forum I'm bored so...Character Chat!
Started by @Anonymoose

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"that is correct. While you are here we have a few rules. Don't try to get out, don't try to hurt each other, and don't worry too much." The cat proceeded to climb up a wall and open a tiny hatch in the ceiling before disappearing.

@ElderGod-kirky group

A girl with golden hair and eyes pounded on her tank, completely deprived of oxygen but somehow still living. Her tank was encased in darkness, so no one knew she was there before.


Anna jumped back and thought for a minute. "Keep hitting it, It'll break soon. If you can hear me, nod. I'm going to look for something that can break it.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The girl nodded, then kicked again. Her claws caught onto cracks and widened them. Water burst from the tank and shattered the sealed door. The girl sputtered and gasped for air, legs going back to normal.

@Pickles group

Danny wandered over to what had been his tank. He studied the oxygen mask, then went to the one next to his. "I see. The seal on a lot of them are broken. That's what made them come off." Sabatoge, maybe?" (Or whatever makes them stick to your face. I don't actually know anything about oxygen masks)


Anna abandoned her search and went over to the girl. "So they didn't want us to survive, but they didn't just kill us…" (I have to go hopefully I'll be back in a couple hours or tomorrow ish idk when though keep us alive plz)

@ElderGod-kirky group

(Lol, will do)
The girl heaved another lungful of water, then spoke when she could "Pretty sure they wanted me dead. No oxygen and submerged in water in a sealed tank. I call foul play."

Deleted user

“What is this place?” He asked sharply, “where am I?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

The girl blinked up at Danny. "Er… unfair treatment, I guess." Then she looked to the boy. "A laboratory, of a sort. I think." She started shivering, though it wasn't due to the water. She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. It was odd, seeing as she had to be around 18 or 19 years old.

Deleted user

“Hmm,”. The boy frowned, oddly sophisticated and calm for being only ten. “Who’re you?”

Deleted user

“Tristan. Or Trouble, whichever you prefer, ma’am.” He gave a small adorable smile

@ElderGod-kirky group

She smiled back. "You're too cute. I suppose I could be called trouble too, considering my past." Then she playfully scrunched up her nose. "And no ma'am, if you would. Makes me feel old."