info Overview
Name - What is Kit Marwing’s full name?

Kit Marwing

Age - How old is Kit Marwing?


Gender - What is Kit Marwing’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kit Marwing go by?

Prince Kit, Prince Christopher

Role - What is Kit Marwing’s role in your story?

Main Character

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kit Marwing have?


Hair Style - How does Kit Marwing style their hair?

Thick and wavy, but usually combed back so that it stays out of his face.

Hair Color - What color is Kit Marwing’s hair?

Dark Brown

Height - How tall is Kit Marwing?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Kit Marwing’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Kit Marwing have?

The Patrol, as well as most people who have negative things to say about his father.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kit Marwing have?

Plays with the buttons on his sleeves when he gets anxious

Motivations - What motivates Kit Marwing most?

As the heir to the throne and future King of Toltova, Kit tries really hard to make sure that others are taking him seriously and see him as a capable leader. Much of his decision making stems from what he thinks will make the most people happy.

Flaws - What flaws does Kit Marwing have?

Because of his sheltered and privileged upbringing, Kit can sometimes be a little naive about what life is like for the average citizen and often says things that come across as insensitive. He also doesn't like to admit defeat, and will debate things even when he already knows he's wrong.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kit Marwing have?


Personality type - What personality type is Kit Marwing?

Kit is a natural born leader. He's brave, but not to a point where he'd be considered reckless. He's compassionate, and cares deeply about others, especially his friends and family. He's a very type A personality, always very on top of things and good at getting a plan in motion.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Kit Marwing’s favorite possession?

The Book of Powers (a gift from his father after his father found out about Kit's powers).

Favorite color - What is Kit Marwing’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Kit Marwing’s occupation?

Prince of Toltova, first in line to the throne

Job - What job does Kit Marwing have?

Crown Prince of Toltova

info History
Background - What is Kit Marwing’s background?

Kit is the only son of the King and Queen of Toltova making him the heir to the throne. Kit lives a very luxurious lifestyle; he always has castle staff taking care of just about everything for him. From a young age, Kit spent almost every waking hour being groomed to one day inherit his father's throne. He rarely had any time to do things for fun, but whenever he did find the rare bit of time to himself he'd often spend it with his cousin, Leo. Despite the fact that their father's have a complicated relationship, Kit and Leo always got along quite well.

When Kit was thirteen, he developed telekinetic powers. He kept this a secret from everyone except for his parents and the Royal Healer (who Kit only told at the request of his father).

Only a year later, Leo went missing. Kit's father sent out as many men as he could afford to send out to search for him, and every day Kit would ask his father for updates. A week after Leo's disappearance, his body was found. Kit was devastated over the loss of his cousin and only real friend.

When Kit was seventeen, his father announced to him that he had arranged a marriage with the Katrina, the daughter of the Lord of Taloria. Although Kit did not know Katrina very well he was determined to make the best of the situation. The two of them ended up getting along very well, and found that they actually had a lot of shared interests.
When it came time for the two of them to appear in public together for the first time, Kit was determined to make sure that everything went over smoothly. Initially, things were going fine until Kit's uncle Alexander (Leo's father) pulled him aside. Alexander told Kit that he knew about his powers and that he would tell everyone about them if Kit didn't give him the throne. Alexander offered to help him fake his death, but Kit refused Alexander forced him to tell Katrina about his powers. Katrina left without much of a reaction, leaving Kit uncertain as to what her feelings were towards him. When Kit tried to get away from his uncle, Alexander drugged him and held him hostage in the castle's dungeons.
Kit was eventually found by his parents and the Royal Healer. His father told him that Alexander had fled the scene, and that it would be best if Kit spent some time away from the castle with his mother's side of the family where he would be safe from Alexander.

Birthday - When is Kit Marwing’s birthday?

July 18

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folder_open Playlist

Tomorrow- Silverchair

Invincible- Muse

I Just Can't Wait To Be King- The Lion King

history Changelog
edit Notes

Full body outfit: See gallery. Coat goes down just past his hips. Usually wears white pants and black boots. Has a crown as well, but doesn't wear it all the time (I also haven't designed it yet whoops).

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