forum Growing Ruin - [ 5/5 People // Closed ]
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@the-void-galactic language

Amethyst found herself surrounded by people. She edged closer to her father, at least he was staying silent. She felt really out of place. She was just a messy little teenage girl, what was she even doing here? But she couldn’t argue, she knew the consequences.

Resh kept away from the growing crowd, growling each time someone got too close. He drew his cloak tighter around his shoulders. He was stiff as a board, glancing at everyone warily. Too many people. Don’t like it-

@JustALostM book

Nicholas looked down, thinking to himself. He was scatterbrained and it was surprising for him. His thoughts were usually was more organized. 'Don't be stupid, Boy.' A voice echoed in his head. Nicholas put his hand on his forehead, trying to figure out weather he was going crazy or not. He shook it off like nothing had happened and he looked around. Still, the seats that he had sat next to weren't filled. He decided to get up and move closer to the crowd. As close as he could with out getting looked at like he had fallen from the sun. He picked a seat near a row away from the filled seats and sat at the last seat.
(Sorry Finals were a bit much-)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Watching the crowd grow only made him more impatient to leave. Too much noise, too much movement. At least most people were actively avoiding him. Anyone who did get too close to him seemed to take a glance at him and politely move away. He watched as one Austream-folk with a glider practically ran out of the crowd, and then looked around like a lost child. Is he stupid, or disoriented? Tseth thought about going towards the stranger, but immediately decided not to. He wasn't about to move from his spot just to socialize. Hopefully this event would start soon, so he could leave just as quick.

@im-with-stoopid pets


He had, begrudgingly, turned back toward the Austream crowd. Surprisingly, it hadn't scattered yet. In fact there was a crowd!
Oh no. Had Austream started a fight already? And was he missing out on it?
Tommad wormed his way through the crowd. He couldn't hear anything that sounded like a fight - maybe one of the fighters was already down? At least his fellow Austream-folk didn't mind getting bumped by his glider - they were all too used to it.
There! Tommad could see the edge of the crowd. He popped his head out, and… there was a girl?
A Terraglade girl, to be exact, but his fellows might as well have been staring at a Breeze-maker. Lame.


He looked up towards the sun, shielding his eyes with his good hand. The Kingdom leaders would start speaking at noon, just like always. By Mica's estimations, they'd start in around… thirty minutes? He could've sworn he'd've been here sooner. Maybe he'd spent too much time staring at people - that was a bad habit of his.
It was a conscious effort to control his breathing as seating became more scarce. The Kingdom-folk were starting to close in on him - his patch of sunlight was becoming smaller and smaller.
Breathe! Relax! They're here for the same reason you are, brickhead!

(Yeah, I just kinda went- my bad. At least I didn't have to retype it-)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Hazel looked around uneasily, suddenly all too aware of the odd looks she was getting. She fidgeted, realizing maybe she wasn’t welcome. But the Terraglade spot was too far away for her liking-
She looked around and accidentally caught the eye of a boy maybe close to her age, carrying a glider. She gestured around and half shrugged. should I leave? she mouthed to him.