forum Your Journal
Started by @Dayzed local_movies

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@Dayzed local_movies

So this account is on TikTok, and they have some interesting questions that I have been answering in my own journal. I've had some intriguing answers to some of these questions and started wondering how other people would respond. So, here is me posting the questions on a forum.
I want to know how you would reply- I won't be answering any of them with you guys, simply because I've answered them in my journal already, but regardless I want to know your answers. Maybe I will join in when we've caught up on the days. They post a question daily (I think), so there will be more in the future and hopefully then, I can write them with you guys.
Just like @yourjournal_ I will be posting the questions daily so that everyone can get their answers in. You can answer them here or write your answers down in your own journal. You can also check them out- I encourage it. These are the type of questions that make you think. They deserve a follow in my opinion.
The questions start pretty vanilla, but they get more intense as we get more into the days.

Hopefully, someone finds this as interesting as I do and joins. Having said that, I'll go ahead and post the first question.

Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

Deleted user

Ooh this sounds fun!

Day 1 " What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

Glaucous, because that's been my favorite word for a colour ever since I learned it and I wish everybody would use it more. Technically, while it's most often seen in the blue-purple range, it's not itself a blue or a purple so much as the misty white overlay. It's a sort of pastel iridescence or opalescence, too muted to be an actual pastel.

Plums, grapes, and blueberries can get that overlay that makes it look glaucous. I think that it should also apply to that thing that happens to tempered chocolates, when they're kept somewhere very cold and then get moved to room temperature so condensation from the air makes the sugar crystals collect on the surface, and then you get something called "chocolate bloom" which I would describe as a glaucous brown.

And I hashtag it me because I like to think that I make things subtle.

@Dayzed local_movies

ohmygod your answer is literally perfect. I love how you described it. Everything about that made my writer brain so happy.
Taking a look at your pfp and your answer, it clicks. The color very much suits you.
I think you are very cool my friend, you get a follow. :)

@tomat brightness_7

Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

gray, definitely. for most people it's a boring color, maybe even mundane and simply uninteresting. they wouldn't want to wear clothes that seem bleak to them. try to look at a gray wall - it's just a wall. but if it was yellow someone would think "oh, it's just like the sun!" or if it was blue, "a blue sky; it's so calming".
yeah, gray may be a boring color. but mix it with darker and lighter shades, with dark green, with subdued yellow. and now look at this piece of art. look at it long enough to feel something inside you. this eeriness, mysteriousness, maybe an omen of danger. or a feeling of safety, freedom, curiosity. now it is something.
I always associated gray with freedom. I always thought that the sky in heaven was gray.
gray isn't so dull if you mix it with other colors. I like to think that, since I am gray, the other colors are my characters from my book, but I think that they might be real people as well. I'll think about it later

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

I'd probably be a slightly dull yellow-orange, because although I've got a somewhat fiery personality, it's still more muted than most peoples'. It can be used for so many elements of a piece, which reflects my many interests and hobbies.

Deleted user

DAY 1: What color would you describe yourself as, and why?

Most simply put, green.

Green, to me, sparks thoughts of vitality, youth, and a gentle warmth uncharacteristic of its classification as a cool color. It brings to mind images of sunlight seeping through the ever-shifting canopy of leaves in the forest, childhood memories of looking at the world through tinted Coca-Cola bottles, and calm summer days tossing leftover rinds of watermelon over the porch railing.

I can't hope to match up to the sentimentality I've attached to this color, but I like to imagine I inspire similar feelings of comfort among friends and family. An open, steady presence and a myriad of possibilities; these are some of the reasons I would describe myself as green.

Deleted user

"Day 2 “ If your life was a book, what would it be called? “

Uhh…a biography… ?

Haha, seriously though I'm too into speculative fiction to think my real life should be in a book. If I found more realistic fiction that gave me feels, though, maybe I would disguise a few personal anecdotes so that they're not memoirs in tribute to those inspirational influences—but the title would probably depend on which short description of events I'd be focusing on. Real life has too many genres, if I don't pick one then I'll probably have a literary tone issue.

And I mean, I get bored and embarrassed by my own blog posts from 15 years ago when they were more daily/weekly life update than essay. Why would I want all those compiled and inflicted upon another person?

@tomat brightness_7

Day 2
“ If your life was a book, what would it be called? “

a book about a writer writing a book? that would be boring. but I wonder who would be skilled enough to make it stand out.
there's only one title that comes into my mind (that wouldn't be a typical biography title):
"Above the clouds" - I believe that every fictional world that any person on Earth can think up already exist in our universe, beyond our galaxy. and somewhere between them, there is my world. I think about it everyday, so my head is in space, above the clouds and the Earthly life.

