forum If your story was out/published what characters would you not want shipped together, but are afraid they would?
Started by @Leshierian

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(Sorry if the term "ship" Isn't used anymore, I may be behind the times…)

I wouldn't want Chester and Lincoln to be paired together.
Lincoln is a cunning manipulative school boy with psychopathic tendencies, he pretended to be an awkward but smart preppy kid around Chester. He tried to gain Chester's trust, he wanted status, Chester had that status.
Chester is an angsty, depressed kid, with a bit of anxiety sprinkled in, not to mention his repulsion toward certain parts of his own body, his asexuality, and he's in no place to be in a romantic relationship. he wanted nothing to do with Lincoln at the beginning, he slowly learned to open up. not realizing Lincoln was only using his trust to get in with the place Chester's from.
They are strictly friends.
(I don't hate gay relationships, sorry if it sounds like I do.. It's just that these two aren't in any place for a romantic relationship of any sort.)

@HighPockets group

Oh my God, Oleander and anybody, even after he's freed from his possession. He needs time to heal, and so do all the women he hurt.
Also Nich and Therese, which I'm hoping people won't ship since he's aro-ace and she's a lesbian, but they have a close bond and good chemistry (as friends, duh)

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Malik and Logan are nothing more than friends.
Sure, they kissed once, once, but it was for a reason other than love. Malik isn't interesting enough for Logan. They've always gotten along, but he would drive her crazy if they were together. He's not good at relationships, and he'd be really boring. Logan, she won't go for boring.


jo and catori. they sort of act like a couple but they're literally just friends. while, to be fair, the entire group would date literally anyone else in the group, jo and catori will never have a romantic interest towards each other. partially because jo is in love with a different member

cisco and kas. again, just a good wholesome friendship, though they did try dating briefly in freshman year

catori and everette is complicated because while they have a very good thing at the beginning they arent endgame and wont ever be

@ccb group

jesse and rex. i know people looove shipping boys who hate each other, and they are foils a little bit and i get the appeal of shipping characters who are foils to each other. but rex is not a nice guy and is actively mean to jesse, who really has just had a lot of people be mean to him lately and DOESN'T need that, and who also would never be attracted to someone who disliked him, because being hated is a huge turn-off for him. there's a difference between sexy rivalry and plain old rivalry. ALSO, page with any boys, because lesbian.

@Starfast group

Also Nich and Therese, which I'm hoping people won't ship since he's aro-ace and she's a lesbian

I was going to say Andor and Ara for a similar reason (Andor is bi, but Ara is aro-ace) but they also like… kind of hate each other? There's a lot of witty banter that goes on between them, but at the end of the day they're just two guys who tolerate each other at best. I don't know how anyone could ship them and not realize that relationship would be toxic as hell, but I feel like it would still happen.

I have a couple others, but Andor x Ara is definitely the one I would worry about the most and would probably be the most problematic.


Abe and Ozzy. They're best friends who dated for about a month as stupid kids, realized they weren't into each other like that, and only became better friends. They're just a healthy, affectionate male friendship and it sucks to see that people don't think those can be anything other than romantic.

Also Cherry with anybody, because a large part of Cherry's character is her realizing that she doesn't need to be in a relationship to be a whole person.


Oof Jaeke and Jericho for a similar reason to @GoblinKing's Abe and Ozzy (tho I have considered shipping Jaeke and Jericho before, since they have better chemistry than Jericho does with his real love interest lmao) but they're supposed to just be best friends, but it kiiiiiinda come across as more than that

And then Mindee and Doran. They're 13, Doran has amnesia, and Min might be aroace, not sure yet

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kalani and ella.
kalani is a lesbian. ella just likes people. they're really close.


Oh god, I feel like some of the psycho shippers would have some Clara x Nico fics, which causes me physical pain. I just… he's abusive. And since it's not physical, you already KNOW someone will be like "oh he's just damaged! she can help him be a better man!" like NO, she CAN'T, he's BAD. My girl deserves much better.

Peter x Monty. Were they a wonderful couple? Sure, I guess, but they brought out the worst in each other. It's a no from me, folks. They broke up for a REASON.

Natalie x Thalia. So like… they're canon? They're dating in the book? But they're SO BAD FOR EACH OTHER. That's kind of the point, given where Thalia appears in Natalie's arc, but it hurts me to know that some readers might misunderstand their whole 'hot-and-heavy' thing and call it love. It's NOT.

Natalie x Julianna… maybe. Julianna's grey-romantic asexual, and her and Natalie never get together romantically. They're great friends with BIG QPR vibes, so a part of me would cry to imagine them romantically involved, but at the same time… guys, the connection between those two is so deep. I have NO CLUE how to define their relationship–maybe I'm afraid of the shippers defining it for me.


I wouldn't want my character, Nick to be shipped with anyone. He's been through a lot and needs time before he'd be ready for a romantic relationship. Also, he might be aroace but im not sure yet.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

My biggest source of stress in this department are my best bros Mike and Bernon. Bernon's not the problem–he's openly bi and in fact falls hard for Mike over the course of the story. The problem is Mike. Mike is violently ace and possibly aro as well, haven't decided yet. In the story this works out fine, because Bernon is a respectful person and once he realizes Mike isn't interested in a romantic relationship, he backs off and their friendship actually gets stronger because of it.
However. Every time I go back and re-read what I have so far on their story, my heart sinks a little lower because I know everyone will ship them. Heck….I ship them….but I am not backing down because Mike is ace and that makes a lot of sense and it's important to his arc and I know I must resist my own inner trashy fangirl because shipping them in canon is not helpful to the plot. I'm just worried that the readers won't be so understanding or accepting. To quote @GoblinKing again, healthy wholesome male relationships are reeaalllly hard to write without people assuming they're gay >.<

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Dusty and Echo. Don't do it. Please don't do it. My story is FAR from finished…But they are the two surviving robots of the robot extermination. Soooo…If my book does gather a fanbase….It will happen. (I don't really care about that stuff though, as long as it doesn't effect my story, or the way people read it. Let people be fans!)

