@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
@Icefire come hither
You want to do templates?
@Icefire come hither
You want to do templates?
Sure! That is a very ominous name, by the way
Good, good, that's the point XD
Name: Derlik
Age: Ageless, but looks about 22
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: Derlik is… Well, he's wild. You don't really know what he's going to do next, and honestly, neither does he. One moment, he can be soft and caring, and in the next he'll be using the person as a toy. However, once you actually manage to get him to care about you, he'll stop with the manipulation love bombing and actually start loving you. He'll keep anyone else from hurting his human except him, for sure.
Appearance: exactly 6'0" tall, Derlik had sorry blonde hair and wide, bright green eyes. He dresses femininely, but just because it drives people insane. He wears a fish net crop top, a denim jacket, a black leather mini skirt, and knee high heels. Don't call him a woman, though, or he'll slit your throat
Backstory: I mean, he's an immortal God, he's got a lot of backstory. However, you'll just find out in the rp cause wut r werds
Other: he's the God of chaos (yes I changed it from wildness but it's basically the same thing)
this is going to be interesting and terrifying
Questions: Should I use a cute lil softie or stubborn asshole? Which would do better with him? I mean you're getting a dark backstory either way. ALSO: what time period? Like the one with Marcos is a fantasy-esque setting, but would this be modern day, since denim jacket and all?
Honestly? A cute lil softie would be best. A stubborn asshole would just get killed almost immediately
And a modern one is fine. You see, even with old time rps they wear exactly the same stuff, like the rp with Iris is set in like, the medival times but there's microwaves and stuff in Marcos's home
Yeahh that's what I figured lol
Okie then!
Oh do you have a gender preference for the character I use, by the way?
Not really, it's up to you with this one!
Name: Nikolai Avon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: Nikolai, who usually goes by Nik, is typically a very calm, sweet, caring kind of person. He likes to help people, and will often go out of his way to make sure someone is okay. He doesn't talk about his childhood a lot, and doesn't trust easily, even if it seems like he does. There is a certain amount of trust he puts in people, but otherwise his trust must be earned, and once broken, it is difficult to win back. He can be a bit shy around new people, and is easily startled, though not quite as easy to frighten.
Appearance: Nikolai is about 5'4", and seems even shorter due to his thin, slim frame. His skin is of a mulatto tone, and tans easily. He has a few freckles scattered on his cheeks, shoulders, and arms, though as they are only a shade or two lighter than his skin, they are difficult to see unless you're very close to him. His eyes are green, with iridris heterochromia in his left eye, making part of his left eye a deep brown, and part of it green. Both eyes are flecked with bits of gold, and he has often been complimented on those eyes alone. His hair is dark brown, and grows out from his head in messy curls, that go to about his chin in length. He's clean-shaven, with a bright, sunny smile. He does have a few scars, along with a small tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. The tattoo is of an infinity symbol, and has a special meaning to him, though he doesn't usually divulge what it means. Has a word carved on his stomach that will be divulged later in the RP if/when it is necessary
Backstory: Nikolai's mother was Black, and his father was white, leading to his own mulatto skin tone. His mother left when he was about 6, and his father was rather neglectful of the young boy. When Nikolai was 9, his father remarried. After that, the neglect would often turn to abuse, especially once Nikolai's younger half brothers were born. When he turned 13, he was put into the foster care system, and bounced from foster home to foster home until he aged out of the system. When he aged out, he was kicked out onto the streets with nowhere to go and no one to turn to, and so between the ages of 18 and 21, he ended up being a prostitute, selling his body out in order to make money. He did manage to escape that situation, and now has a steady job, though it doesn't always pay the greatest.
Other: Has a kitten named Smoke
(whatcha think?)
(ooo, I really like him. I also have a feeling I know how Derlik will get his hands on him)
(Ready for a starter?)
(thanks! Alright)
Derlik waltzed through the streets, humming to himself. He'd always been one for a good time, especially at this time of night. After all, the night was when people under his jurisdiction came out to play. He grinned. He'd often supported those who didn't get much work himself, or if he just liked the way they looked. He sighed softly. Still, one of his favorites, Nikolai, Derlik hadn't seen him for some time now. Had he truly given up this life? Derlik pouted a bit. Well, he'd just have to pay Nikolai a visit then. Perhaps… Even make sure Nikolai wouldn't be able to disappear again. It would be hard, most hard, for him to do that if Derlik Claimed him. Derlik tittered in glee as he made his way towards Nikolai's home. Yes, very hard indeed.
Nikolai lived in a small apartment complex, his apartment just a few rooms big, but it was home. It was far better than the streets, far better than what he had had to do to survive there. He had finished up dinner and work earlier, and was sitting on the couch with a book in his lap, Smoke curled up beside him. The little grey tabby kitten wasn't even a year old yet, and was still rather small.
Derlik stepped lightly to Nikolai's door, knocking. He'd checked the streets first, but Nikolai really did seem to be moving up in life. Derlik hummed to himself a bit. Would the mortal even recognize him? Maybe so. He had been a regular, after all. He wouldn't be surprised if his money had been the reason Nikolai had managed to get this far. Of course, Derlik was a egotistical God, and would find any way to trust so this was his doing for the mortal.
Nik frowned at the knock, closing the book and walking over to the door, opening it and frowning as he looked up at the person in front of him. "Who are you?" he asked slowly, arching an eyebrow and keeping the door only partially open. Smoke sat up, letting out a soft meow.
"Aw, and I'd hope you'd recognize me. After all, we spent many a night together~" Derlik looked a step forward, taking the partially open door in his hand to keep Nik from being able to close it.
"I'm Derlik," he continued. He didn't move to come in yet, but he definitely wasn't going to let Nik just walk away from this either.
Nik flinched just a little bit at that reminder, recognition flickering in his eyes. "I don't…I don't do that anymore." he said. "If you want…that…go to someone else." He tried to push the door closed, but was unable to.
Derlik giggled a bit at Nik's attempt to close the door.
"You know," Derlik continued, pushing the door open a bit. "I always did like you. And I don't think we ever got a proper introduction. I'm Derlik, god of chaos and mischief. And who says anything about wanting that? I wanted to check up on you."
Nik frowned. "Oh great, you're crazy." he mumbled, shaking his head a little bit. "Well, as you can see, I'm doing fine. Now please leave me alone."
"Aaaa, crazy you say?" Derlik pushed the door wide open at that, sending Nik back towards the couch.
"It's true I am, but not in the way you think." Derlik sauntered in, closing the door behind him with a kick and nearly destroying it.
"I think you might want to apologize for that~"
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