forum "Please don't look at me like that." "Just let me go-" "You know I can't." (O/O) (Closed)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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Oleander smiled a little, it was slightly sad. He had worked so hard to cultivate his gardens, but many feared them. His gardens… his safe havens. "You are more then welcome to take the gloves off, it's recommended actually." He chuckles kindly as he hung up his apron and moved to the door. "Just make sure you put them back where you found them, alright?" he offers a gentle smile before opening the door to the garden.


Estaban discarded the gloves where he'd originally found them and followed after Oleander. "How long have you been working on your gardens?" Dispite the fact that the poison one made him somewhat fearful, it had still been impressive.


"Years." He murmured fondly. "They're my happy place amongst all this." He waved his hands to gesture around the palace. "Both the deathly one and the normal one." He chuckles softly and ran a hand through his hair and glanced at Estaban. He walked to a staircase and hummed quietly.


Estaban nods his head as he listens to Oleander describe the guards as his happy place. For Estaban being out at sea is- was his happy place. He assumed he'd have to find a new one for the time being. "Did you garden much before, you know." He didn't quite know how to bring up the others past without possibly saddening him.


"Before I was turned?" He finished thoughtfully before nodding and smiling a bit. "I had one of the best gardens in my village." He smiled at that memory, one of his more blissful and sweet memories. He hummed and walked up the spiral staircase quietly. "It's rather nice." He hummed happily to himself.


He placed a hand on the wall as he followed up the staircase. His willingness to just follow Oleander around made him uneasy. Then again, it wasn't like Estaban had any idea where they where, or if he was- even wanted- to wander by himself.


They made it up a few flights before they came to the top of a tower. Within it was many, many plants. All different kinds, flowers, fruits, veggies, it was a huge garden. He smiled and glanced at Estaban. "You're more than welcome to explore." It was sunny, open to the air. The drop was huge, but it overlooked the ocean and the kingdom below them. It was the tallest tower to the castle.


Once again Estabans jaw dropped. Out of the two gardens, this one seemed much more impressive to him. Maybe it was because this one wasn't completely deadly, or maybe it was the fact he could see the ocean from there.
He was at the edge faster than he probably should have been, looking out at the water below longingly. He wasn't crazy enough to jump, but that didn't stop the thought from atleast crossing his mind.
Estaban turned his attention back to the garden, a little embarrassed at his excitement over the view. "Have you been growing this one as long as the other?" He managed to ask.


It wasn't sunny at the moment, the moon rising high above the horizon, reflecting beautifully off the ocean. Oleander watched him run to the edge, tilting his head a bit. It was a little surprising to see the other rush straight for the edge, but he was glad that Estaban hadn't jumped. "Longer." He replied to the question, a small smile on his lips. "I started growing this one before my sister asked me to start growing poisonous plants here. I had a small garden back in my village that I tended to, but this one was specifically for me." He smiles a bit. "Do you like it?"


Estaban found himself nodding his head in a yes before turning his attention back to the view. As much as he wanted to admire the garden longer, he wanted to look out over to water more. He didn't know when or if he'd have another chance like this to just watch the moons reflection in the ocean. "It smells amazing," he said. Because even though his attention was not on the garden he could help but smell all the sweet sents in the air around them.


Oleander watches him for a moment before speaking up. "You're more than welcome to come up here whenever you please." He murmured quietly. "So long as you let me know first. Going around the castle without an escort can be extremely dangerous." He warns gently. "So make sure to keep that in mind." He glances over at Estaban."And make sure not to kill any of my plants. I'll have your head for that." There was only gentle amusement, but he was serious. "I kid. Just- don't mess with the plants and it should be fine. You can harvest them but do not touch them otherwise."


Estaban still took the others threat as real. He didn't necessarily know Oleander enough to feel comfortable with him joking about taking his head. "Right of course." An awkward chuckle followed. Threat aside, he was glad to have the option of being outside extended to him. He'd atleast be able to sit and enjoy the sun for a little while. Estaban was sure it wouldn't be long till his sleep schedule changed.


