@Dayzed local_movies
So this account is on TikTok, and they have some interesting questions that I have been answering in my own journal. I've had some intriguing answers to some of these questions and started wondering how other people would respond. So, here is me posting the questions on a forum.
I want to know how you would reply- I won't be answering any of them with you guys, simply because I've answered them in my journal already, but regardless I want to know your answers. Maybe I will join in when we've caught up on the days. They post a question daily (I think), so there will be more in the future and hopefully then, I can write them with you guys.
Just like @yourjournal_ I will be posting the questions daily so that everyone can get their answers in. You can answer them here or write your answers down in your own journal. You can also check them out- I encourage it. These are the type of questions that make you think. They deserve a follow in my opinion.
The questions start pretty vanilla, but they get more intense as we get more into the days.
Hopefully, someone finds this as interesting as I do and joins. Having said that, I'll go ahead and post the first question.
Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "