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@Reblod flag

Here's an illustration I finally finished

Not too happy with the background but what'cha gonna do
I'm still trying to learn how to get good at rendering but it's so hard. I feel that I'm getting somewhere but sloowwlyy. Does anyone have any tips for digital rendering?

Deleted user

(Whispers)Why are you guys so good
But on a serious note, @Reblod , the only good advice I could think of is probably just playing around with the different brushes to simplify objects (such as leaves or clouds)


I finished this for a collab yesterday

ooooooh i stan this 3D offset effect you have! reminds me of an OC i drew once haha


Here's an illustration I finally finished

Not too happy with the background but what'cha gonna do
I'm still trying to learn how to get good at rendering but it's so hard. I feel that I'm getting somewhere but sloowwlyy. Does anyone have any tips for digital rendering?

If the background is on a seperate layer to the foreground i would select the background and use Gaussian Blur on it! it'll erase some of the details but its a quick and simple way to get that Depth of Field effect

@Reblod flag

Well here's a version with the background blurred

Here's a version with the background, including the clouds, blurred

And here's a version that's a little less blurred

Which one looks better or is the original better?


Here's a version with the background, including the clouds, blurred

i personally prefer the middle one ^^ because there's a clearer contrast between the ledge and the forest, but its up to you really 🤷🏽‍♀️
whatever you decide on its not going to change the fact that that backlighting is to die for


Dug up a drawing of my Villain OC I did in January where I tried to make it look like retro security cam footage ⚡︎