forum “I’m surrounded by idiots.” // random character chat hehe // closed
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

Hello weirdos! I’ve given in to the temptation of starting yet another roleplay, but this one’s probably the most chill one I have. No plot, just kind of exist lol.

There are still my usual rules tho!!!! I still wield the ban hammer!!!!!

The rules:

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.

  • please, please be decently active. I want this to last.

  • let’s keep it pg-13, I’m a minor among many others here.

  • cursing of any kind is fine, just no slurs. if you use any slurs I’m going to throw you out into the next continent over, I don’t care how much of an asshole your character is.

  • on that note, your character can be an asshole, but you can’t. be respectful and kind out of character.

  • 1-2 characters allowed, anything over that is excessive due to the current lack of a player limit.

  • original characters and characters from fandoms are both allowed. (I’m obsessed with Portal right now don’t judge me.)

  • 2-3 sentence minimum. no one-liners, please. again, I want this to last.

  • please have the ability to use punctuation and capitalization.

  • if I give you a character template, don’t send a notebook page. you can edit the template slightly and I’m not requiring a lot of detail. plus, it isn’t fair to those of us using templates.

  • do not assume anything about your environment unless it’s already been established. you are not the narrator.

  • if I’m not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a sample.

  • ask to join, and keep in mind that I reserve the right to say no. usually, it’s not about you. if our writing styles clash, I won’t want to roleplay with you. please don’t take it personally.

Anyway, character template let’s go-

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc):
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Body type:
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional):


Basic personality:
Background (optional):
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

And finally,,, where the characters are getting yeeted to in the first place!

So basically, they’re in this big like. House thing with the same exact amount of rooms as there are people, with accommodations for everyone. There’s a kitchen with unlimited food, and I definitely didn’t steal this off of a dead chat—

There’s also a forest outside, but there’s a fence that keeps them from wandering too far.

Basic Info

Name: GLaDOS
Nicknames (if any): nope
Age: a lot?
Gender and pronouns: While she doesn’t technically have a gender, she prefers she/her pronouns.
Universe/Fandom: Portal


Skin tone: m etal????
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): a few scratches and dents I guess
Height: 9’6”
Weight: a lot.
Eye color: orange w/ a black sclera
Hair color: silver
Hair style: long and wavy
Body type: average???
Usual outfit (optional): no
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): literally just look up “GLaDOS lines” on YouTube


Basic personality: blunt, sarcastic, slightly sadistic, obsessed with science and testing, arrogant, overall pretty awful
Sexuality: probably a lesbian (for legal reasons this is a joke)
Background (optional): nah
Physical conditions: none
Mental conditions: she’s a psychopath but we politely ignore that. We pretend we do not see. We do not perceive-
Other: she’s afraid of birds.

Basic Info

Name: Daphne Allen
Nicknames (if any): Daph
Age: 17
Gender and pronouns: female, she/her
Universe/Fandom: Beneath the Heavens


Skin tone: dark brown
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): lots of knife scars on her arms and shoulders, also freckles :}
Height: 5’6”
Weight: no. No mathing
Eye color: gold/yellow
Hair color: black
Hair style: afro?? Very poofy
Body type: deadass built like a toothpick
Usual outfit (optional): no.
Face claim (optional): n o .
Voice (optional): nah,,,


Basic personality: Sarcastic little shit, antisocial, hyper at times, fidgety, usually pretty quiet, can be clingy depending
Sexuality: lesbiab.
Background (optional): you think it’s that easy?????? Lmao no
Physical conditions: none
Mental conditions: Anxiety, C-PTSD
Other: She just needs a hug,,,,

Also, if I ask you not to do something with your character that messes up the roleplay, just listen. It makes this easier for all of us. And on that note, don’t do anything that’ll mess up the roleplay, that’s just a jerk move.

