forum "Welcome to your Worst Nightmare... Friendship." || (Closed, Stalkers Welcome!)
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(Anyway Callisto has a lot to say for being around Mirage who- gestures to her Pinterest board)

Tseth looks slightly amused at Doeider’s reaction. He tilted his head ever so slightly as he got a better look at her in the dim light. She fit the look of a commoner, but looks can always be deceiving. Trust no one, and especially not strangers.

He gives a small glance in Callisto’s direction at her comment. “If you’re going to insult me, at least have the confidence to say it so everyone can hear.” He looks at her and gives her a small, extremely not genuine smile. One that meant if she tried much more it would not end well for her.

Right now the only movement from Tseth was his tail flicking with either annoyance or impatience. He was a ticking time bomb. It’s a wonder how he interacts with anyone with how easily he’s provoked.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Well, at least that was something they had in common.
Doeider feels a chill run down her spine at the thought - how many others were trapped here with them? The two at the table already seemed… less than friendly. And if nobody knows why they're here..? Yikes.
Doeider taps her nails on the table - a nervous habit of hers.
"Maybe some introductions would help calm us all down?" She shoots a sideways glance at the glowing one. "We seem a little… tense."
It isn't meant as an insult, more just a statement of fact. She's not too big a fan of his attention.
"I'll start - uh - my idea, after all. I'm Doeider, from the Everchill… Although, I don't think that's where I am, anymore."

Naveil flinches hard. He hates being snuck up on.
He growls at whoever dared to come this close to him. "So what if I do?"
His eyes have adjusted to the darkness, but it's not like he has night-sight. Naveil stiffens in his chair, his fists clenching. He pats at his pockets, and grumbles at the realization that he's weaponless.
"What's it matter to you?" He keeps his voice low, not wanting to draw the attention of the others by the table.

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto chuckles quietly and shakes her head. “There’s no need to be aggressive.” She tilts her head and smiles at Tseth, then looks at Doeider and nods. “I think introductions are a great idea. My name is Callisto. No need to tell you where I’m from, I’m sure it doesn’t matter much here.” She glances to the side slightly and sighs. “Mirage, stop bothering the little man. Come introduce yourself.”

Mirage rolls her eyes at Naveil. “I was just trying to make conversation.” She hears Callisto and narrows her eyes, then appears right next to Callisto. “Hey. I’m Mirage, but I guess you already figured that out.” Her jet-black hair looks extremely disheveled, and she has the same pitch black freckles that Callisto has. She adjusts the sleeves on her jacket and glares at the other two, especially the creepy glowing one.

(For reference Mirage’s fit looks somewhat like this)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth glares at Callisto before looking again at Doeider. If it was truly necessary to introduce himself, none of these people were from his existence. “My name is Tsethlekai Stryker. I come from the Wastelands, and that is all you need to know of me at this time.”

He tilts his head as he watches the others. The nameless person was still hiding. Or, attempting to. “Why don’t you come out and introduce yourself? There’s no need to be shy.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Naveil grumbles again. He's not shy, it's tactical camouflage. And it'd work, too, if these hawkeyes weren't breathing down his neck.
Still, it's not like he has much of a choice now. He draws himself up from the chair and reluctantly steps into the light.
There are noticeable similarities between Naveil and Doeider, although he's shorter, slimmer, and generally looks like he just jumped out of a window. His hair is tied into a scruffy ponytail, and whatever patch-worked cloak he's wearing is missing a sleeve. It's hard to tell in this light, but some of his skin seems… leathery.
"Naveil. From the Ever-"
He's cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around him. Startled, he growls and wrestles his attacker away. And then he rolls his eyes at her.
"Keep your hands off of me, or I'll break them."

Doeider is visibly saddened by Naveil, though she doesn't press any further.
"You'd think your own son wouldn't mind…" She mutters a little louder than necessary. A little too loud, really.
She takes a deep breath and starts again. "Is… is that all of us? And we all haven't the slightest idea why we're here?"

@the-void-galactic language

Callisto laughs a little at Naveil and Doeider. She shrugs, and she doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest about her current situation. “Nope. I mean, nobody truly knows the reason they were taken from their homes, until their captor comes up and explains things.” She puts a lot of emphasis on the last part of her statement, glancing around slightly. She sounds annoyed, which was the first true emotion she’s shown since they all got here.

Mirage stands there for a few moments longer. I’ll just let Callisto do the talking. She looks around again, then silently slips back into the shadows.

(Brain lag sorry for shitty response)