forum "Please don't look at me like that." "Just let me go-" "You know I can't." (O/O) (Closed)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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In that moment Estaban's thoughts weren't drawn to how peaceful the Vampire looked sleeping. Or how grateful he was to be clean. Much rather it was the thought of killing Oleander and making a run for it.
He could do it. Estaban could ease out the door, find the exit and escape. He was a pirate, pirates didn't have morals.
The only problem was the stabbing pain in his chest at the thought of killing someone while they slept. Could he really kill someone who had done their best to keep him alive?
Estaban shook his head. What would his mother think? She'd surely be horrified if she knew what was going threw her son's mind. Would she call him a murder? And that was only if he could find his way out before he was caught.
Estaban took a longing look twords the door, twords possible freedom. a sigh escaped him. Maybe the pirate had morlas after all.


Oleander hummed and slowly woke up when he felt the others presence. He inhaled softly and grunts quietly. He chuckles and gazes at the other. "So you stayed?" He hummed, glancing up at the other. "Usually when i take a nap while a human is cleaning up they try to kill me or run." he sat up slowly, stretching a little. "Usually they end up dead either way. So it's nice to see a change." He grunts and stands before smiling. "Come on. Some food and a drink would be best, hm? I bet you're hungry…" He walks past Estaban and presses his palm against the door. It glowed a soft white before opening. "The doors here are enchanted, so if you had tried to escape, or do try to escape, the doors would cause you immense pain. And if you would have tried to kill me… well… It's safe to say you would have lost." He pushes the door open for the other.


"Guess I'm different," Estaban couldn't deny the fact that Oleander had scared him when he spoke. The pirate had been a bit to lost in thought to even realize the othe had been waking up.
"Magic doors…great." his shabby escape was slowly driffting further and further from his grasp. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he followed Oleander. "And yes, food would be nice. Thank you."


Oleander hums and smiles at the other before nodding slowly. "I'm pleased…" He murmured softly, guiding the other through the winding halls. "Vampires don't really eat unless we need too. However, My sibling and I still enjoy the taste…" He hummed and walks into a grand dining hall. Warm food rested on the table. It was a meal fit for a king, with various kinds of meats, appetizers, and side dishes. "Do you like beer or wine?" He asks curiously, motioning for the other to sit at the table. Oleander settled where there wasn't food, so it looked like he wouldn't be eating at the moment. "Or would you prefer water?" He tilts his head a little to the side.


Estaban took a seat. The amount of food on the table was a little overwhelming. He'd never seen so much in one spot at once before. Let alone when there were only two people at the table.
"Beer," He was a little to quick to answer. Wine had never done it for him, it just didn't feel the same. Something about it felt to fancy, and heaven's above, Estaban wasn't fancy. "Please." He added and cleared his throat.


Oleander waved his hand and a servant walked forward. They poured him a cup of beer before pulling back silently. Oleander watches him curiously, leaning back in his chair. Every way Oleander moved was elegant and graceful. It was as if he were as light as a feather and gravity didn't affect him. "We'll let you rest and rejuvenate for the next few days before the… drinking begins." He hums simply. "Of course, you'll eventually be meeting my siblings…" He sighed deeply at that thought. He didn't seem all that pleased.


Estaban choked on the beer he had already been downing. "Right, drinking," the words came out a bit strangled as he tried to regain his composure. He knew Oleander's version of drinking was very different than his own.
He took a few deep breaths, welcoming the air back into his lungs. "And letting me go is still out of the question?" Frankly, Estaban wasn't to concerned about meeting Oleander's siblings. Sure he knew atleast one of them wanted him dead, but there where a few different people in a few different towns that wanted the same. Granted those people weren't human hating vampires. Also he hadn't drunkly broken into their homes…Estaban took another swig of his beer. Thinking about it wasn't helping. So for now, he'd simply drink as much as he could, and worry about it later.


He nods slowly as he gazes at the human in front of him. "Yes… drinking…" He said the word with distaste. It felt dirty against his tongue. "And yes, letting you go is still out of the question. I'm trying to convince my siblings, but my sister said this is as merciful as she's willing to be…" He murmured quietly. He looked so troubled, his eyes tired, his body slumped slightly as he let himself drift into deep thought. He didn't know what to do… or what to say to his sister… she was so determined to killing the human off… he was human after all. Oleander stood and began pacing, nibbling at his nails. It was a horrible habit he needed to break, however he was anxious and didn't know what to do. He was absolutely terrified of his sister.


"Can't wait," Estaban actually could wait. But that wasn't up to him. This was what he'd chosen. He'd dug the grave and now was the time to lay in it.
"You good over there?" He'd silently watched Oleander for a few moments before commenting on his pacing. At this point Oleander was starting to freak Estaban out. What could be so bad that he had to pace and chew his nails?


People might think that living in the lap of luxury was the life, it was perfect. Being in the presence of the five siblings should be considered an honor… But Oleander lived in fear of his sisters temper. On some days she was sweet and gentle with him, but others she was cruel and merciless. She had been like this for the past few days, merciless with Oleander. He was jolted out of his thoughts and he nods hesitantly. "I'll… I'll be fine." He murmured softly.


