forum "Please don't look at me like that." "Just let me go-" "You know I can't." (O/O) (Closed)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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(Oh yeah totally!)

Wrong place wrong time. For once in Estaban's life he regretted drinking the night before. Not only did he have no idea where he was, but he could hear someone somewhere talking.
With a grunt he stood and dusted himself off. His head was killing him. Estaban scanned his soundings, noticing that it all seemed rather…fancy. he dreaded having to explain this to who ever lived in this house. No he was not there to steal, yes he looked like a pirate. The voices where rather muffled, but as he got closer he could make out certain words like Night, and Attack.
Maybe he could just sneak out? They'd never even know he had been there. Heck, he was still trying to figure out how he had gotten there.


The five siblings stood around a table, talking about their next moves. Oleander, as usual, was sitting back and casually drinking a glass of blood. Isidora was going over the plans, looking as regal as ever. She explains a few things and glances over at Draven and he nods in agreement. Onyx was sharpening their battle axe, and Ascelin was going through an old book that held different entrances and advantage points. Oleander would give his input every so often before he picked on some noise.
Outside, two guards were taking their usual patrol. Estaban never would have heard them coming. Silently, they knocked the man out and one knocked sharply on the war room door.
Oleander stood, easing his siblings as he walked to the door and answered, a brow raised, "This better be- ah. I see. Siblings. We have a visitor."
Ascelin looked up from his book. "This better be good." He sets it down and walks to his younger brothers side before looking at the guards. "Take him to the cells. I want to know exactly how much he knows."


If Estaban hadn't had a headache before, he sure did now. There where spots in his vision as he slowly came too, and a horrible throb. "God's above," he mumbled. What exactly had happened? One minute he was trying to sneak back out, the next he was here. Where evere here was?
Estaban forced himself to get up. How long had he been out? His side was aching from the floor. Bars, he though. Panick flooding in. This was a cell. He had been caught, and surely wouldn't be getting out anytime soon.


The cells were warm enough to keep the cruel winds of winter out, but only barely warm enough to keep a human warm. Estaban was left wearing only the bare minimum. Everything on him had been removed. The cells were cold and empty except for a guard that didn't seem fazed by the cold.
This is how prisoners were often treated. Stripped to the bare minimum. Starved for a few days, left without water. When they did ask for water, only a barrel of cold water was poured over them. The cells were oddly clean however. Not a single speck of dirt, warm running water in the pipes to keep the cells at a decent temperature.


Estaban spent the first day pacing his cell, trying to keep warm. At one point he'd tried to talk with the guard, plead his innocents. But they just ignored him.
On the second he'd regretfully asked for water. That day he'd spent shivering in the corner, hands tucked in his arm pits and knees drawn to his chest.
The third day he had tried to come up with an escape plan. He couldn't think of one that would actually work. Estaban considered playing dead and jumpping the guard if they came to check on him. But considering how easily they'd taken him down, he doubted it would even work.
The fourth day was the worst by far. He was cold, shaky, and hungry. Not to mention the serious craving for ale.


On the fourth day, Oleander entered the cells quietly, glancing around and sighing softly before waving the guard off. The guard stood, bowed deeply before leaving the chambers and locking the heavy oak door behind him. Oleander held in his hands a basket of food and some water. He sets the food down and places a chair in front of his guests cell. Oleander had grown curious of their guest, holding off his siblings from killing him off then and there. His sibling Onyx suggested that they just kill him off so that they didn't have to worry about anything, but Ollie had seen him, and grown curious. He was always curious about humans. He settled himself onto the chair and crossed his legs elegantly before gazing down at the other. "Hello." He greets softly. "My name is Oleander. It would be nice to put a name to a face, hm? What's your name?" He asks curiously.


Estaban glared up at Oleander. "My name?" Anger laced his voice. "You keep me in this damn cell for four days and then ask me my name?" He pushed himself up from the ground and grabbed the cell bars. "How 'bout you explan to me why, instead of asking for a name." Estaban might have been miserable, but he still had some fight left in him.
Of course he was in no position to demand anything. He had been the one to drunkly brake into this mans house.
So by all rights, Estaban hadn't even been wrongly impressioned.


