forum Your Journal
Started by @Dayzed local_movies

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

sorry if my writing or grammar is horrible, I my brain doesn't do English in the morning

I get this. English is incredibly complicated and complex. Hell, even someone that has it as their first (or only) language can have trouble with it at times… Especially when it comes to writing in English. All those grammar rules, words that are spelled exactly the same yet pronounced differently and have different meanings ("wind" and "wind" for example). Quite frustrating. Lol

Deleted user

Also, Elly, I don't know what it is, but I love the way you write things- the way you word them, just, it's so good.

Aah, thank youuu, you're very kind to say so!

Day 4 " What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

Three of the best pieces of advice, when I was struggling with immense social anxiety and transferred to another school with teachers who cared about their students as people, not only what we could memorize from the textbook…and also note that I'll be using "you" in the general sense plenty of times, nobody specifically "you" except maybe my past self:

"What somebody else thinks about you isn't something you can control."

I've found a similar psychology hack in 'what somebody else thinks about you is none of your business', if somebody's painfully shy because they want to do perfectly right by everyone all the time—This version makes it sound like it's a discourtesy to try, which it sometimes is or can turn into despite all good intentions, but even if what people do and say can come from their thought patterns, it's only what they do or say that they can even ideally be held accountable for because that's what actually affects the people around them. You can't directly change somebody's mind or mood, not really, and it really can be a discourtesy to keep trying not to mention the futility if somebody who underhandedly keeps making you try.

I have since then met others who were utterly adamant that they can change to make everybody like them all the time…and there is logic to that, if [[ trigger warning for cannibalism and infanticide ]] their own experiences have been that they think well of anybody who brings candies to meet-ups, and thinks badly of anybody who cooks and devours live human infants.

It stands to reason, then, that there's some universal standard for how you behave that gets you liked as opposed to reviled, right?

The fact is that everybody is wildly different. There are people who would think badly of you for being any degree of outspoken, and there are people who would think of you as cowardly or snobbish for being completely quiet. You can't please them both. You can't predict or intuit what each and every person's deal is all the time. There's going to be somebody who dislikes your dress sense, your favorite music genre or artists, your hobbies, or even what you prefer to eat or drink—as though any of that shows what kind of moral failings you have as a person! There's going to be some oddball who gets this irrational and out-of-proportion hatred for your candies, and also thinks infanticide is a cathartic and perfectly acceptable hobby. [[ end mention of cannibalism and infanticide ]]

At some point, you've got to tell yourself that's their problem and enjoy your life. You can't sustainably care about absolutely everybody liking you all the time—not when you can lay yourself down and let people walk all over you, and, guaranteed, you will still hear complaints that you weren't being flat enough.

Two other pieces of advice were, "You're supposed to ask for forgiveness, not permission!" and that's because, "It's better to regret doing something than to regret doing nothing."

I still ask permission in certain cases, and I tend to still err on the side of prudence and inaction to wait for everything to settle, but it's not for the same reasons that I used to—which is why I say this is good advice, even when I still don't take it or live by it. It made it sound as though taking initiative were an option in life, which I really did need to be told (ironically).

@larcenistarsonist group

Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

Yes. I'm honestly ready to leave right now. I'm tired of this slow, conservative town and I just want to find a place where I can express myself freely without judgement. I don't form strong bonds with people a lot, because I've just never really felt the need. I'm not one to depend on people or one to put roots down. If people get hurt by what I choose to do for my own health and safety, that's their own fault.


Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

If I was able to leave without hurting anyone, that means either I have no one to care for, or no one cares for me. Why would you want to stay in a situation like that? I would leave and go somewhere where I can feel the wind in my hair and the grass beneath my feet, I would go to start a new adventure, a new life, a new chapter in my book.

Deleted user

Day 5 " If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

I'm thinking of the 1946 movie It's a Wonderful Life (not, I repeat not to be confused with the 1997 movie Life is Beautiful which was a predecessor, let's say, to Jojo Rabbit)—just, shifting to a parallel universe in which I was never born and find out how everybody's getting by. It would be interesting if I could examine that other world…honestly, no judgement, like "oh so I was always the problem the whole time, was I, there's no climate crisis or dictatorships on this planet if I'm not here huh" or "of course everybody I ever met is so much worse off without me and they don't even know why: I'm a living rainbow made of joy hearts in holographic neon glitter." I doubt it'd be either extreme, it'd just be different.

