forum "Welcome to your Worst Nightmare... Friendship." || (Closed, Stalkers Welcome!)
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

A red glow from one of the silhouettes appears as they wake up, dimly illuminating their face. No, his face.

Glowing red crystals clustered around his right eye, trailing up his arms, and… wait, did he have wings? It’s difficult to tell in the dim light, but there was something.

Tseth looks around as he wakes up. He was… eerily calm, given the situation. He could clearly see he was with others. Four others, to be exact. His enhanced sight helped him in this situation.
He doesn’t try to stand up, but he does try to maneuver his wrists out of the restraints before giving up. No use. Now, why would he be brought here? He didn’t have time to interact with commoners, if that was what these others were. He would need to find some way out of here, but for now…

He would wait.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Naveil isn't too bothered by the situation at first - hell, he's more ticked off if anything. Another prison?
He squirms in his restraints, unable to free anything useful. Or anything at all, really. Despite his thrashing, his chair remains rooted to the ground, and he's still just a trapped as before. All he's managed to do is tire himself out.
Naveil glares around the room, heaving through gritted teeth. He wants out, and he wants out now.
And then, he sees them- the silhouettes. And then one starts to glow?!
Well, that's new. And worrying. Bad combination.
He's all the more determined to free himself, although his struggle is much more cautious. An occasional glance is thrown towards the others in the room - especially the glowing one. Naveil's unsure whether they're foes, but he's not willing to risk it.

Doeider stirs from her slumber silently. An avalanche of anxiety crashes into her as the world blurs into view.
Where is she?!
On instinct, she tries to feel for her earrings, but her arm remains firmly at her side, instead. In fact, there isn't much she can move. With a jolt, Doeider realized she's been tied down.
Oh, stars, this is bad. A storm's worth of thoughts spiral in her mind - her gaze flicks wildly around the room - her breaths are coming in shallow - a hot flash burns in her head - she tries to straighten in her chair.
Something catches her attention. She's not here alone.
Doeider takes a deep breath and holds it, forcing herself to relax. There are others here. She can work with this.

@the-void-galactic language

A faint whisper can be heard from one of the silhouettes. It sounds like it’s in a foreign language, and it almost sounds like a question.

Callisto slowly opens her eyes, glancing around at her new surroundings. She had asked a question only her allies would know the answer to as soon as she realized something was off, just in case. Obviously, it isn’t the one that’s glowing. She doesn’t know any people who glow like that. And glowing people are usually the obnoxious, entitled ones anyway.

She glares at every silhouette there, and almost says something else, before she hears a response to her question. The correct one.

Mirage had heard Callisto whispering, and almost immediately answered. She watches the room for any signs of movement, the edges of her cape twitching slightly.

Callisto glances in the direction of the response she heard. “Mirage?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Do you know where we are?”

“No. I don’t. But we have to escape.”

Neither of them care about being heard. They just want to leave.

Callisto sighs and closes her eyes again, and suddenly, the restraints binding her to the chair come loose. She looks around again, then slowly rises to her feet, quickly followed by Mirage. Mirage starts walking towards Callisto, and the two stand next to each other, staring at the others.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth closes his eyes, sensing for something. And then he opens them again after a few seconds. It seems he has found both answers and more questions. Two of them creatures of darkness, like him. But the other two, he senses nothing from. Curious. The only sentient forms that were neither light nor dark were animals. Or ancients, but they were all long dead thousands of years ago.

His gaze trails over to Callisto and Mirage, of which he sensed were of darkness. They may prove to be useful yet.

And then the restraints holding all of them down come loose. He slowly stands up, stretching out his wings and then folding them back again. He towered over the others by a reasonable amount, and his demeanor so far would do nothing to ease anyone looking at him. His gaze was sharp, and each of his movements carefully planned. Unsettling, to say the least.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Doeider flinches as her restraints vanish into the darkness - she's free! She lets a small, relieved sigh out.
Her hand whisks up to her ear, and… figures. At least those weren't her ceremonial earrings.
Doeider's attention shifts back to the room, to the now moving figures that crept from their chairs and into darkness.
This was her chance. If she was lucky, maybe one of the silhouettes would have a better idea of what's going on? She speaks directly to everyone, even those hiding in the shadows.
"Uhm, greetings," She winces as the words escape her. Wrong voice, you wilt.
She tries again, a bit more friendly confidence in her tone, "Greetings, hello."

