forum Show off Your Art!!!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 198 followers


I've got a drawing I'm proud of! The picture I took does no justice, and takes the quality down, but I really love this! Especially the anatomy.

Could I see if I can get the lighting fixed?

Deleted user

yeah man I’m the creator of this thread, it’s good to see some fresh blood!


XD Well, now you do and you can show off your AMAZING talent to the other artist :DD

Thank you so much! :D I might as well share something, huh?

I mean Yeah, it's really good!

@PaperHats business

This is a quick sketchy thingy I did for my dnd character a very long time ago :D His name is Rasta and he’s a teifling druid (for all the dnd fans out there)

He’s also my profile picture, but him as a kid. (Also sorry for the terribly large file)

@PaperHats business

dang it people I told you to stop being so talented and yet you all keep sharing art like this-

that actually means so much to me thank you. Almost all artists never give themselves enough credit, me being one of them. I never really think my art is that good. Thank you so much! :D