Ask me 15 years ago and I definitely would have said yes, because every waking moment was plenty of pain. Ask me 2 years ago and I definitely would have said no, because I had the sheer good fortune to get the tools to work through the issues that made life such a pain a decade or so before—and 2020 was going to be my year! (The cruel gods laugh.) Now…? The 21st century of human society on planet earth hasn't exactly been uninterrupted happy fun times for most people. I think I have the dubious privilege of curiosity about what happens next—but, I would be equally curious about what's next if I left.

So, I don't know…just have the wish-granting genie or angel or whoever is giving me this option give a twenty-sided dice a roll and if they roll an 11 or above then I'm gone. It's not that it makes no difference to me, I'm sure the experiences will be very different from each other, but I'm equally curious about both so I can't decide. (This is also what happens every morning if I am faced with more than one breakfast option: catch me at noon weeping with indecisiveness over three differently-flavored packets of instant oatmeal.)

@tomat brightness_7

Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

sure, why not? it's always an adventure, starting a new life in a completely different place, where no one knows you, like moving to a big city or even another country, where there's no one to judge me. I'd miss my old life for sure, but I'd be more interested in the present and the future. honestly, I wouldn't really care if my family was sad about me leaving. it is I who matters the most in my life.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

I usually write poetry or songs, sometimes I draw or write a scene in my head, or just watch YouTube and eat junk food. Not very healthy, but it does help.

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

This wasn't exactly advice, but something someone said to me and really got me thinking. I was in fourth grade at a state robotics championship, the winners would go to the global event. I'm not sure who he was, maybe a referee, but someone told me "Good skill" rather than "Good luck", and that really got me thinking about how, if I want to succeed, I can't rely on luck all the time.

We didn't make it to World's because of a tiebreaker, but I still had fun, my best friend on another team made it to World's, and I still have our team's t-shirt!

Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

That's kinda vague, but any way I interpret it, I wouldn't. Now that I think about it, I like it where I am in life, and although things have to change eventually, at this point, I'd rather let it happen slowly and more naturally instead of uprooting myself. Eventually, I definitely want to go places and see the world, but I also don't want to do it alone, and not right now.

@redwood eco

Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

Yes. I don't know where I would go, but a place aside from where I am now would be nice and liberating.

@Dayzed local_movies

Next question is about religion. This is a nonjudgmental thread, so whether you’re an atheist or not, any answer is acceptable. As always, feel free to skip this question if you’re not comfortable.

Day 6
“ If you had the chance to sit down and talk to God, what would you say or ask? “

@larcenistarsonist group

Day 6
“ If you had the chance to sit down and talk to God, what would you say or ask? “

I'm an atheist, but if there is a God, I would ask them "what the flipping heck have you been doing while the world you created is tearing itself apart?"

@tomat brightness_7

Day 6
“ If you had the chance to sit down and talk to God, what would you say or ask? “

"are You a sadist? or a writer, just like me? watching people suffer from above or below, wherever You are, do You like that? You've given us freedom, right, but aren't You tired of seeing millions of people fighting wars in your name? I know that You've created us so we could live, but why would we live in a world full of hate? tell me everything what's in your mind. I need to understand."
I like to see God as a writer, and we're living in His book, as my characters live in mine. and I'm putting them through hell to make them cherish their happy ending more. but not everyone in the world has a happy ending, so I'd like to have a deep conversation with Him about that.

@redwood eco

Day 6
“ If you had the chance to sit down and talk to God, what would you say or ask? “

I'm unsure. I've personally never believed in a god. Though if ever I had to ask one something, I'd ask them what they have planned for me.
Sometimes my life feels like it's without direction, or them I'm supposed to give up on what I love most, or that I'm supposed to hurt people. Or even that my life has just come to a standstill, and there's no way to recover from what feels to be the greatest low in my life. So I just wonder, is there really a god out there with good intentions? Or am I my own god, one that's tearing me down in spite and hatred of myself?


Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

TW: Depression & suicidal thoughts mentioned

Yes, yes; a thousand times yes. I think im such a bother that I physically cannot force myself to speak, cause I feel I'll bother someone by opening my mouth, even if I want to, not in class when called on, not to the cute girl in my english class, not to my parents about how I want to off myself, nothing. Even when the voice in my head is like 'just say it, just say it, JUST. SAY. IT.' I cannot do it, and its honestly really painful, so yeah I'd like to just whoosh, not exist. But like for real, I wonder how the people I know, would be affected, how would their lives be different? sometimes I contemplate this topic to much in my freetime but yeah-


Day 1
" What color would you describe yourself as, and why? "

A dark mossy green (hehe i bet you werent expecting that one). It's such a comforting color and it reminds me of a forest during the sunset. It's dark but warm, a bit like me. Im pretty quiet and shy around new people but once I get to know them I'm a lot more comfortable. (Also funny story, my friend and I made moodboards for each other and the one she made for me was almost entirely green).

