forum Growing Ruin - [ 5/5 People // Closed ]
Started by @im-with-stoopid pets

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@im-with-stoopid pets

(I've been thinking about doing 2 characters per person like Chaos Chat, but not fully sure- there's only 5 of us (if LostM agrees to join), so that'd be 10 main characters.)
(Also, they wouldn't have to be from the same kingdom. Y'know, to get some variety here. But idk if that'd be confusing to follow- never hosted an rp before-)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(TW for violence in… a lot of this)

Character Name - Kody Tsethlekai Stryker
Gender/Pronouns? - He/Him, Pansexual
Age - 25
Which Kingdom are they from? - Marbrick

Height/Weight - 6’8”, around 250-
Any important features? (Scars, Injuries, etc.) (TW) - Laceration scars on back from scourging. Mostly keeps them hidden.
Background (TW)- Parents were killed at an early age, adopted by a well-off family in Marbrick. He learned about the Greatblaze, but never took an interest. That was in the past, and it’s the present now. Became skilled in combat, starting in his teen years and continuing today. He became a mercenary around 15-16, and took to it easily. He had been captured and tortured when he was 18, and rarely talks about who or what did it, or what exactly they did.
Opinions of the Kingdoms? (TW)-

  • Terraglade? - Pacifists. Too scared to join conflict. Rare to find anyone from Terraglade who’s interested in violence, they’re more occupied with keeping their records and tending their plants. Not good for business.
  • Cascove? - Untrustworthy due to their isolation. Mapmaking is helpful, but not knowing much about someone becomes a problem quickly.
  • Marbrick? - Home kingdom. Powerful due to their mastery of weapon-smithing and self-sufficiency. They live in the present, and the better for it. Good for business and restocking supplies.
  • Austream? - Their way of leading is concerning. They live in the past. Despite their recklessness, they’re good for getting around. Visiting Austream is more pleasant than some others, if you ignore certain aspects.

Face claim -
General outfit - (in other words that but make it black)

Deleted user

(He’s going to terrify Amethyst 90% of the time)

@im-with-stoopid pets

Character Name - Tommahud Guspire (Tommad, for shorts.)
Gender/Pronouns? - Male, He/Him/His
Age - 17
Which Kingdom are they from? - Austream

Height/Weight - Around 5 foot, 1 inch. 110 pounds.
Any important features? (Scars, Injuries, etc.) - A few scrapes and scars from when he overestimated his abilities, but nothing major. Yet.
Background - Lived a relatively normal Austream life, including jumping off of cliffs and gliding in storms. A model citizen, for better or for worse. His older brother vanished during a negotiation meeting between Austream and Cascove a few years back. Despite the general lack of concern from the Austream public and even his own family, Tommad hasn't let go of the hope that his brother is still out there. He holds a particular grudge against Cascove.
Opinions of the Kingdoms? -

  • Terraglade? - They're… fine. If it wasn't for their record-keeping, he wouldn't even know about what came before the Greatblaze. That has to be good for something. Otherwise? He's indifferent.
  • Cascove? - The only people who keep secrets are people who have something worth hiding. He's convinced that Cascove has had something to do with the Greatblaze, though there's no telling what. Maybe that's what they took his brother for..?
  • Marbrick? - Uh? Loo-sers! He's completely convinced that talking to someone from Marbrick would bore his ears off. Not his favorite, but he'd rather live in Marbrick for a year before he even looked at someone from Cascove.
  • Austream? - The best Kingdom, obviously! No explanation needed, it's just common sense.

Don't have a face claim for this dork yet- give me a second.

Character Name - Micalen Araved (He prefers Mica, for short.)
Gender/Pronouns? - Male, He/Him/His
Age - 23
Which Kingdom are they from? - Marbrick

Height/Weight - Around 5 foot, 11 inches. 130 pounds.
Any important features? (Scars, Injuries, etc.) - He's missing a thumb and forefinger on his right hand due to a smithing accident.
Background - He's spent most of his life an outcast due to his pacifism. He has an interest in the other Kingdoms, mainly Cascove. He doesn't fully understand why Cascove has to be so mysterious, and would personally like to do some digging himself. He never had any real interest in the Greatblaze itself, unless it happened to be tied to his Kingdom in some way.
Opinions of the Kingdoms? -

  • Terraglade? - It must be nice be from there. No conflicts, no responsibilities, no judgements… Sometimes he wishes he'd be born there instead.
  • Cascove? - So much hidden underneath, and not enough people willing to uncover it all.
  • Marbrick? - A fine Kingdom. A little too loudmouthed for his liking, but he has some pride in being from there.
  • Austream? - Absolute madmen. You couldn't pay him enough to make him do something Austream-folk would do for free.

Deleted user

(I love how I just established that the template has a face claim section 💀)

Deleted user

(Guys please I add face claims and Pinterest boards to almost every character template)

@JustALostM book

(Ahhh! I'm here! I just… Wont be here for to long. My family and I are going on a trip till Saturday night (Maybe Sunday?). So If you Guys Want, Just Start Without me And We'll find a way to add my character as we go.)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(Speaking of trips, I’ll likely only be able to respond at nights this Sunday, the next weekend, and August 11th-21st. Between that I’m pretty sure I’m fine, but I’ll let you all know if anything else comes up.)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Alright, then. I've been considering a limit of two characters per person instead of one- it wouldn't be required to have two, but y'know some diversity and it keeps people from just being out of the rp if their character isn't in the scene. What do you guys think?)

Deleted user

(Hmmmm now I wanna yeet a second character)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Alright then! Just edit the character sheets you already posted and let me know when you're done. :D )
(Glad that this Not-Quite-DnD rp actually got somewhere.)