Oleander raised a brow and tilts his head. "You must understand that my siblings were intending to kill you?" He asks curiously. "I spent four days trying to convince them that we should keep you alive. All I'm asking is for your name. I'm a diplomat, not a brute. Besides. You were the one to enter this castle and you were the one that was found outside our war council room." He folds his hands over his lap and gazed at the man in front of him. "Now. My siblings are expecting me to leave here today with a reason of why we should keep you alive."


Castle, war council room. "Estaban," he muttered. "Look, the last thing I remember is drinking waaay to much, waking up in your Castle, and then waking up again here." His heart hammered in his chest. "As for keeping me alive, just out of the goodness of your hearts?" He honestly couldn't think of a good reason. He could plead or tell some lie. "I could steal something for you, anything. Money? I'm a pirate, i could get that easily."


Oleander seemed satisfied with the answer for the name, placing some food into the cells and offering a small smile. "Ah. Even still. You somehow managed to get through our tight security, evade our men, and make it into our castle. Not any drunkard can do that." He raised a brow playfully. "Mmm… no. My sister is sadistic, rules with an iron fist, my elder brother is smart and cunning, he has no time for humans. My other older brother is blind and prefers to keep to himself and his magic. And my sibling is a war monger intent and blood thirsty. We did not keep you alive out of the goodness of our hearts. As for money, we have plenty. I don't see why we would need you here, hm? Say… what blood type do you have? Do you know?" People with rarer blood types were usually kept close. Their blood was rare, full of nutrients, and well… delicious really. "Because if you don't have magic to offer, and if you don't know any valuable information, nor do you have any sort of good blood type, I'm afraid we'll have to kill you. You heard our conversation, and even if you didn't, my sister isn't willing to take any risks."


Estabon couldn't help but shake. The thought of death terrified him. His mom was more then capable of taking care of herself- but would she always be left wondering? Would she think he drown at sea? What if she thought he just left her. No, Estaban would never just leave her. She knew that…right?
"Blood type?" He choked on the words. It wouldn't make sense, why would his blood type be what kept him alive? Estaban was to dense to figure out that Oleander was a Vampire. "O I think," his breaths came in to fast. He was a pirate, nothing was supposed to scare him. The room felt like it was spinning. "I don't remember." He'd always imagined a death at sea but this? No, Estaban would have never even guessed.


He could see how much the other shook, his eyebrow raising ever so slightly at the sight of this fearsome pirate shaking at the mention of vampires killing him off. He hummed softly as he gazed at the other. "O? O negative or positive?" He asks curiously, raising a brow. "Here. Give me your wrist. It doesn't hurt." He hummed quietly as he reached his hand out and smiled a little. "I can usually tell different blood types."


Estaban complied. He didn't know how Oleander was going to tell his blood type. He didn't see any needles, or much less anything else medical wise. He hated how much his arm shook as he reached threw the bars. It was pitiful really.


Oleander seemed pleased by his reaction, slowly leaning forward and taking his hand. He squeezed the others hands and hums before gently sinking his teeth into the others wrist. It didn't hurt surprisingly, just an odd tingling sensation. He pulls away after a moment, cleaning away the blood humming quietly.


O-. It by far wasn't the rarest blood type, but it was something. And if it was what kept Estaban alive he'd take it. Atleast until he could come up with a realistic escape plan.
Estaban pulled his wrist back to his chest, eyes wide. A castle actually made more sense now. But he didn't want to believe it. Vampires. How did you get himself into this mess? How was he going to get himself out?