@larcenistarsonist group

Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

Tyrian Purple. I would say this because it's a dark red/purple color that I've always associated with. It's a regal color, radiating power and might. I'm an ambitious person, I like to see myself at the top. I also love it because it's dark without being brooding. I've never really like bright or pastel colors, they're just too optimistic, y'know. It also makes me feel like putting on my most punk rock outfit and power-walking through my school. The color just feels like a middle finger turned into a color. It's almost challenging, and I love a good challenge. I love an opportunity to prove my worth and I love things that evoke that feeling that just make you want to do something to remind people of who you are and what you stand for. It's a stubborn and challenging color. I love it. Totally debating dying my hair Tyrian Purple.

Day 2
“ If your life was a book, what would it be called?

Probably something to do with fire that's absolutely terrible like "Playing with Fire" or even a Ray Bradbury quote, "It Was a Pleasure to Burn."

Honestly though, my sister's stock piling just a random list of things I've said out of context and she's gonna call it "My Sister's Bullshit."

@redwood eco

Missed Day 1, so I'll do both.

Day 1:

I'd probably describe myself as an olive green. I clash with a lot of other things, but once paired with something that fits me, I'm often appreciated more in that place and seen as a pretty colour.

Day 2:

The title would probably be a mesh of titles I like, it'd look just as indecisive as I.


Day 2:

If my life was a book it would be called Drifting Through Dreams.

My mind is always running, I am constantly thinking about things then trying to backtrack to figure out how I started thinking about that specific thing. I've had many dreams, some shattered by reality, some unattainable, and some are just out of reach. My mind if always thinking about what was or what could be, never have I thought about what is, drifting through the day doing mundane things only broken by the stories in my mind, a dash of red in a sea of grey.

@Dayzed local_movies

For this next one, it gets personal so I would understand if you guys would want to opt out of answering this question. Just note that some of the other questions might be like this one. I don't think you guys would mind, but on the off chance that someone does, then I gave a warning.
Also, if you feel the need to write out a giant paragraph, then go for it, I want this to be a place where you can write anything you want as long as you're not saying anything offensive or triggering. If you feel the need to say anything that could potentially be triggering for someone else put a spoiler on it.
You don't have to answer something with a socially acceptable answer just because you have the fear of being judged. If your answer is negative, do what I said above, if it's positive then that's more than okay.

Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Day 1:
Mint green for it's both cool and somewhat warm in my opinion. I mostly have a chill, calm demeanor, but when put under pressure I build up until I erupt.

Day 2:
Moving in Stasis

Right now my life is stagnant, yet with help from my family and loved ones we're slowly figuring things out. We're setting things up to get me a job, license, etc.

Day 3:
Bike riding, listening to music, reading, watching TV/movies, playing video games. I'll talk about what's bothering me when I'm ready.

@redwood eco

Day 3:

When I'm in pain, I usually just end up thinking about it a lot and internalizing it. No real point for me to express it imo. This goes for both physical and mental pain. I just deal with it on my own.


Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

The easiest way to answer that is that i don't, I can't. Pain is something that demands to be felt, it can make an appearance even when you're at your happiest. So how do you cope with something that will make sure you feel completely helpless? You don't. You let the pain consume you, hurting every part of your body, mind, and soul, then you take a deep breath and tell yourself that its ok to feel helpless sometimes, the sun shines after a dark night, a rainbow forms after a storm, you too can overcome this.

@tomat brightness_7

Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

depends on the pain, I think. if it's something that concerns me and only me, I prefer to keep my pain to myself. I remember how I felt when I had my identity crisis, I thought about myself a lot, I cried myself to sleep while listening to songs that shared my story. I wrote several poems about my situation, shaped characters reflecting me. but I didn't submerge into sadness and nothingness, at least not for long. I searched for answers everywhere I could find, but I didn't ask my friends or family about it. it was my problem and I should have solved it. I searched and searched for 3 years until I found the answer recently this month. and even though I solved only one question, it felt liberating. there's still so many questions about me, I still feel pain somewhat, but now I'm sure that sooner or later, I'll find the answers. and if not for all of my questions, well, I'll just have to get used to my pain.
if not only I am concerned, for example, my family too, I don't like to talk about our problems. I usually just sit and listen, and if someone asks me about something, I answer vaguely. I like to watch people. how they behave, how they react. and if they get better, I do too.
I don't think I have a special formula for coping with pain. I just calculate how much can I do, what I will do to solve my problem, and then just… do research. objectively. is it okay for me to feel this pain? is it serious? what can I learn from this problem? will solving it make me any better? will solving it make me feel better? I'll see.

@larcenistarsonist group

Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

I cope through overworking myself. I kind of live by the phrase "if you keep moving, then things won't be able to catch up." If I never stop and think, never rest or just slow down in general, then the pain won't be able to hit me. Of course, I can't keep busy forever, but I can sure as hell try. I throw myself into schoolwork (which is why I take so many AP and Honors classes) and writing and drawing and just all of my 6000 hobbies. However, that's just how I am in mania. When I hit my depression, that's when everything catches up. It's then when my brain and body shuts down and I can't think straight. I deal with pain through sleeping and just doing absolutely nothing. My mania and depression coping things are just two totally different things. That's kinda what I do. Bipolar depression's a bitch. 0/10. Do not recommend.