Oleander nods, seeming content with that. "The sun will be rising soon, so we'll most likely head back inside shortly…" He murmured quietly. "During the day, you are free to roam my floor as you please, you can explore as you please, but do not leave my… area? Stay on my level of the castle and you'll be fine. Just make sure to not go up or down any stairs, and you should be fine." He chuckles quietly. "But you're free to roam, and free to explore. If you need anything, you can ask a guard or maid and butler. They'll help you."


"Wait," Estaban turned his attention back to the sky. "Can I watch the sun rise? I swear I'll be right in. I just-" it was hard finding the right words that didn't make him sound completely desperate. He wished that there was liquor in his system. Maybe then he'd be able to word it properly. Or atleast not care how stupid it sounded.
It wasn't just the sunrise he wanted to watch, but the ships as they sailed in and out early in the morning. Even though most where nothing more then far off specs.


Oleander smiled gently. "Don't worry. You may." He gently set his hand on Estaban's shoulder before heading back into the castle where the sun could not reach him. He missed the sun, if he was being completely honest. He missed sitting in the sunlight, bathing in its warmth. But he was a vampire now, sunlight would kill him instantly. He walked quietly through the halls, startling a bit when he saw his eldest sister standing by his door. He quickly did the salute and bowed his head. "Sister, what brings you to my chambers?"
"I see you're finally up." She raised a brow at him. "I expect you back to work in the evening. Once the sun has set I want you back to work, no gallivanting around with your new human."


"Thank you." He said as Oleander left. It was nice getting to actually be alone for the first time since getting himself into this mess. Especially getting to be alone as the sun peeked over the horizon.
Estaban found himself I nice spot at the railing and leaned over it, watching the tiny specs below slowly start to make their way across the water. He was enjoying this moment, but as time dragged on he figured it would be best to head back inside soon. He did promise not to stay out to long. Besides he didn't know how Oleander would react if he stayed out for most of the morning. Maybe on another day he'd ask to stay out longer.
Hesitantly he made his way back inside. He had to blink a few times to adjust to the dimmer lighting. However once his eyes had adjusted, he noticed Oleander wasn't around. "Oleander?" He called, feeling just a tiny bit of panic.


Oleander had been talking with his sister, there was a deep scratch on his face which was steaming slightly, but nothing else. He moved away from his door and inhaled softly once his sister had disappeared from sight. She was most likely heading to her own floor, which relieved him slightly. He paused when he heard a voice calling out for him, most likely Estaban. He hummed and moved swiftly through the halls until he found the other. "Are you alright?" He tilts his head ever so slightly, his eyes flashing in the faint light. "I don't see any injuries…" He muttered softly to himself.


"No im fine I just-" Estaban was kinda shocked to see the others face steaming. "What happened?" Despite himself, he was worried.

(Sorry for the shortness I've been kinda outta it lately and wanted to get atleast some kind of response out.)


(Hey, no worries or rush!)

He hummed and touched his cheek lightly where the cut was. "It steams while it's healing." He shrugged hopelessly. "My sister and I had a disagreement. She gave this as a warning. Now… the sun is coming up shortly, so I should head to bed before I get burnt." He laughs softly.


"Disagreement?" Estaban was ovbously off put by that. He wasn't so sure a disagreement had need for attacking one another. Especially if it was as Oleander put it, a warning. It was unsettling to say the least.
"Oh right," he'd almost forgotten that the sun was harmful to vampires. It was also surprising that Oleander was already ready to sleep again after being out of it for so many days.


He nod slowly, a soft breath leaving his lips. "Yes… A disagreement." His sister was brutal, he was glad it had just been a disagreement. He knew that he needed to sleep, but his body had energy from sleeping for the past few days. He could probably stay up and read for a little while, just try and relax. That was probably the best he could do. He ran a hand through his hair and moved into the room. "You're more than welcome to wander, as long as you stay on this floor, servants will bring you food if you need it, but if you need to go downstairs or upstairs, request for my assistance, alright?" He offered a gentle smile.


((Quick question. Would you be upset if I pushed the limits a bit and had Estaban like venture off to other floors without saying anything? I love the way this rp is going but it is a bit slow atm. Also so sorry I though I had responded to this one already lmao))