@whathappensifidothis, come forth, peasant.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Basic Info

Name: Lilium Brooks
Nicknames (if any): Lili
Age: 19-20
Species: Butterfly
Gender and pronouns: Female, She/Her
Universe/Fandom: Beneath the Heavens


Skin tone: Pale
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): None?
Height: 5’1
Weight: 100-ish
Eye color: Completely black with hexagon tessellations, similar to insect compound eyes.
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Mostly down, but sometimes decorated with small braids and flowers. She has a little golden butterfly clip in her hair.
Body type: Thin, but not underweight.
Wing type: Yellow butterfly wings that shimmer in the sunlight.
Usual outfit (optional): A pale tan sundress with embroidered vines and leaves.
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): Nope haha-


Basic personality: Shy and quiet, but also smart and logical when called for. She tries her best not to be a burden, and tries to help people if she can overcome her social anxiety. Extremely protective of Daphne, but honestly she couldn’t hurt a fly if she tried.
Sexuality: Probably not straight.
Background (optional): Nah.
Physical conditions: None?
Mental conditions: Social anxiety and minor paranoia due to overthinking.
Other: Has two antennae atop her head resembling a butterfly’s.

Basic Info

Name: Avirex
Nicknames (if any): No
Age: Unknown, appears to be 14-16.
Species: Child of Light/Skykid
Gender and pronouns: Biologically genderless, but responds to both They/Them and He/Him
Universe/Fandom: Beneath the Heavens


Skin tone: A very dark grey, nearly black.
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Tilted square patterns on their back that glow white.
Height: 4’8
Weight: Unknown
Eye color: A yellow-gold color.
Hair color: Completely white, with an almost unnatural shine to it.
Hair style: They generally don’t care what style it’s in, but it’s wavy and medium-short in length.
Body type: Twink Thin with a bit of muscle.
Usual outfit (optional): Dark blue pants and shirt with gold highlights and ornaments, and a vibrant red and gold cape with patterning on it.
Face claim (optional): N o
Voice (optional): Screams


Basic personality: Sarcastic, mysterious, kinda creepy, doesn’t interact well with people, etc.
Sexuality: What?
Background (optional): Nope!
Physical conditions: Uh
Mental conditions: Does being able to read people’s minds and emotions plus sense their intentions count as a mental condition? If so, there you go.
Other: Uh…… you’ll see.

@Null-Gravity language

Basic Info

Name (As a demon/angel): Arezias
Name (As a human): Ada Walker
Nicknames (Optional): N/A (Feel free to come up with any for the bastard, however.)
Age: 17
Gender (Biological): Female
Gender Identity: Agender
Pronouns: They/them
Universe: Gold Tears (My universe)


Skin Tone: (Hex Color #edd4bb) with (Hex Color #f7e5e1) splotches across their head and body
Height: 4 ft. 3 in. /// 129.54 cm. (4 ft. 9 in. with boots)
Weight: 99.23 lbs. /// 45.009971 kg
Eye Color: Left Eye (Hex Color #00de1a) Right Eye (Hex Color #ff4fbe)
Hair Color: Same color scheme as eyes
Hair Style-

Body Type: Skinny w/ long legs (for someone who stands at about the height of a medium sized dog, at least), slim shoulders and long, dexterous fingers that are skilled at both making music and causing extreme amounts of chaos.
Identifying Marks (tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc.): They are one giant identifying mark. They usually have a shit eating grin on their face, because, y'know. . . what's the point of life if you don't have fun?
Usual Outfit: Sleeveless (the sleeves were burned off a long while ago) black tee with a print of Slipknot's logo; baggy black pants studded with metal with 5 pounds of chains hanging from the belt loops; 6 inch black platform boots, colored with rainbows on the toes (with enough metal spikes on the toes to make a baseball bat jealous); black fingerless gloves; black beanie with a rose design.