O negative was rare enough, and it was enough to satisfy Oleander, but he would have to run it through his siblings. Escaping the palace was impossible, getting in was simple enough. It was much like a Chinese finger trap. Easy to get trapped in, almost impossible to get out. He licked his lip thoughtfully and nods in satisfaction. "O negative. Rare… but not as rare as I would hope. Still. Maybe my siblings will come to an agreement. Now for the other question, how much do you know?" Oleander tilts his head. This could be considered a trick question. If Estaban knew nothing or very little, he could just be killed since he's seen the inside of the castle. If he knew a lot, well. The siblings could kill him for knowing too much. Oleander seemed intrigued however, licking the excess blood off his lips.


"Like I told you, I woke up here hung over and confused." He didn't know anything…did he? What he'd heard could have been anything, and besides why would he tell Oleander the truth?
He rubbed his thumb over the fang marks, smudging the blood that was trickling out. Estaban considered it for a moment, did he want to stay alive in the dungeons? Or die now and get it over with? Estaban shook his head. He really didn't want to think about it, atleast not yet.
"What's going to happen to me?" He tried to force a growl into his voice, but it just made it sound more shaky.


Oleander rose a brow and sighed deeply. He rubs his thin in thought, noticing the blood still trickling out of his arm. "I can heal that." He says gently before looking at the Pirate. "You're lucky you've fascinated me. Depending on how much knowledge you had they were going to kill you either way. However. I'm intrigued." He tilts his head and gazes at him. "But first. It'll take a few days to convince my siblings that we should keep you alive."


"No thanks," Estaban muttered. He didn't want that vampire touching him, even if it was to heal him. Besides that the blood was already clotting. It would scab over soon enough.
"I might die of dehydration first." Estaban stated. The last time he'd asked for water it hadn't ended to well, and he hadn't even drank any.


"I brought food. And water. I'm sure I can talk to my siblings… The guards tend to get… Overzealous." He sighed a little bit before smiling. "Besides. You held up your bargain. Here." He hands the other the food and the water, leaning back in his chair and giving a relaxed sigh.


Estaban nodded his thanks before scarfing down the food. He tried to keep himself from chugging the water, but he was just to thirsty. "You don't say." He said when he finished.
It was actually nice having someone to talk with. Instead of just shouting profanities at the guards. But in Estaban's defense he only did that after they soaked him.
"Say, how often do yer' siblings offer mercy?"


Oleander watched him eat, his eyes softening a little. He didn't often support his sisters orders, but at least he had kept her from killing him instantly. He nods, "The guards share my sisters hatred towards humans. She's the one that usually runs things here." He tilts his head ever so slightly when the other asked. "She uh… she doesn't believe in mercy." He murmured quietly. "Even if I were able to convince her to let you out, you'd be kept in the castle, used as a blood source or something for the guards to use however they wished… Which usually turns out with them killing someone off…" he ran a hand through his hair. "And whatever my sister says, we follow. That's the rule."


Estaban slowly slid back down to a sitting position. He didn't care how unpleasant the stone wall felt on his back. Cursing quietly he put his face in his hands.
"So what yer' say'n is I'm screwed no matter what?" Again that tremble crept into his voice. Estaban doubted the guards would make his death quick. He also doubted that being kept as a blood source would be any better. "Can I convince ya to fake my death 'nd let me go?" God's above he needed a beer. Or maybe something a bit stronger…he didn't know.


Oleander gazed at the other quietly as he let these news sink in. He bit his lip and sighed softly. "Unfortunately that's the case… Being a blood source isn't horrible. You're basically untouchable regarding the guards, and you're fed and well taken care of… You would never be able to be outside again… unless you're on the palace grounds. The guards however, would make your death painful and slow." He sighed. "Even if I were to fake your death, you would be completely drained of your blood and it would be stored away…" He ran a hand through his hair and sighed sadly. "There's little I can do regarding my siblings."


Sitting there in that cell almost naked, it was easy to see all of Estaban's awful tan lines. He'd spent a good deal of his time in the sun on the deck of a ship. "Sounds like I'm screwed either way." And all because drunk Estaban had more stealth then sober.
"Could I atleast write a letter to my family?" Maybe he could play the guilt trip card. Even if Oleander's sister wasn't the most merciful, Estaban still had a small sliver of hope. "I just don't want then thinking I died at sea."