Cal and Alex together. They’re brothers. That should be enough of a reason.

@HighPockets group

On the same note as Miette/Douglas, Oscar/Douglas. They're friends, they've worked together for years, but Douglas is almost 10 years older than Oscar, and also just sort of not a great guy?

@nebula__ group

I wouldn't want my character, Bailey Simmons, to be shipped with my other characters whatsoever. He seems friendly at first towards certain people, but then he eventually shows his true colors. He would N O T make a good boyfriend unless there are people out there who like dating manipulative people. I just think Bailey is the WORST when it comes to being in a relationship with someone. He also just hates everybody, and typically prefers men anyway, so…

@Bugz26 group

I think there may be a problem with the possible ship of my two characters Vincent and Nuela. There are many reasons why they would be a good pair… They grew up together, they have a wonderful relationship friend-wise, they sillily tease eachother, and Vincent, who doesn't like getting attached to people, definitely has an attachment to Nuela. Also, Nuela is in love with Vincent.

The big problem of this is that Vincent is gay… So yeah, that wouldn't work out. Vincent actually figures out his sexual orientation THROUGHOUT the story, so it isn't something he knows right off the bat or in the beginning of the story. I am afraid that some people may start shipping them and then get mad when it is "revealed" that Vincent doesn't like women romantically. I don't want to get anyone's hope up that there will be a romantic relationship between these two… But that very well may happen.


Zara and Aaron.
They're close - friends are allowed to be close.
They spend time together at Aaron's home, with no-one else - Aaron is helping Zara practice.
Aaron gave Zara a 'ruby' necklace - it's actually a survival tool.
But before the reasons for all these things are revealed I'm afraid it looks shippy.

Also, I'm fairly sure Zara is aroace. She certainly could never settle down, that's just not her nature. So she couldn't really be with anyone that way.

Or Zara and the as-yet-unnamed 'hero'. Their character arcs intertwine [honestly he's basically a plot device for Zara's arc]. Zara hates him when they first meet, but they grow a mutual almost-respect. [Probably. Still not quite sure where I'm going with the guy.]
See above. Zara could not romantically work with anyone. Let alone this guy.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Omg I've thought about this!
I don't want people shipping Yuki with anyone, but I would be okay if it happened with a few characters. However, I'm absolutely against anyone shipping Yuki with Celia.
Celia reminds Yuki of his younger sister that died years before he met Celia, and she's the one that helped Yuki out of his depression. Celia and Yuki have a brother/sister relationship, but that's all I want people to see from that. Celia is also a minor during the story (and technically asexual too) so any sexualization of her, though probably inevitable, I'd highly disapprove of.

Harmony is also a minor, so I wouldn't approve, but I also don't see any chemistry between her and Yuki.

With Myst and Yuki, they'd be a power couple. They both LOVE to argue and they're both incredibly stubborn, but Yuki is observant and Myst is considerate, so they'd be a nice match, but, regardless, Yuki is devoted to his deceased wife.

Another one I've thought about is with Tyler and Exila. I've been thinking about integrating Tyler more into Exila's story, giving him some sort of manipulative role over Exila, slowly trying to lead her to a demonic life, but if people start shipping them, they're basically shipping an incredibly toxic relationship. Tyler doesn't care about Exila, and Exila has no romantic feelings for Tyler. Tyler only wants Exila to fulfill her role that Exila's mother promised Tyler.
Additionally, Exila has a canon relationship with someone else, so Tyler isn't even on the table.

Deleted user

I am afraid people would ship Tobias with anyone, but the ship that worries me most is between them and Elias Mitchell, their creator.

For my other works, I don't really care about shipping as long as it doesn't contradict anything in story or canon character orientations.


This one is one that’d be one of those Illegal Ships, but no one would know for the first few books
Basically my protagonist had a twin that she thought died when they were younger but he survived and is actually one of the antagonists for the first few books. His identity is concealed for awhile so there is that chance that they could get shipped together ;-;

Additionally, my protagonist’s twin had an abuser as his guardian (I literally hate the guy so much that I’ve refused to name him), and if anyone shipped them ever, I’d shut that shit down immediately.

@redwood eco

I'm afraid people would ship Junpei with a few people:

  • Ariel D'Apolito
  • Orla D'Apolito
  • The Scientist

…because first of all, come on man. The first two listed people are his mother and grandmother. But shippers are weird sometimes so I'm afraid it could happen. And covering the third one, The Scientist is a woman and Junpei is gay. So no. And The Scientist pretty much tortured him and his best friend, as well as put them into a constant state of panic.
And it wouldn't even be canon anyway. Because canonically, Junpei gets together with his childhood best friend Riley. Pretty much, I would have to shut down every ship that isn't canon because they'd be really weird. There are only so many people mentioned in the story and none of them belong together (with the exception of canon relationships). Even then, the main plot-line of the story isn't romance and so there isn't really any chemistry between anyone but Junpei and Riley–