forum "Welcome to your Worst Nightmare... Friendship." || (Closed, Stalkers Welcome!)
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth glances around as well, when something catches his eye. A little blinking light in the corner or the room. Interesting. He walks up to it to get a better look. A camera. He stares into its black lens for a few seconds before jumping up with the help of his wings and ripping the camera from the wall, sending a flurry of sparks from where it was previously mounted.

He strides back over to the table and throws the camera onto it. “Someone was watching us. If they care enough about it, they will not be happy to have this destroyed. We might be getting some answers soon.” He tilts his head. His expression and tone of voice were void of emotion. Completely unfazed.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Doeider staggers back into the shadows at the sparks, panic crossing her face for a moment before she's obscured. She stands in the darkness for a few beats before speaking again.
"And… uhm… What exactly is that thing?"
Her curiosity is piqued by the sparking dark-grey box on the table, but Tsethlekai is doing a really bad job at calming down. He's too unpredictable for her liking. Best to lay low for now, Doeider supposes.

Naveil flinches again as thing lands on the table. Without asking, he reaches for it and turns it over in his hands a few times.
"So, someone was using this to watch us..? How do you know?"
It's not meant to be an accusation, and Naveil grimaces, realizing that's exactly what it sounded like.
"I mean- you have these things in your… Wastelands?"
He slides the box back onto the table, shooting a glance over at Callisto and… where's the other one?

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto immediately goes into a defensive position as Tseth rips the camera from the wall. She glares daggers at him, then at the camera on the table, before composing herself and clearing her throat. “…Interesting. There was probably a better way to get that, though. Like maybe something that wouldn’t give us all a heart attack.

Callisto sighs, then looks at Naveil, studying him for a moment. “If you’re wondering where Mirage went, she’s just hiding in a corner somewhere. She’s not necessarily one for talking.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(it’s DUCT-)

Tseth raises an eyebrow at both Callisto and Naveil. He addresses Naveil first. “Do you just live under a rock, Naveil? It’s a fucking camera. People use it to see into other rooms.” Did Tseth even have a concept of patience? It didn’t seem like he did.

He glances at Callisto, considering whether or not to respond. He doesn’t, though, and instead glances over to where Mirage was hiding. He could only assume she and everyone else thought moving away from the light meant they would be hidden, because really, they weren’t.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Naveil bristles at that.
"Well, I'm sorry. We don't happen to have any cameras in the Everchill."
He half-chokes on the new word, and it sounds awkward in his accent. The camera still sits on the table. Though Naveil is curious how these cameras work, he's not in the mood for Tsethlekai's snark. Bastard.

(brain empty for doeider, shes just standing in the dark being all spooked)

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto rolls her eyes, snatching the camera from the table and mumbling under her breath, “Idiots.” She’s clearly referring to Naveil and Tseth. She stares at the camera for a moment, tilting her head. Strange looking camera, but definitely a camera. She tosses the camera back on the table and glances over in Mirage’s general direction. She considers joining her. Eh. She’s fine, and it looks like I’m the only one here with a brain anyway.

(Callisto you have 1 braincell like the rest of these scrimblos)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth almost laughs at Naveil. He’s entertaining to mess around with, but completely useless besides that. A brain full of rocks, and wherever he comes from isn’t technologically advanced. Maybe he’d make a good distraction if someone else entered. He could bite their ankles with how short he is.

He looks around the room again before settling back on his chair, examining his clawed nails that also seemed to be made of the red crystal. And just like the other crystal growths, sharp as knives. They didn’t connect in the same way a normal nail or claw would, instead they faded from the blackened skin of his hands to the deep red crystal on his fingertips.