Estaban kept himself from asking anymore questions. Who was he to care about what the Vampire felt? If it didn't directly involve Estaban, he would shrug it off. He finished his beer with a satisfied sigh. It was like coming bcak to an warm home at the end of a horrible day.


Oleander inhales softly and continued pacing. He gave a tired sigh. He noticed the other had finished his food and nods slowly. "Alright… Listen carefully. You cannot, cannot under any circumstances use sarcasm with my siblings. Insult them and they won't hesitate to kill you painfully and slowly." He warned quietly.


Estaban was a bit taken by Oleander's concern. "Damn maybe i should just keep my mouth shut then." He wasn't completely sure he could go an entire conversation without sarcasm. Especially since sarcasm was a fail-safe for him. Fear? Just mask it, atleast thats what Estaban had always tried to do.


(I'm so sorry about not being active ;-; I promise I am. However with the holidays I haven't had much free time. I'll reply once the holidays are over.)


(I'm back!)

He nods slowly, "That would probably be best. As much as I find your sarcasm entertaining, my siblings won't." He fiddles a little bit. It was obvious his siblings made him tense. "Just let me do the talking, no matter what they say to aggravate you, you must hold your tongue." He stands and brushes himself off before glancing over at Estaban.


(Welcome back!)

Estaban raised an eye brow. "My appearance gonna offend them too?" He'd already washed up, not to mention the unnecessarily long time He'd taken to get all the knots and matted spots out of his hair. If anything he actually looked better then whenever he set off on an adventure.


Oleander sighed and shook his head. "No, I think you look rather suitable. Of course my siblings will likely pick at your appearance… I'd just not let what they say get to you." Oleander appeared to be working so hard to make sure that his siblings didn't hurt or kill Estaban. He looked exhausted, but he offered a gentle smile to the human in front of him.


Estaban attempted to return the smile. Though it looked rather awkward, and forced. He still wasn't happy about the whole situation, and still hadn't completely given up on the idea of escape. "Uh, thanks by the way." Estaban tucked his hands below the table. They where starting to shake again. Truth be told, the thought of being in a room full of vampires was really starting to get to him.


He nods a little bit before he glanced at the door. He offered his hand to Estaban. "Of course…Then shall we get going then?" Granted he knew his sister was in a bad mood, but the sooner they got this over with, the sooner they were able to not worry about his siblings trying to rip Estaban's throat out. "Just… no speaking, okay?" He asks gently.


"I'll do my best," Estaban couldn't necessarily promise to be 100% silent. If he was asked a question he'd answer, but besides that, silence was the plan. He took Oleander's hand. What was the worse that could happen?


He smiled a little and nods. "Good." He gently guides the other to the throne room. Once they were in front of the large doors, he slowly let go of the others hands and took a deep breath. He adjusted himself, cleaned himself off and then looked over Estaban one more time before pushing the door open. His sister was sitting in the center throne, which was the largest and lined with gold and the finest silk. His brother was sitting posed and waiting their sisters command. His sibling was sitting on their throne with ease, looking rather annoyed as they sharpened their axe, and finally, his other brother sat in a relaxed position, magic flowing around them. "Siblings." He greets kindly.


Estaban stuffed his hands back in his pockets. Fear was once again taking root in his chest, and he instead for no one to notice.
If all went well maybe they'd atleast consider letting him go. Or maybe give him a little more freedom- he really wanted to go outside, even if he would be kept under close watch.
When the other opened the door all of Estaban's confidence went out the window. He thought he was ready to face more vampires, he'd been wrong.
The magic alone was enough to make him uneasy, not to mention the looks of annoyance.


"So this is the human." The woman spoke with so much authority the room rung with it. Her voice was powerful, her eyes narrowed as she looked down on her brother and the human standing in the court. When she spoke the word human, it was filled with displeasure, and possibly disgust.
Oleander bows lowly, "Yes, sister." He straightened. "This is the human I wish to keep."
"Honestly I don't understand little brother. His blood isn't even that rare. Why keep him?" his sibling, Onyx spoke up.
Oleander clicked his tongue. "I prefer his type of blood sibling. Just as you prefer B+." His voice was smooth as he spoke, respectful, willing, and relaxed.
Ascelin then spoke, his milky white eyes landing on the human. "I trust Oleander's choice. We all know that Oleander is more than capable of caring for himself. If he wishes to keep the human I see no issue in it."


Estaban could feel the Vampiers watching him. He felt like a mouse in a lions den. It honestly seemed like none of them wanted him to be kept. But could Estaban really blame them? He had drunkly broken in. Not to mention it seemed his only use would be a food source, and that really wasn't a reason to be kept around.
Estaban took a steadying breath. There was no need to be so grim. It's not like all the Vampires wanted him gone. Oleander was pleading his case, Estaban was greatful for that. It also appeared that one of Oleander's brother's didn't even seem to care. Maybe that could work in his favor

(Sorry for the inactivity I've been busy)