forum Show off Your Art!!!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 198 followers

Deleted user

Write I love your style of art so much

I wanna steal it it’s my dream style

Deleted user

lmao well there’s no need to apologize, your art is wonderful.

Deleted user

practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice


Hi just jumping back in bc I have more
I've been looking through you guys's art, and y'all inspired the frick outta me, so here's one of mine ^^

(I don't think I shared this one before? If I did, please disregard this post lol)

Deleted user

Hi just jumping back in bc I have more
I've been looking through you guys's art, and y'all inspired the frick outta me, so here's one of mine ^^

(I don't think I shared this one before? If I did, please disregard this post lol)

Awe! It’s so cute!

@Mojack group

It’s unfinished, but here’s an absolute unit for my steampunk world, Spring Bot! Currently a concept, I’ll make it digital later

A godsend for people who can’t reach the top shelves in a store.