Deleted user

Day 3 " How do you cope with your pain? "

Better than I used to, thank you for asking.

There was a self-help lecturer who mentioned something like how after reading the more brutal bad-faith anonymous comments under an uncomfortably popular video of one of her lectures, she knew right away to get "Peanut butter, and Downton Abbey".

I'm still looking for my reliable go-to. It would be very convenient and helpful to have something as concrete and regular as those. For most things I sit with it and endure it until it passes, which it always has, and this honestly has been better than how I used to deal with things, but its not particularly quick or constructive.

I have an inner jukebox sometimes, but the song that gets me through a difficult time can change each and every difficult time.

@Dayzed local_movies

Also, Elly, I don't know what it is, but I love the way you write things- the way you word them, just, it's so good.

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

@redwood eco

Day 4

"Never compare your emotions to someone else's. You can't see happiness, you can't see love, you can't see pain. There's no way to measure it! There's no way to know if someone is "suffering more than you", so never put yourself down like there is."

Those words really struck a cord in me when i heard them, which is why I remember it so well. There's a lot of good advice I've been given, but that was one that really hit my heart.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

How does one know what "the best" is? The answer to this would depend on the person as it's an objective question. I've received lots of advice in my life and have to say that so far I haven't gotten "the best".

  • "Just be yourself."
  • "It's okay to make mistakes so long as we learn from them."
  • "When it comes to art it's fine to mess up. Sometimes that mistake can make the piece better."

@tomat brightness_7

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

the best, the best… I can't remember. no advice has made an impact so big that it stayed in my memory. I can write some quotes that help me live the way I want to.
I don't think I'll be able to translate some of them so as to keep the original meaning, but I'll try.

"Don't do things to others that are hurtful to you." - I've lived this sentence since kindergarten. I started to watch my actions and think more about my peers. I think it might be my social life philosophy.

"Someday you'll find yourself trying to reach a peak that you physically cannot. It's okay to give up then. Life is not about to be the best, it's about to have fun." - I used to push myself to be the best, and it made me constantly exhausted, and I couldn't enjoy my hobbies. when I heard these words, they really struck me. since then I try to enjoy life, and not overwhelm myself.

"You are the writer of your own story. Make it worth reading." - this is actually my advice that I gave to my best friend, but I keep it close to my heart as well. I think about my future a lot, when I finish writing my book, if I become famous. I hope that I'll make it interesting, and at the end of my life I'll be able to look back at my life and smile.

"We don't die, we come back home." - I used to be scared of sudden death. when I wrote a short story with these words, I started to discover death. firstly, in terms of biology, secondly - religion, and finally - psychology. this was a major part of my self-development that made me say "nah when I die that's not my problem anymore. it is the world that will suffer most - from the lack of my book."

"Carpe diem." - that's simple, because it connects to other advices I've written here. I can safely call myself an epicurean. my romantic soul also helps me with enjoying every moment. with these words I finally understood what I want my life to be like. just "Seize the day".

sorry if my writing or grammar is horrible, I my brain doesn't do English in the morning

@larcenistarsonist group

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

tws for hallucinating, mentions of suicidal tendencies, and just crappy mental health I guess

My best friend, platonic soulmate, my brain twin band bro… Here's just some of the things that he's said that's made me cry.

Background info: I hallucinate and one of my recurring hallucinations is a 9-foot shadow creature with long, sharpened fingers and glowing red eyes. I named him Frederick. Sometimes Frederick likes to ambush me and fuck with my mental state so after a particularly bad day when I was feeling sort of suicidal, this is what my best friend told me: "Go outside. Sit down on the grass and don't do anything. Look up at the stars and find our constellation. Draco. Now close your eyes and count to ten. Take a few deep breaths and imagine yourself on the biggest stage in the world. You're up there with your bass and the microphone adjusted to your height. The drummer cues you in and as you start to play, your demon slowly emerges from the shadows of the audience. Frederick throws you off and your voice cuts out. Slowly, the drummer cues you in again and your fingers start to play the melody. As you start to sing again, louder and louder, Frederick's fingers shrink and his eyes lose their glow until there's a man standing in his place. It's Chester Bennington. As you finish your song, Chester slowly begins to sing In The End and you join in without skipping a beat. Now, as the piano fades away at the end, open your eyes and focus on Draco once more. Now, whenever Frederick shows up again, just imagine him fading away to reveal Chester. He's your friend, he will always be."

And just this quote:

"You've only achieved your dreams when your idols become your competitors."