@HighPockets group

I feel like people are also going to ship Louis and Gabriel, which is….. :/
They canonically hate each other, to the point where one kills the other (though to be fair it was accidental) but I know that the people who're way too into that dynamic won't care.

Also Jackson and Geneva, which is…complicated, since they're both aro but not ace, and have a pretty close friendship with benefits probably but there's no romantic feelings involved

Jon and Oliver too, which is–again–complicated. They have a pretty close bond and Jon definitely does love Oliver in a romantic way, but it's very unrequited. Also Oliver isn't really in a place to be in a healthy relationship, given that he's a depressed alcoholic with a martyr streak and is still mourning the death of his fiance.

@Mojack group

Please don't ship TMC from my story Desolation at all
Who are you going to ship him with?? I'd understand if maybe someone wrote an AU fanfic where the humans on the plane were alive at least, but TMC is literally the only human alive on the island
I'd be scared to know what they were going to ship him with in the first place? His hallucinations?

So basically TMC x anyone = no


Flower Boy and anyone
F.B is just an innocent flower. He's too pure and holy for sinful acts.

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Chenelle x Ivan= no
There are a lot of reasons why not. For one Chenelle is a phycopath. Enough said right? Secondly she's the princess and Ivan is her bodyguard, he had a crush on her, but it was more of an infatuation, he felt like he should like her because she was the princess. She doesn't intentionally manipulate him but she doesn't respect him or consider him worth her time. Its not revealed that she is a princess and he is her bodyguard until later in the story, some people might take him saving her and doing what she says as love, the other characters do. Chenelle is incapable of having a healthy relationship because to her its all about control, she fells that if shes not in control shes being controlled. Ivan has really bad anxiety and very little self worth, he needs someone kind and thoughtful who appreciates him and wants to help him. Chenelle can't do that, she doesn't know how. Eventually Ivan ends up with Sapphire, who was Chenelle's servant/companion and who was hurt by Chenelle as well.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Nobody's allowed to ship Sebastian Thorne or Travis of Red Creek with anyone. They are both cruel, manipulative, selfish pieces of trash and are incapable of maintaining a healthy relationship in any capacity.
Also, I already talked about Mike, but I have many other ace characters. Obviously I don't want any ships involving them to arise.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

The Kikuchi Bro X Anyone- seriously, all of them are cruel, manipulative, sexist pieces of crap trash who are incapable of forming any healthy relationship

Micheal/Jane/Tori X Anyone Well first any age gap between and someone else would be 3 years and up and second I doubt Micheal or Tori would want a relationship and Jane wouldn't be in the headspace for a relationship

Sophie X William He's her literal teacher and his sons are her age, Not to mention that I'm pretty sure that William would find it gross to date someone who is a teenage

Elijah X Sophie Mainly due to the reason that Elijah tried to go out with Sophie just to spite Charlie

Insato X Anyone I don't expect her to want a relationship after being abused and having said abuse seen as entertainment

Matthew X Elliott Yeah their kind of like brothers and I don't want the fans to turn it into something it's not

Matthew X Skylar They're stepsiblings, end of discussion

Marionnette X William He manipulated her for money and she tried to kill him

Janice X Axel The dude stalked her, psychology abused her and her children, it doesn't matter if it was out of love he hurt her and her kids

Elise X Jacob I think they just have a son-motherly relationship nothing more

Also I know this is the internet but please don't lewd my characters QwQ

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Fern x anyone
she's asocial, aromantic, and asexual, she can''t deal with affection, to her a hug is like being attacked, she's to used to being constantly in danger. Once someone tried to kiss her. She wasn't expecting it and accidentally stabbed him. "Oops, sorry, its just reflexes!"

@Mojack group

Devi x anyone in general
Okay okay, I’ll specify: platonic ships only. Which even then, would be rare, because they do live in a world where you’re not spending much time making friends except certain cases
Devi’s aro/ace, and I’d rather not them be something they’re not.

Tirtan x Ristu
They’re brothers

Tirtan x Nuranour
They don’t get along at all and there’s no plans to make them friends either (plus Nuranour is most likely aro/ace as well..)

Tirtan x Qizanor
Tirtan fears Qizanor and wants nothing to do with her, meanwhile Qizanor is like…500 meters tall. How’s that gonna work. And you could tell Qiza about Tirtan and she’d be like “who”

@Mellowsauc3! group

Dear God. I fear that one day when I'm writing a short story with them I'll make a scene with way too much zest, and people will think something of it. Of course nobody's ever going to see my characters, but if it happens I will die inside. THEY ARE AT LEAST 8 YEARS APART. Somebody's gonna try a "It's ok since they're not real people!" It's just a big no.


Scale and anyone, she's 14 and everyone else in the story is 19 or older so that's just a no. All fondness and love is because the other characters act like her parents and siblings, She's literally their baby.
I don't want any of the main trio to be shipped with one another,but they are the main trio so it's bound to happen Azizia, Lilith, and Zen. Azizia is in a very beautiful wonderful amazing relationship, she is engaged. While Azizia an Zen have a very sweet friendship it wouldn't translate well to Romantic. Lilith and Azizia are Foil characters so while the entire universe likes to ship the foil characters, it should not be done here, any romantic relationship would be quite unhealthy I think, they just don't suit each other romantically. Zen and Lillith would be a classic example of cinnamon roll + Quiet intimidating Character, So it is bound to happen. However, Zen is not the right kind of Cinnamon roll And Lilith is… Lilith.