forum I need advice and a safe ranting space.
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

So some people here know I play sky: children of the light. It’s an online mmo with a really friendly and tranquil setting. It’s free, an I do recommend it. It’s on Nintendo switch, ios, maaaybe Android, and ps5. I have a few friends on there, and things have been going relatively well.

Until a few days ago.

One of my friends, who shall remain nameless for no reason, accused me and a few other friends of constantly ignoring them. Now, we may be partly at fault for that, but they refuse to acknowledge their part in this issue. They usually run off to another area, out of our line of sight (meaning we can’t see their chats), when they aren’t being paid attention to constantly. Then, they try to talk to us, again, where we can’t see their chats, and get mad when we don’t respond. This has been a recurring issue and i’ve stopped caring for the most part, along with some other friends. But a few days ago, they decided to block me. None of our mutual friends who were also involved, just me. Now, usually I wouldn’t care much, but they stayed in contact with our other friends, meaning I run into them often with no form of communication with them.

Now, pause for a second. Blocking in sky works like this:
When someone blocks you, the servers try to avoid putting you together. Unfortunately, the mechanic to put you with friends surpasses that (to my knowledge), so if you have mutual friends, you might get stuck in the same server anyway. It also greys out your avatar to them, and vice versa. You can’t interact with them, see their chats, or see their avatar.

Anyway, back to the rant. So I run into this person often since we have a lot of mutual friends, which causes me anxiety and anger. I can’t participate in anything when they’re around, since all my other friends talk to them a lot. I don’t have a problem with it at all, but they just don’t seem to care that I physically cannot participate in these conversations.

Another thing that makes my blood boil — this person still tries to act “friendly” towards me. Keyword, act. They give me plushies and occasionally emote, but they never unblock me, which is really confusing and a bit suspect. I wish I could express my feelings about this to them, but obviously I can’t, since they blocked me.

All in all, I’m furious. And I’d get one of my friends to relay the message that I’m sayin here, but I’m too nervous to do so.

Rant over, hope y’all are having a better day than me.

Remember that friend I ranted about a few pages ago? The situation’s gotten wayyyyy worse now.

So I posted a shorter vent on Sky itself a little while before the first vent I posted here, and the friend (who i’ll just refer to as Birdie from now on) found it. They ended up taking a screenshot of it, posting it on a discord server, and complaining and blowing it completely out of proportion.

The vent I had posted originally was saying that Birdie blocked me but none of our mutuals, resulting in me ending up in the same server as them, resulting in me feeling left out because I couldn’t be a part of anything they were a part of.

Birdie interpreted it as me trying to tell them that they aren’t allowed to hang out with their friends because of this, and they had accused me and said that it was my choice to join them and another friend. Birdie already blocked me and I couldn’t have seen them online, so is it really my choice?

My best friend Kyra (who I will give my life for) gave me a lot of this info, being on Birdie’s discord. And, coincidentally, Kyra got blocked on Sky by Birdie as well. She texted me and she was really upset and crying, and I have honestly never felt more angry in my life. Birdie then accused Kyra of showing me everything that they say, which is again blowing things out of proportion.

Long story short, now me, Kyra, and another friend of mine are all blocked. And still a lot of mutuals remain unblocked.

My personal theory? Birdie’s trying to tear our friend group apart, and to do that they’re trying to take me and anyone close to me completely out of the picture. I’m scared of the lengths they’ll go to, and I’m scared that I’ll never get to talk to some of my closest friends again because of them.

I made these vents on the chicken chat, but I’m reposting them here for context.

I don’t feel safe anywhere but here at the moment, so I need advice. I might call out Birdie later, but it all depends on what happens next.

Help me-

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I’ll do anything I can to help. Birdie needs to chill tf out with how far they’re taking this shit.
For any reference to other people I’m a part of it and one person they blocked also.

@the-void-phantasmic group

I might ask Kyra for those discord screenshots soon- I just need to stop procrastinating lmao
Also I need to ask her to update me on stuff, now that Birdie’s already mad at everyone anyways

@the-void-phantasmic group


Kyra got banned from the discord server, and no other neutrals that we know of have access to the server. I have no current way of knowing what rumors Birdie might be spreading.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

i hereby curse birdie to, always be followed by a swarm of mosquitoes, blistering endless days and always have the sun shining right at their face no matter where they go.