Basic Personality (descriptive terms, such as "calm" and "kind" can work instead of a full personality description): In a word? friend. Gives no shits about societal norms, they talk and think the way the want to, consequences be damned. Verbal filter? Never heard of it. They say everything that's on their mind, for better or worse. . . usually for worse. They wear their heart on their sleeve (so to speak) and never look back with regret. They find interest in all things, tiny or big, from an ant to a rock to fantastic creatures like manticores or dragons. They can't sit still for the life of them. (Warning: introducing this one to caffeine is a bad idea. They've already found the wonders of sugary treats and the entire world regrets it.) Oh, and did we forget to mention they have no sense of direction? They also can't read very well. . . (This one will definitely be an issue.) They love food, no matter what culture it's from or whatever unique flavors it may have.
Sexuality: They're pretty sure sexuality was a cool bug they found last week. Or maybe it was the shiny rock?
Fears: The dark, closed off/tight spaces (which is ironic since they also love tight/closed off spaces because they allow for enhanced chaos), getting lost.
Hopes: Finding a new family
Motivations/Goals: Chaos.
Hobbies: Causing chaos, collecting things (including not very shiny things. Bones, concrete shards that have cool shapes, this weird little twig that looks kinda like a question mark. . .), finding cursed food combinations, sleeping
Talents: Starting fires, starting fights, causing chaos, eating (you'd be surprised just how much money this one will force you to spend to satiate their unending appetite. . . we don't talk about the Boar Incident of '21. Some things are never meant to be remembered. . .), sleeping (Olympic napper right here. Has been known to sleep through earthquakes and the occasional tornado)
Physical Conditions: N/A
Mental Conditions: ADHD, CPTSD, British
Backstory (optional): (Not quite yet.)

Basic Info

Name: Osir Iluna (oh-SEAR ill-OO-nah)

Age: Unknown

Race: Demon /\ Lower level royal

Demon Subspecies: Cassi Ha'auluo (One of 4 high/royal demon species that exist in one of my fantasy world; kah-SEE hah-OW-loo-oh)

Gender: It is unknown if the Cassi Ha'auluo have genders, due to their masks and the clothes they traditionally wear, which cover and obscure the areas where one would check to see if one is a man or woman

Universe: Gold Tears (My universe)


Height: 8 feet 2 inches /\ 248.920 cm

Weight: 210.213 lbs. /\ 95.3496521 kg.

Eye Color: Unknown

Eye Shape: Unknown

Hair Color: Snow white /\ #fffafa

Hair Style: Middle of the back, straight, unbraided

Skin Tone: Blue-grey /\ #8a9da8

Horn Shape-

Horn Color: Vantablack /\ #010100

Horn Details: The horns have designs of musical notes engraved in them at the base, while the rest of the horn is decorated with thin, spidery silver lines that glow slightly with a blue light. 

Face Shape: Unknown

Body Type: Slim shoulders, wiry, corded with muscle. 

Usual Outfit: A featureless black mask covers Osir's entire face, from hairline to chin. Black, streamlined plate armor covers their torso, forearms and shins; black greaves protect their heels, and each hand is covered with an articulated metal glove. Everywhere not protected by metal is open to the air. They usually wear a black cloak over top of all this, which they never take off. 

Other Details: 2 pairs of feathery wings, which have the same color as Osir's hair, sprout from their shoulder blades and waist; the first pair is 24 feet (7.3152 meters) in span, the second is 16 feet (4.8768 meters). Their blood is blackish-gold, and is thinner than human blood; it causes irreversible physical changes in those who consume it :)


Personality Type: They seem to enjoy flustering people with words quite often, and tend to go out of their way to do so. They find pleasure in causing people slight amounts of discomfort, and adore watching people blush. They are an effective leader, capable of taking control of a room just by being there. They seem to take pride in their horns and mask as well. 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Men, women, food, music, wine, poetry/prose, dancing

Dislikes: Extreme violence (though they're very proficient at it), direct confrontation, dissonance, chaos

Hopes: Unknown

Fears: Unknown

Hobbies: Masquerading (as in, going to masquerade balls), devouring unsuspecting lesser demons and humans, forging contracts

Talents: Fighting, magic, diplomacy

Motivations: Unknown

Goals: Unknown

Physical Conditions:

Mental Conditions:

Abilities and Such

Unique Powers: Musician's Mark, Umbra, Dark Soul, Profane Interdiction, Nova, Call of Osir, New Law, Variable Destruction, Reversal, Degenerate, Ultraspeed Processing, Monarch
Basic Powers: Instant Regeneration, Telepathy, Telekinesis