forum "Please don't look at me like that." "Just let me go-" "You know I can't." (O/O) (Closed)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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I already made this chat. But I'm impatient and I really want to work on my baby Ollie. So here we go again lmao.

So. I have a vampire bean who I want to work on. He and his "family" a group of noble vampires are waging war on the humans. For this RP, I thought that like- a human (I can be persuaded for it to be different) is captured, since they have valuable skills. Necromancer, dancer, magician, something of the sort (Nothing to op, you hear me?).

My vampire is in charge of taking care, swaying, and using the human for the vampires. However, he slowly begins to fall in love with his prisoner. We go from there. It's just a basic idea, but of course, we can add to it, or change it up!

Some basic rules:

  • I am better at writing LGBT+ relationships, it's just easier for me? So this will probably be gay.
  • If smut becomes a thing, it will be moved to pm. Let me know at the beginning of the rp if you're okay with this or if you want to skip it.
  • This will be bloody, gory, there will be mentions of sensitive topics so please for the love of god tell me what your triggers are. I don't want to hurt anyone.
  • If I am not familiar with your style of roleplaying, or it has been a while, I will ask for an rp style.
    *Please no one liners, I'm not a huge fan of them. I understand if you're tired, or not up to it. Your replies can be short but please don't make it a habit.
  • Don't be a dick, I think this should be self-explanatory.
  • Have somewhat decent grammar? Okay? Okay.
  • If you have an idea, let me know! Chances are, I'll want to hear it!

"The moon is always there, no matter the time nor place. Just as I shall be for you."

Full Name: Oleander Silas Jasper
Name Information: Poisoned Flower, Forrest, semi-precious stone/treasurer
Nicknames: Oli, Oliver, Ollie
Code name/Aliases: Poison Master, Diplomat
Biological Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him/his
Sexual Orientation: Gayer than a rainbow circle
Age: Looks about 24
Date of Birth: December 21st
Zodiac: Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp
Religion/Belief: Believes that God has abandoned humanity, not really an avid believer.
Species: Vampire
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral
Blood Type: AB Negative
Class: High Class/Noble

"I like being named after a flower. People are blinded by its beauty and stabbed by its venom."

Appearance: Oli has pure white hair that reaches to the small of his back. It’s usually down with thin braids over his shoulders or adorning his hair. He has soft pale skin. His eyes are bright purple, with blue in the center, almond-shaped and heavily lashed. He has a small and lean figure, he’s the smallest of his siblings. He has fangs that rest at about 16mm, but they can become shorter or longer. He usually has tea in his hands, or some warm beverage. He always seems to be on edge, only ever relaxing when he’s in his comfort zone. He has talons that can retract and sharpen. He looks rather harmless compared to his siblings, but he’s just as powerful.
Height: 5’8
Weight: 143lbs
Scars: Various scars along his chest and back, a very large one along his back, reaching from his right shoulder to his left hip.
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings:Tongue, left ear has six piercings, right ear has four.
Birthmarks: N/A
General Outfit:
Accessories: An assortment of rings, necklaces, and piercings.
Accent: Gentle Scottish
Distinguished feature: His eyes.

"Nothing burns like the cold."

Personality: Calm and gentle on the outside. He holds himself with pride and honors his deals. He’s empathetic, charming, rational and adaptive. He works with his surroundings and makes the best of it. He’s the quietest of his “family”, not speaking unless spoken to. His lips are tighter than a safe, he’ll reveal no one’s secrets unless absolutely necessary. He’s collected, analytical and logical about his decisions, but he’s not very good at handling his stress or finding healthy coping mechanisms. When he opens up, he has a wonderful sense of humor, and enjoys simple chats. Oli has an open mind to pretty much everything. He’s curious, with a sense of diplomacy. He loves to talk about philosophy, books, morals, and ideas. He leans on the more optimistic side of things. He’s very enthusiastic when he opens up. Most of the time, he has self-control, and acts very disciplined. He is responsible and has good manners. He's loyal to a fault, defending and protecting those that are important to him.
Obsessions: Different plants/poisonous plants, books, writing letters
Phobias: Astraphobia (Fear of Thunder and Lightning.)
Likes: Pouring over old books, research, the quiet, moonlight, snow, dancing, gardening, caring for animals, sweeter blood types, soft colors, comfortable beds, cooking, soft clothes, magic, snakes
Dislikes: Loneliness, being treated like a baby (he’s the youngest), thunderstorms, intense heat, crowded places, his personal space being invaded without permission, spiders.
Hobbies: Harvesting poisonous plants/venom from snakes, research, playing the cello

"Love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyways." - Atticus

Weapons: Long Sword, whip, or daggers
Preferred type of Combat: Prefers long distant/to medium range attacks.
Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat
Strengths: Using a whip
Magic: Knows some basic magic
His sword is connected to his mind, he can move it without touching it
Superhuman strength, speed, and senses.
Rapid regeneration
High endurance
Shape-shifting: turns into a cat
Poison use

"Family isn’t always blood."

