@im-with-stoopid pets
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules, of course. Keep it PG – there will more than likely be some violence, I know, but don't go crazy.
- Try to keep replies around 3-5 lines. It's something I'm guilty of, too. Just don't say three words or write a whole book as a reply.
- No power-playing! Characters can and likely will get into fights. Please don't say things like, "My character dodges and hits your for 80 million damage! And you can't dodge!" Also, don't kill/mortally wound other people's characters.
- Turn system, maybe? Considering it so nobody gets left behind storywise, but Summer could be an issue.
- Any questions about the world? Just ask! :D
The Capital was burning.
The words had spread through the colonies like wildfire. It seemed all too absurd, all too impossible.
But it was sickeningly true.
Thick plumes billowed from the ruins of the Oldest City, strangling the sun. The few fragments of the visible sky were red. Ashen snow was drifting down to earth, carried by the slow southbound winds. The bridges that had held sturdy for centuries were smoldering.
If the chasms underfoot had decided to swallow the Kingdom Peaks entirely, there'd have been less chaos.
There came screams, tears, and confused hysteria as if the Colonies themselves were burning. The flames grew bolder with every second that passed. Some had slithered onto the mainbridges' supports, and others ate away at the clothes of those unfortunate enough to be in the fire's path. Some flames spilled over the mountainsides, and still, others flickered in the smoke plumes like mock suns.
The colonies cut the bridges. Not only the mainbridges, but the cross-colony bridges, too. They had to, for their own safety, right?
And with the deaths of the bridges came the deaths of what little alliances spanned the Kingdom Peaks.
This event came to known as The Greatblaze. And as fatal as it had been?
That had been planned for.
Hell, that's exactly what they'd wanted.
This roleplay takes place around fifty years after The Greatblaze. Now, the Kingdom Peaks are inhabited by 4 major kingdoms, and none of them like each other. The main story is mostly going to be about finding out what caused The Greatblaze… if your characters can get along, that is.
Feel free to make a character for this or modify one of your existing ones. The target time period here is Middle Ages-ish. Pretty much don't have guns that fire laser beams here, and we're good.
Some notes on the 4 Kingdoms and a character template underneath. Ask me anything if you're confused about the world, because I'm not too great at explaining this stuff in one sitting.
- Terraglade, Kingdom of Gardens: Generally seen as cowardly by the other 3 Kingdoms because of their refusal to join the other kingdoms' conflicts. Tend to specialize in growing and identifying plants, taking notes, and mediation. Have re-invented paper and has the best recorded history out of the Kingdoms.
- Cascove, Kingdom of Tides: Generally seen as mysterious by the other 3 Kingdoms because of their self-imposed isolation. Tend to specialize in exploration, mapmaking, and keeping things in order. Have re-invented boats and has the best means of exploration out of the Kingdoms.
- Marbrick, Kingdom of Ore: Generally seen as apathetic and heartless by the other 3 Kingdoms because of their overall disregard of the Greatblaze. Probably the least interested in finding out what really caused the Greatblaze. Tend to specialize in combat, being self-sufficient, and staying awake longer. Have re-invented metal-working and has the best weaponry out of the Kingdoms.
- Austream, Kingdom of the Winds: Generally seen as childish by the other 3 Kingdoms due to their laidback leadership and reckless attitudes. Probably the most interested in finding out what really caused the Greatblaze. Tend to specialize in making inventions (with varying degrees of success…), making music, and just enjoying life. Have invented hang-gliders and has the best means of quick transportation out of the Kingdoms.
Character Name -
Gender/Pronouns? -
Age -
Which Kingdom are they from? -
Height/Weight -
Any important features? (Scars, Injuries, etc.) -
Background -
Opinions of the Kingdoms? -
- Terraglade? -
- Cascove? -
- Marbrick? -
- Austream? -
This is my first time writing a roleplay starter, so if I'm missing anything please let me know!
@JustALostM // @just_gabs // @ame-the-ghostie-survived-middle-school // @whathappensifidothis
I went a moderate amount of crazy from the… checks PMs …seven ideas we had.
Preferred format goes like this:
Character Name:
Couple of sentences describing what they're doing, thinking, saying, etc. Basically, just write the way you'd see it in a book! :D