info Overview
Name - What is Eva Ferris’s full name?

Eva Ferris

Age - How old is Eva Ferris?


Gender - What is Eva Ferris’s gender?


Role - What is Eva Ferris’s role in your story?

main character

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Eva Ferris style their hair?

medium, curly.

Hair Color - What color is Eva Ferris’s hair?


Height - How tall is Eva Ferris?


Body Type

thin, slightly underweight

Skin Tone

Pale white

Eye Color - What is Eva Ferris’s eye color?

Golden brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Eva Ferris have?
Motivations - What motivates Eva Ferris most?

protecting and providing for both herself and her younger brother

Talents - What talents does Eva Ferris have?

mind reading

Personality type - What personality type is Eva Ferris?

fairly introverted. Likes to keep to herself, but is very caring towards her loved ones.

info History
Education - What is Eva Ferris’s level of education?

No formal education. Knows how to read and write, as well as some basic math.

Birthday - When is Eva Ferris’s birthday?

September 7th

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Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Eva Ferris

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