info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Prism?

Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Manga/Graphic Novel

Description - How would you describe Prism?

Future Earth

book History
History - What is Prism’s history?

The government started the “Diamond Project”, a project devoted to inventing a vaccine to strengthen human bodies in hopes to prevent deaths from car accidents, shootings, and bombings. Among the handpicked doctors and scientists chosen for this project were Aimee and Arthur Prism, Kandi and Leon Adisa, and the young, 21-year-old genius Jade Lin. Due to fail and fail again, the project was soon planned to be shut down, Aimee, however swore she had perfected the serum! Nonetheless, they refused to let her to test the vaccine, and told her to forget about it. Aimee refused to, and secretly took her finished serum home with her, where, due to an incident with a stray cat, was accidently injected into her oldest daughter, Brielle. Aimee, despite being stricken with panic, reassured her daughter that that vaccine was harmless, not wanting to scare her before she knew what to do. However not long after, Brielle began feeling strange, but the feeling passed, so Aimee deduced it was from anxiety. But, they soon discover the Diamond Vaccine was a success! Brielle’s skin had been strengthened, she was healing quicker and her sensitivity to pain lowered. Aimee sheepishly brought Brielle to headquarters and the project is continued. Aimee, Arthur, plus a few others volunteered to test the serum as well, but for some reason it didn’t work on anyone except Arthur, so then, with the permission of Brielle and her father, they began studying their blood types and realized they has an extremely rare variety of the type O bloodtype, which perfectly adapted to the serum, combining with their DNA. They decided to refer to the blood type as type O Adaptive. They then decided to, once again with permission of the Prism’s, to test the blood types of their other two children, Evie and Sprite to see if they too had the type O Adaptive blood. The only condition the Prism’s had was Aimee wanted to be the one to draw the blood, so, they brought them to the labs where Aimee could have the right equipment. Unfortunately, a fire had started in the labs, which resulted in a small explosion. Both Evie and Sprite had been injured, and the serum had leaked into their bloodstreams. They were rushed to the hospital

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Prism?

Technology has advanced quite a lot over the past ten years. Most cars are now all electric, almost 60 percent of houses in the USA alone run on solar power. Other government projects have started in hopes to help civilization, and many great accomplishments have been achieved.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Prism?

Normal, it's just earth but later in the future.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Prism?

None, it's just plain old Earth.

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open Races
folder_open Religions
This universe contains...
14 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Aimee Penelope Cisse-Prism Supporting character, Biologist
group Kioshi Yamada Side character, Lieutenant
group Aria Louis Ross Side character, Musician
group Sarah Lantha Prism Deuteragonist, Colonel
group Brielle Livana Prism Deuteragonist, Colonel
group Theodora Lynn Brady Supporting Character, Cadet
group Dylan Quinn Isakson Supporting Character, Assistant Biologist
group Damian Joseph Brookes Deuteragonist, Soldier
group Fernanda Oakley Prism Deuteragonist, Colonel
group Genevieve Amber Prism Protagonist, Colonel
group Kenneth Jackson Brady Supporting Character, Trooper.
group Jade Lin Antagonist, Biologist
group Laina Delaney Cisse Side character, Aunt
group Shauna Iris Cisse Side character, Lieutenant

This universe was created by Thia L. on

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