Day 2
“ If your life was a book, what would it be called?

I honestly don't know. I'd be surprised if someone made a book about my life. I think I'd be the one writing it so it would be an autobiography. It would take me ages to think of a title.

Day 3
" How do you cope with your pain? "

I listen to music, draw, try to get out of the house. Just whatever I can to get my mind off whatever is bothering me.

Day 4
" What's the best advice someone has ever told you? "

That every day is a new opportunity. Even if yesterday wasn't good, that doesn't mean that the next days wont be better. If you messed up, you can do better in the future.

Day 5
" If you were able to leave without hurting anyone, would you, and if so why? "

No. Some part of me is filled with hope and wants to fall in love. And there's still so much to do. I feel like my life has barely even started and I have so much dreams for the future.

(not me spending my time writing these instead of my actual journal writing for my classes)

@tomat brightness_7

Day 7
" What's the most unforgivable thing someone could ever do to you? "

not respecting my privacy. if someone just touched me, my things or go through my stuff on purpose without my permission, I would never forgive them. this is my private space, my comfort zone, and no stranger should be allowed. I don't want my thoughts to see the light of day. one day my friend scribbled something in my notebook and I couldn't gather my wits for a month. I felt hurt and became even more insecure than I was at that moment. I don't really know why I acted so weirdly because of such a trivial problem, but from this day on I knew what is my biggest weakness.

Deleted user

Day 7 " What's the most unforgivable thing someone could ever do to you? "

I'd say the upper limit of that, the most unforgivable thing, is murdering me. It stands to reason that I'd be too dead to process what happened, and forgiveness wants a process.

The least thing which still levels off in the plateau of Thou Art Un-Personed…huh. I don't want to say that I follow my emotions all the time, like attack close friends' vulnerabilities with snark whenever I'm hangry, or whenever a television show I like took a turn for the disappointing, and then never apologize "because I honor my feelings" or some other rationalization—but I do check in with my own feelings a lot, because those are a big factor.

For example, back at school I had this dream that everybody had pinwheels, but this one boy at school would take the pinwheel that others had and then break them. I shouted at him to stop, and he laughed at me like it was obvious he wouldn't vandalize my pinwheel and that I should be flattered. In waking life, this boy existed and he'd pick on people for things like speech impediments—but I guess he'd liked my face, because he'd treat me nicely. I really didn't like that because it obviously wasn't rooted in his being a good person in general. I didn't care if I benefitted compared to the disabled people he picked on; it felt wrong and gross to ever have this attention, and it came out in recurring nightmares, like that with the pinwheels.

I won't Un-Person somebody because of one bad dream, but it's my dreams and feelings that usually tell me when I've put up with too much of a bad thing.

I don't expect people to be telepathic when it comes to my personal boundaries, like "Don't pass on a message from somebody too cowardly to give me a direct and civil talk, because I refuse to hear any problem they have with me from anybody but that specific person who has a problem with me," or "For the third time, I'm not telling you my home address!" Sometimes people want to be peacekeepers or intermediaries and they genuinely think they're helping rather than being manipulated or enabling passive-aggressive cowardice; or they want to know where I live because they want a pen pal for like feeling nostalgic about the mid-1990's when snail mail was still a thing—not because they want to break into my home while I'm sleeping and steal both my kidneys.

I give the benefit of the doubt a lot. Maybe somebody forgot the first two times I said that I'm uncomfortable with divulging where I live, and that I'm uncomfortable with their continuing to pester me about where I live after I already said that I'm uncomfortable.

So, it's not usually one big thing that happened—not like, one time a person paid back a debt they owed me in unrolled cents, or one time they giggled at a cruel and untrue joke that somebody else was saying about me that I overheard…that alone doesn't get me going, "You're dead to me, you are Un-Personed."

Instead, it's usually a pattern of petty yet disproportionate "vengeance" combined with the entitlement to the continued friendship (or even admiration) of the same people they punish for imaginary slights; underhandedness, one-sided transactional approach to relationships, self-centeredness at everybody else's extreme expense, chronic boundary violation, resistance to processing criticism, egotistic deflection, hypocrisy, ultimately detrimental performativity, "dishonesty" that may or may not be a refusal to admit that they can't remember what they actually did to somebody else's detriment for some out-of-proportion vengeance for an imaginary offense—but is still a lack of basic critical thinking and reality checking skills that everybody should have—and other very stressful dynamics to be mired in for any amount of time in our finite mortal lives.