Naveil's struggle finally ends as the restraints fall away, and he hears whispers. He narrows his eyes, trying to listen in, but his heart is pounding in his ears, and he's breathing too loud. Damn it.
There's another voice, too, louder and sweeter. One he recognizes.
Naveil stops dead in his tracks, in silent panic. No, she can't be here. She just can't.
And then she speaks again.
There's no denying it, this time, and Naveil shudders. That's his matern.
A bitter memory slithers up from the depths of his mind. He grimaces and distracts himself with the silhouette who seems to be the source of the glowing. They're extremely tall, from what Naveil can tell. And are those… wings?
He feels his throat clench. Maybe his matern isn't the biggest threat in the room. For once.

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto casually strides over to the table in the middle of the room, leaning against it and gesturing slightly at Mirage. Mirage rolls her eyes and follows, and she seems more stiff than Callisto does. Callisto smiles at the others, although there’s something… unnatural about her demeanor. “Hello, there.” Her voice is deep, and it sounds slightly damaged. But it sounds as sweet as honey at the same time.

The single lightbulb above the table illuminates Callisto’s features slightly. Pitch-black freckles are scattered across her scarred face, and blood-red eyes stare into everyone else’s. It’s clear that she’s analyzing them, sizing them up. Figuring out if she could take them in a fight. Her tattered navy blue cape rests at an odd angle, almost like it’s floating. The ends of her cape seem to twitch as she analyzes everyone, as if the cape itself is alive. Mirage’s maroon cape seems to do the same, except hers is more rigid.

Mirage glares at everyone with deep blue eyes, and her emotion already seems more genuine than Callisto’s. She brushes her uneven bangs out of her face and backs into the shadows once more, disappearing into a corner of the room.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth steps into the light as well, getting a better look at everyone. His own eyes were red to compliment the crystals growing from him, and the areas of the eyes that were usually white were a pitch black. That seemed to be his color scheme.

He shifts his attention to Doeider after she speaks. “You felt the need to say that twice?” His voice had a distinct accent to it, and also a hint of sarcasm. His expression, however, was clearly unamused. He was already getting impatient.

He makes eye contact with Callisto when she looks at him. His expression remains unchanging, but there’s an unshakeable feeling that makes looking at him all the more unnerving. Luckily for her—and, unluckily for everyone else—his attention shifts back to the others.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Oh-ho-ho, now this was something.
In all of Naveil seasons, not once had anyone talked back to his matern. Except him, of course, but that was different.
Her sweet little veil of perfection was finally, finally slipping away. Honestly? Naveil was in full support of it.
His gaze shifts to Doeider, trying to gauge her expression in the darkness, but of course, he can't pick out much. Still, this is a major development. Despite being very-much aware of it, Naveil had never really seen beneath that mask of hers.
He stays within the shadows, unable to hide the grin creeping across his face.
This was going to be interesting.

Doeider flinches at the responses to her greeting.
"I… apologize, sirs. Or madams. Whichever."
She clears her throat awkwardly - not because she needs to, but to stall for time. So far, so terrible. Doeider reverts back to her regular voice - now isn't the time for sweet talk.
"I don't suppose any of you know why we're all here?"
She tries to pull her chair to the table, but it's stuck on the spot. That's probably for the better, though. Less things to hurt me with.
Cautiously, Doeider steps into the light. She doesn't appear to be anything special - just a regular village-folk dressed in animal hides. Her hair is long and dark, although there are more than a few gray locks from age. She quietly observes the others with green eyes.
"Daylight's graces…" Doeider mutters more to herself than anyone else. "Where in the stars am I?"

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto narrows her eyes at Tseth when they lock eyes. I can already tell I won’t like him. She waits until he looks at someone else, then rolls her eyes at him, muttering under her breath, “Edgy bastard.” She glances at Doeider. “I’m just about as lost as you are, ma’am.” She raises her arms above her head and stretches, and her cape follows the movement of her arms. “No idea how we got here, but I have an odd feeling we’re being watched.”

Mirage seems to appear beside Naveil out of nowhere, looking down at him. “So, you like to stay hidden as well.” It was more of a statement than a question. Mirage knows she could easily beat him in a fight. He’s tiny, and she also has Callisto on her side. She’s mostly worried about the creepy glowing man who looks like he rolled around in a field of dark crystals and somehow lived. How is he alive, anyway? And how is that not excruciatingly painful? She shudders, then focuses on Naveil again.