Um, no…. From what I experienced when I had really long hair most adults now a days don't mind it when a guy's hair is, and I quote directly from the book itself here, "too long to make any adult uncomfortable but too short to be tied back."
That's actually kinda neat. Jacob is part Chinese, yet he has pale green eyes.
I have empathy for Jacob right now…. Just imagine being in his shoes.
Yes Jacob, I too want to know why your dad changed his name from Laudner to Lau!
Whoa, whoa, whoa…. Apparently the Laudners didn't come to Jacob's dad's funeral. Jacob, you're old enough and smart enough to know that a plane ticket from Illinois to Oahu is expensive, let alone three of them! Plus, it's very clear that they're estranged; there's a probable chance that they simply didn't know!
(I shall have to continue later. I just skimmed the chapter to see how long it is and saw that it's a long one. Since I am tired I am going to go sleep. Night!)
Quite fishy that Jacob's new found family members keep evading the question of why his dad changed his name.
The Laudners are evidently very proud of their heritage. Who else would keep pictures of their ancestors on display?
Of course the door's locked…. Time to look for the hide-a-key in all the stereotypical places!
Or you could look for the hidden key, Jacob.
Tenable - adjective
- Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
- (Of an office, position, scholarship, etc.) Able to be held or used
It is the latter definition being used here.
What's wrong with a pink bedroom? Apparently the author is one of those stereotypical "manly-man" believers. That or Jacob is. So far we've had "men don't cry" and "pink is for girls." Both stereotypes that I don't agree with!
What the? That conversation made me uncomfortable. Aunt Carolyn comes off as a racist and Uncle John comes off as sexist, but I'm guessing that something else is up and that there's context missing.
Mysterious woman is a witch?
Wtf is going on here!? I'm confused and intrigued!
Started off reading someone's journal, and now I'm reading a letter…. I know that it's a fictional story and how the story is being presented, but I'm not comfortable doing this; it feels like an evasion of privacy and is against my morals….
Well, Mina apparently has a good job.
My first impressions of Mina are that she's very practical-minded, dutiful, and loving and caring to those in her life.