Parents: Lost his parents when he was young. No parental figures in his “family”
Siblings: His two older brothers, older sister, and older sibling.
Draven: Alive (Brother) (Eldest)
Isidora: Alive (Sister) (Second Eldest)
Ascelin: Alive (Brother) (Middle)
Onyx: Alive (Sibling) (Younger)
Oleander: Alive (Main, sibling) (Youngest)
Pets: Three Cats: Cinnamon, Pepper, and Luna, a black ball python, Asmodeus and a wolf, Odin.

"Humanity simply needs a little push in the right direction."

Theme Song: Lovely (With Khalid) - Billie Eilish

"Heart made of glass."

Deleted user

(me, fully aware I'm in like three of your rps and need to respond to our O/O: Ahaha Bleu made an rp, I'm in danger-)

Deleted user

(Honestly, I'm alright with most things. Could we do the rp in pms? My brain marks it as more important if it's in pms)


The Reaper boredly watched the human walking to their unknown demise. The allyway dark, and the only light coming from the sliver of moon high in the night sky.
A rat scutted by, earning a look of disgust from the Reaper. A moment of distraction, and before she could look up again the shouts erupted. She sighed deeply, breathing in the sour smell of the alleyway, and followed the shounds of the shouts.
A few vagrants here and there, but none looked at her.
Only the dead and dying could see a reaper. See Death as it came to claim them.

(Ahhh, here ya go.)


Full Name: Estaban Marín
meaning: last name means Sailor (which is just a pun on my part)
nickname: Ban
Gender: Male
pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: pan
age: 26
Dob: TBD
Species: human
occupation: high risk trader (pirate) (this can be subject to change if need be)
Alignment: chaotic idiot/ neutral good
Class: was born lower, is currently middle
Hair: dark drown, almost black. Wavy, but gettys super frizzy when humid. Reaches just past his ears, and is often falling into his eyes when not slicked back
Facial hair: goatee
Eyes: hazle, round. Tends to sqint alot, so they look alot smaller then the actual are.
Ethnicity: 50% Spaniard the rest is a mosh pit
skin: darker tone, has awful tan lines that he refuses to even try to even out
Body type: has more muscel to his upper body then lower.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220
scars: none that are too distinctive. The bigest one runs from his shoulder to his elbow (its mainly covered by a tatto). The rest are littered about him.
Tattos: his mothers name on his right wrist (Valentina). swirls that creep up his left arm and go all the way to his bicep.

Personality: was the whole yolo personality going on. Doesn't think life is worth living unless theres atleast some risk to it. Adrenaline junky. Doesn't like to be soft and vulnerable, but can be. He's alwasy taken a softer side when around his mom. Has a pretty good sense of humor. Can and will flirt (hes awful at it). Always up for a good brawl. Estaban loves acting on impulse, and being spontaneous.
likes: hanging out with his mom when he's in town, telling her about his adventures. Beer, Exploring, and dogs.
Dislikes: men who dont drink their respect women juice.
Fatial flaw: a low-key alcoholic. Drinks when upset, and to escape reality from time to time. Also drinks to celebrate. Basically Estaban looks for any excuse to drink.
Valentina Vresto Marín (mother) (alive)
(Father is unknown, and believed to be dead)

(Lmk if anything needs to be added or fixed :))


(Hmmmm, going off the whole pirate thing. Maybe he stole something. Or over heard some information that they don't want getting out?)


(Hmm. Regarding information, it could be when and where their next attack is, since their next attack is huge and pivotal for the war. Or he could have tried to steal a magic relic.)


(I think he would be more likely yo over hear, then steal something so big. Estaban wouldnt have enough stealth to sneak into vampire places and steal something that could be that valuable. So i guess info it if! :) if you're ready to start then so am i)