forum "Welcome to your Worst Nightmare... Friendship." || (Closed, Stalkers Welcome!)
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@im-with-stoopid pets

Retribution has finally come for your worst character(s).
They awake within a dark room, restrained to a chair. They've been stripped of everything besides the clothes on their back - no weapons, no technology. not even their trinkets came with them. They're utterly defenseless in this state, and no amount of writhing seems to help.
The only light source is a dim, flickering lightbulb hanging above the large, round table that takes up the center of the room. In the faint light, your character notices… silhouettes. There are others here. The shadows seem to be in the same condition as your character - dazed, confused, and strapped to chairs of their own.
There's a tense silence as everyone tries to piece together exactly what happened. Why are they here? And more importantly, how do they leave?

All at once, the restraints snap open. In the dark corners of the ceiling, red lights blink on and off.
They're being watched.

Ideally, bring your worst, most vile characters! Limit of two characters per person.

Name :
Species :
Age :
Height :
Pronouns :

Strengths :
Weaknesses :

What sins have they committed? :

Putting this in Character Chats Wildcard Roleplaying because I honestly don't know where the plot's going to go- :V
( @ame-the-ghostie-is-tired - @whathappensifidothis - Come forth and yell at me for starting yet another roleplay!)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Also, don't feel pressured to join if you don't want to, ofc. I just got tired of waiting for a new thing to dump my newer dorkuses into, so I made one myself-)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(A dw)
(I do like the premise, similar to another rp I’m in but definitely different. I’d probably use the same or at least one of the same characters for it, if you’re open to evil darkness gods being part of the lineup)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(I'd say as long as there's no roleplay-breaking stuff (killing other peoples' characters, teleportating back home, stuff like that) it's fair game-)
(I'm just trying to not get the same Sir Teeth and Resh pairing again because as fun as it is, it's like- 90% of my roleplays- ;-;)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Name: Kody Tsethlekai Stryker (For reference, in this one your characters probably don’t wanna call him Tseth, but that can’t stop us from calling him that.)
Species: Dark Dragon, but he has become much more than that.
Age: Late twenties-early thirties? He doesn’t change much so it doesn’t matter.
Height: 7’8”
Pronouns: He/Him

Strengths: Find out.
Weaknesses: not many that will like, make him stop being violent-

  • Physical: Light magic will weaken him, but if you want to render him inert you might just have to hit him really hard or hurt him severely repeatedly until his body forcibly shuts down to repair itself. Because he is still a Dark Dragon he will still in fact get distracted by shiny and glowy things, plus if you put him in a room with a shit ton of flashing lights it is extremely terrible! Anything else? I have no idea. Open to ideas though.
  • Other: Absolute narcissist. Insult him and well, you come out with a few injuries. We’ll just say he has a temper, yeah? Yeah.

What sins have they committed?: Deep inhale Genocide, Murder (Apart from the genocide), violent torture methods, mental manipulation, forceful corruption of light species, multiple warcrimes, etc yes there’s probably more.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Name : Naveil Straystone (You already know this lovely bastard, so I'll keep it simple here.)
Species : Human (Arguably…)
Age : 19
Height : 4'8" (Turbo short, haha-)
Pronouns : He/Him

Strengths : Good with animals, and knows his way around a fight. Great survivalist, although living alone for so long has made him apathetic. Hardly ever likes people, let alone respect them.
Weaknesses : Has a tendency to overestimate his abilities. He has a hard time admitting when he's lost, and often gets himself hurt because of it.

What sins have they committed? : Generally, he's a menace to everyone he meets.

  • Genocide
  • Child Neglect and Unintentional Murder
  • Disrespect towards the Dead

Name : Doeider Straystone (Yeah, they're related.)
Species : Human
Age : Very late thirties, maybe early forties.
Height : 5'3"
Pronouns : She/Her

Strengths : Mind games. Absolutely willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get what she wants.
Weaknesses : Her ego. Not only is it massive, but it's also fragile as wet toilet paper. She's absolutely desperate for validation, although she has her ways of hiding it.

What sins have they committed? : She (somewhat inadvertently) made Naveil the way he is.

  • Child Neglect, Endangerment, and Attempted Murder
  • General Mental Manipulation, Gaslighting
  • Disregard and Disrespect for her victims

@im-with-stoopid pets

(sobbing, it was a bad joke)
(ame hurry up and make evil resh so the unholy trinity of characters that keep getting paired together can continue)
(or whoever else you're making- doesn't have to be Resh)

@the-void-galactic language

Name: Callisto Dorado
Species: Child of Darkness
Age: 28
Height: 5’8
Pronouns: she/they

Strengths: she’s great at fighting and she knows how to hit where it hurts. She’s skilled at sneaking around, and even better at gaslighting and manipulation.
Weaknesses: she refuses to back down from a fight, even if she knows she’s lost.

What sins have they committed?: murder, kidnapping, torture, manipulation and gaslighting, overall just being a shit person with zero chill.

Name: Mirage Andromeda
Species: Child of Darkness
Age: 26
Height: 5’5
Pronouns: she/her

Strengths: good at fighting, although not as good as Callisto. She’s probably the best at sneaking out of her group, and she’s decent at manipulation.
Weaknesses: same as Callisto.

What sins have they committed?: same as Callisto.

(Sorry for low effort, it’s still incredibly hard to type with these nails)
(also these idiots aren’t very well developed oops)