forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers

Deleted user

Alright, "Murphy's Girl."
Emi is not salty. I know when my girl is salty, and now is not one of those times.
When you think about it, is it really necessary to spend an entire page complimenting one person's artwork when there's tons of other artists here?
This is also Emi's chat. So what she says goes.
Stop being a fucking child. And grow. Up.

Deleted user

Don’t try to play the victim card. This chat has been all over the place today, and as the title says, “Show off Your Art!!” it’s not fucking “Post Your Art Here and Get Wildly off Topic and Be Unnecessarily Jealous Over People’s Styles”. So yeah, stick to the General forums. This chat is for sharing art. Not belittling yourself.

Deleted user

Anyway, everyone who shared art, thank you! I know I don’t comment on everything, but I do love seeing the art everyone has posted. And Lee, you are incredible at what you do. Everyone here is, too.


I was just trying to be nice, and I don't get why you guys are so angry about it, that's all. A little kindness goes a long way. :)

Deleted user

I was just trying to be nice, and I don't get why you guys are so angry about it, that's all. A little kindness goes a long way. :)

I know you were, but several things about what you were saying made me upset. It’s not talent, I’m gonna be frank; It’s practice. There’s no need to be jealous of anyone here. You each all have your own style to discover and fall in love with. So defacing those years Lee took to practice with “talent” is just something that makes me super upset.

And this chat, again, has been everywhere today, and as the creator of this thread, I needed to step in and get it back on track.

Deleted user

Hey Lee, how's that cough of yours? I know you mentioned it on Discord the other day and it didn't sound fun.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@SupernaturalSyGuyWantsACappuccino That's a great start!! I'm looking forward to seeing how the final product turns out!

Well, thank you Lee! I take pride in my work (as I rightfully should). In fact, my pfp is one of mine! 😊

@The-Magician group

@SupernaturalSyGuyWantsACappuccino That's a great start!! I'm looking forward to seeing how the final product turns out!

Well, thank you Lee! I take pride in my work (as I rightfully should). In fact, my pfp is one of mine! 😊

Ah I saw from your Pinterest! Supernatural, right? You’re a massive fan 😅

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@SupernaturalSyGuyWantsACappuccino That's a great start!! I'm looking forward to seeing how the final product turns out!

Well, thank you Lee! I take pride in my work (as I rightfully should). In fact, my pfp is one of mine! 😊

Ah I saw from your Pinterest! Supernatural, right? You’re a massive fan 😅

Indeed I am!!!!!

@Katastrophic group

yeet i'm back with my final

Digital illustration was a wild ride, and only 7/17 students are still posting the assignments so
Anyways here's my narrative/fairy tale assignment. It was minimum 6 double-page spreads and it took about two and half weeks of drawing every single day for 5+ hours at a time. This story is a native american folk tale about why crows are black and croak instead of sing with some artistic liberties. Now I'm going to go sleep for the rest of quarantine~


Daily Art again, here's a picture I did a while ago - I was challenging myself to do a picture without using outlines, and it actually turned out really well! I'm super proud!
(And let's give credit where credit is due - @Soup_Nana_and_co did the original drawing and then I coloured it in on SketchBook.)

Deleted user

It is a sculpture, which is a medium of art, so yes.