description Overview
Name - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s full name?

Theodora Lynn Brady

Other names - What other aliases does Theodora Lynn Brady go by?

Goes by the nickname "Theo", sometimes called "Little Lady Brady" by her brother/parents as a cute pet-name.

Role - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s role in your story?

Supporting Character, Cadet

Gender - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s gender?


Age - How old is Theodora Lynn Brady?


create Looks

Caucasian, of Irish heritage.


Bright golden yellow.


Wears her hair down with a headband, just below shoulder length, curly.

Height - How tall is Theodora Lynn Brady?

5'5" (165.0 cm)

Body Type

Thin, pretty flat-chested with average hips. Slowly gaining muscle as she continues her training.

Skin Tone

Pale and freckled.

mood Nature
Talents - What talents does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

Is an incredible musician, plus very good at singing just doesn't believe it. Also amazing at cheering people up when feeling down, and inspiring others with her optimistic nature.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

Points a lot, curls her hair around her fingers when bored or thinking, bangs or knocks a rhythm on any surface close enough, sings to herself constantly, whips her head back and forth when drumming (likes the feeling of her hair flying), clenches her fists when excited, buries her head in her hands when crying, crosses her arms, and death glares with her head down when mad.


Freeing her mother from Corruption, and her family in general. Wants things to go back to the way they were. Also wants to be someone just like Evie and the rest of the Prism's. Dreams of being a famous musician, and that dream is a motivation to free the Corrupt quickly so she can pursue this goal.

Flaws - What flaws does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

Holds grudges for a really long time, overly optimistic and freaks out when she can't find the bright side of things. Won't stop humming/singing to herself. Really stubborn, won't change her opinions on things easily. Is a bit of a obsessive fangirl when it comes to celebrities, and even Evie when she first met her.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

Playing guitar and drums, singing, writing music, thinking up band names. Works out pretty frequently now that she's trying to gain muscle. She argues with Aria so much it's pretty much become a hobby.


Theo is very sanguine, bright, and cheerful. She's extremely enthusiastic, and always finds something to be excited about, which makes her a wonderfully uplifting person to be around. She's slightly tomboyish, and would much rather shop for music than clothes very much unlike her brother who you can always find in the nearest shoe section. She is also very confident, not to mention a little prideful, and has trouble with changing her opinions/views or admitting she was wrong. On that note she also is very persevering, never giving up til the last second and believes anything is possible! She's incredibly optimistic and seems to always find the bright side of things, however the minute she can't see the bright side of things she becomes incredibly pessimistic and freaks out like everything she ever loved is going to explode and die. It's a very all or nothing attitude.

groups Social
Notable Possesions

A guitar pick necklace given to her by her mother.

Favorite Animal - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s favorite animal?


Favorite Food/s


Favorite Color/s


Occupation - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s occupation?

Currently unemployed, but has gotten a part time job at a coffee shop or two.

Politics - What politics does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

Is a proud feminist, though doesn't obsess over politics too much.

Religion - What religion does Theodora Lynn Brady practice?

Believes in God, but doesn't really go to church or is all in all too devout.

info History
Education - What is Theodora Lynn Brady’s level of education?

Average public schooled education, in her senior year of high-school.

Birthday - When is Theodora Lynn Brady’s birthday?

February 17th.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Theodora Lynn Brady have?

None. At one point had a pet fish but that died when she was little.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Thia L. on

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