There's always reasons for all that which must make perfect sense to the perpetrators at the time, and to contextualize those behavioral patterns in a specific way—conclusively, people who act in this way probably can't control their behavior and do need therapeutic help or to get into a much better situation that they're in.

Even with that understanding, what I'm usually more inclined to do is cut and run. When it's reached that point that I decide to do this, then it frankly doesn't usually matter if they get better or where it comes from: I won't forgive them, I'm just not the forgiving type. I'll remember how all the misguided layperson's patience and understanding I invested before that point hollowed me out into a husk that used to be a human being with every twisted, careless disappointment they turned it into, how many more times I remember being deceived and used, and the dread will drop in my stomach whenever I hear their voice or see their face for decades after cutting them out of my life, and—exposure therapy, schmexposure therapy—I'm going to remain more inclined to Nope from their interactions.

I've wasted decades of my life on a birth family dynamic that involved all of that and worse, and they never got better—they are awfully self-righteous about not having to be better as people. The toxic demand/expectation for loyalty has ruined what should have been the best years of my life, and could have ruined the rest of my whole life.

Now that I've found people to keep in my life who take scrupulous care to be honest and fair, who won't punish me for voicing my perspective or having needs that they're not central to all the time, who we can respectfully debate with one another and find more growth and insight than unresolvable argument, and who reliably show genuine compassion…Why would I put up with so much less than that basic common decency? Nobody's perfect, but cruel Fates deemed fit to introduce me to several faces of evil, subtle and not so subtle. It's hardly the same as garden-variety basically decent person's imperfections.


Day 7
" What's the most unforgivable thing someone could ever do to you? "

probably promise me something and be there for me, then randomly leave for no reason, or talking stuff about me behind my back.

@tomat brightness_7

Day 8
" Are you happy with the person you've become today? why or why not? "

somewhat, I think. I surely am happy with my today self in comparison to me a few years ago. I understand more about human nature, I know what I am and I'm not afraid to make mistakes, even though my mind sometimes refuses to believe it. I'm glad that I grew up to be myself. and I don't need to go through the dark ages of puberty, now that I've entered the age of enlightenment.
but in comparison to my future self, I'm not so glad at all. still, I strive to be even better. I don't fully understand the human mind yet, I can't really sympathize with anyone, I can't be brave. yet. I hope that as I age, I'll become someone's guiding light. somebody will look up to me, and will try to be someone like me. I want to be known, I want to be admired.
even though, I still don't know if I am really becoming better. maybe my worldview is misleading me, and I am becoming somebody's burden. but I have time to figure that out. we never truly stop learning, and I believe that my adventurous future self will be proud of my past road to kindness.


Day 8 " Are you happy with the person you've become today? why or why not? "

Yes and no, depends on the certain aspect of myself we are focusing on. When discussing my self worth I think i'm doing great, I no longer let people walk all over me, let alone disrespect me. Discarding my gender dysphoria and the automatic self-hatred that come with it, but when it comes to the days when my dysphoria is slightly silenced more that usual, I find somewhat comfort in my physical appearance, which is more than I ever had. When ut comes to standing up for myself, I no longer let my toxic family members say rude and hateful things to me, without saying something back; most people look at this as me being 'disrespectful' but I don't care, they've said some pretty fricked up shiz to me, but I no longer let them get to me like they used to anymore.

But when it comes to myself as an entirety, maybe this is the self hate talking but, I feel genuinely disappointed, considering I let people walk all over me for this long, but I am proud im planning my future so early, though I still have two years until I graduate and move out. I have been planning what im going to do with my life for the past 6 months, which is a huge step forward for me, both now; because I've never been one to plan that far ahead, and for my future self, for having a plan to follow.

@redwood eco

Day 7
" What's the most unforgivable thing someone could ever do to you? "

I don't think there could be a thing more unforgivable than the things I've done to myself. I've been my greatest hindrance in most that I've pursued, and over time, I've had a hard time finding a way to forgive myself for it. Though I can't quite call that lack of forgiveness a hatred.

Day 8
" Are you happy with the person you've become today? why or why not? "

I can't quite say whether I'm happy or unhappy with myself. Though, from who I was a few years ago, the changes I've made have been for both better and worst, but despite the bad I've done, I'm glad to have done it. Because it means I've truly changed as a person to recognize it as bad. So even if I'm not happy with myself, I've made changes I'm proud of.