info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

this one

Description - How would you describe this one?

Earth, about a century after nuclear world war destroyed life as we know it.

book History
History - What is this one’s history?

About a century ago the world was basically destroyed by nuclear war. The war lasted only 8 years but was enough to nearly wipe out the planet. After that, the world was launched into a 12-year long nuclear winter, in which many survivors died of cold or starvation. But, as humans are stubborn creatures, they survived. And less than two hundred years after the first bombs fell, societies are shakily rebuilding themselves for a new world. The disaster had more effects than any scientists imagined, completely changing the climate, and geography of our world. New volcanic islands sprouted out of the sea, new mountain ranges formed, former coastal regions are under water, and large stretches of land are still contaminated with fallout.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in this one?

Each country and territory has their own level of technology based on its government and ideals. Some are quite advanced, on track to surpass what as avaleble before the war, others shun technology as the root of the war and are therefore quite behind. But the majority are at a simalr level of every day technology as the 1990s in the USA.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
5 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Arlo member of the resistance
group Mana Naomi and James' aunt
group James Chief Strategist for the resistance
group Evelyn Member of the resistance
group Haeun Assassian

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