Could you possibly critique my poor baby Alvina?
Here is her link: Alvina Grey
I only created her a little while ago, so I haven't let anyone look at her yet.
Hello, I am finally here to critique your character! Since she's so young, it'll be an interesting challenge to critique her…yay. Here we go:
Her appearance is fine, except for one little nit-pick. Under identifying marks, you have "Hair, eyes", which doesn't really make sense. An identifying mark should set her apart from others. Most people have hair and eyes. Is there anything about her appearance that, if she was in a line up of a bunch of brunette six-year-olds, could set her apart from them?
Mannerisms are okay, but kinda basic. Most little girls do the things you've described. Does she have any mannerisms unique to her? Her motivation is super vague. I mean, most kids don't have some grand motivation, but still consider expounding some. What is it about toys that motivates her? Does she want more? Does she want a specific toy? She could definitely use some more flaws. Most kids are gullible, because they're…well…kids. What are some flaws that are specific to her personality? Her talent is imagination, which makes 0 sense to me. Is she good at telling stories? Drawing? Lying? Imagination can be used for quite a lot of things. And only one hobby? As a kid, I had more hobbies than I do now. And her personality type is a bit funny. First of all, using a Myers-Briggs for a kid is iffy because kids typically don't fit in those types of personalities. Try expounding more and explaining which traits she identifies with.
Story time. When Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were our two lovely presidential candidates (sarcasm), my cousin was six years old at the time. She had an opinion on the election. She genuinely had thought about the politics behind the two candidates and had an opinion. Was it incredibly misinformed and confusing? Yeah, of course! But what's important is that she had an opinion. Too often when we write children, we assume they don't pay attention to "boring" things like religion or politics. However, most kids ages 4+ have some sort of view on those types of issues. So, for your character: does she like the current government? Does she have any random political opinions? What religion did her parents raise her to believe?
Ooh. That is a spooky history. Good job on that –I'm imagining what the buzzfeed unsolved would look like for a case like hers. Anyway, great job.
Overall, she seems like a pretty good character. Just take a little more time on her, and don't dismiss certain facets of her personality because she's young. Good luck.