info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Toltova?


Description - How would you describe Toltova?

Based on Victorian era England, but some of the people have superpowers

book History
History - What is Toltova’s history?

-People with special abilities have always existed in Toltova, no one really knows why.
-A group called the Patrol, originally put together by the king, were devoted to eradicating those with abilities.
- King Matthew I came into power and disbanded the Patrol, in the hopes that those with abilities would be able to live in peace once again.
- Many members of the Patrol were put on trial and punished accordingly, but there were some who escaped and started a new life in the mountains
- Even though the witch hunts were over, people with abilities were still afraid to reveal their abilities as there is still a lot of prejudice towards them.
-Although the Patrol had disbanded, hate crimes were still fairly common.
- As King Matthew III came into power, there were reports of people going missing (mostly teens/young adults). He set up a special military force to investigate these disappearances, which many were attributing to the Patrol.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Toltova?

Powers are not uncommon. These powers can range from anything from flight to mind reading. However, there has never been a documented case of someone having more than one ability.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain New Vellarton Formerly a coal mining town, New Vellarton is now being re-inhabited into a safe haven for people with abilities.

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Patrol Group dedicated to eradicating people with powers

1 magic reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Flight This ability allows the person to fly using a functioning pair of wings. These wings are also retractable, which allows the user to easily hide them.

4 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Galtia Capital City of Toltova
location_city Saylen Headquarters for the Patrol [[Group-19687]]
location_city Coral Bay A busy harbour town, known to be popular with pirates
location_city New Vellarton Formerly a mining town, New Vellarton now serves as a safe haven for people with powers. It is largely unknown to the general population of Toltova partly due to its small population but also due t...

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