info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Earth 19

Genre - What genre best describes Earth 19?

Action/adventure; romance

Description - How would you describe Earth 19?

East City is home to several superheroes.

book History
History - What is Earth 19’s history?

26 years ago, Genesis, a reputed research company, became interested in Kaz, and her development of a formula that could induce superpowers into normal people. The company offered her unlimited funds and research equipment, and once she started making some headway, they discreetly recruited 50 pre-teens from orphanages all over the city. Over the course of twelve years, Genesis covertly trained them into skilled agents and then administered the formula to them. Though previous tests were successful, and flying pigs were no longer an adynaton, the formula barely took to the now-adults. Thirty-one died, and six suffered from mental illnesses or went mad. Three showed potential powers, but they either had no control of their powers or could not unleash the power's total potential. Only the remaining twelve gained superpowers.

Seeing the results of these tests, the company took, through illegal means, 50 embryos and administered the formula. Even this test was barely successful. Out of the 50 embryos, only nine grew to be children. Whether these children ever had powers, the company would never know, due to its disbandment once the mayor caught wind of the illegality of the experiments. Somehow, in the chaos, the formula was lost. The adult superheroes went rogue, and the children, barely infants at the time, were dispensed into foster homes and orphanages, none the wiser of their strange beginnings.

Upon the disbandment of the research branch, the adult superheroes went rogue. A few tried to integrate into civilian life, a few turned to villainy, the last few to super-heroics to oppose their evil counterparts. These superheroes, to the public, seemed to have come from nowhere. God sending angels, a weird mutation, all were theories that abounded at their sudden appearance. However, it didn't take long for the surprise and skepticism to turn to adoration and celebration.

Andrea was two when she discovered her powers. She was living in a foster home in the bad part of town, with an overworked yet kind caretaker. Muse, one of the four original superheroes who had the power of clairvoyance and telepathy, found her and raised her as her own. Twelve years later, Muse was killed in a showdown with a supervillain, and Andrea made it her mission to find that villain (to this day, she doesn't know who it is) and avenge her mother. Well, that, and protect the city.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Earth 19?

The same, except for those with powers that could defy them.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Earth 19?

The same. Magic doesn't exist per se, though powers do, and only in East City as that was where the experiment took place.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Earth 19?

The same, though Kaz is a magical (not literally) genius with technology light years ahead of everyone else's. Her clientele is very selective (superheroes, mainly, though of course there are exceptions), though, and the majority of her inventions aren't used by the general public.

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open 4 rogue supers who became superheroes
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

Team name: The Protectors

Identity: Sylvia Davis aka Muse:
Status: Deceased at age 38
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, long brown hair.
Powers: Telepathy and clairvoyance.
Overview: Became Muse at the age of 25, spent 6 months training her powers before the research company was disbanded. She went rogue and formed a team with these three other superheroes to fulfill their purpose, which was to protect the city. Team is used loosely here; she mainly worked alone but exchanged information and joined forces with the rest when the situation required it. This arrangement allowed her to remain distant from Trean, and the two would rarely be seen in public together.

Identity: Ryan Hoss aka Trean (pronounced Tray-ahn):
Status: Alive, age 42
Appearance: American; Irish (mom's side). Brown eyes, buzz cut.
Powers: Super strength
Overview: Hoss was cruel and cold-hearted, and relished the power he received from the serum, believing himself to be better than everyone else. At first, he behaved, catching criminals and handing them to the police like they were supposed to. However, as the years passed, he became more self-absorbed and absolute-justice-minded. He started catching anyone who was doing anything he deemed wrong and started delivering his own punishments. When Muse found this out, she confronted him. Their confrontation grew so intense that in a fit of rage Trean killed her. He hid this from his comrades and told the world that a supervillain had killed her, though he didn't know who or how. The fact that he had killed someone--an innocent, someone he had grown up with--weighed deeply on his conscience and humbled him--at least for a few years.

Identity: Madison Ford aka Terrene
Status: Alive, age 41
Appearance: African American. Hazel eyes, brown curly hair.
Powers: Earth- and metal-bending (Earth elemental)
Overview: Madison is a good superhero, caring and helpful. Like her element, she is steadfast, constant, and enduring. She works well with Jackson, and most often they solve crime together. She is extremely trusting, and nothing hurts her more than having to fight her former comrades. This can lead to hesitation in battles against the supervillains and her reluctance to go all out against them has more than once led to their escape.

Identity: Jackson Smith aka Zephyr
Status: Alive, age 43
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, short blond hair.
Powers: Airbending (Air elemental)
Overview: Very patient, which helps when dealing with Terrene and her tendency to let their superpowered opponents go. His control over his element is amazing; he has mastered all forms of his element (which is said to be the element of freedom) so even though he is outnumbered by their evil counterparts they are still relatively equal in power.

folder_open 4 rogue supers who became supervillains
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

Identity: Kyle Gray aka Phantom
Status: Alive, age 42
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, blonde hair.
Powers: Intangibility
Motivations: To never be controlled.
Overview: Has an inferiority complex, and fear of being used, due to his time in Genesis. His trainer was particularly inhumane, and his training was more akin to torture. His trainer expected him to be like a god, and was never satisfied with his progress. While his hellish training did make him stronger than the rest of his compatriots (sans Trean, Lizard Man, and George after they got their powers), it left him traumatized, and with a deep-seated fear/hatred of being controlled. Once Kaz saved them from Genesis, and the others started talking about hero work, with Kaz supervising, he left. He couldn't stand the thought of anyone telling him what to do, or anyone (like the public if he became a hero) expecting anything of him, and being disappointed in him once he inevitably failed. To escape this burden, he became a villain, where he could call his own shots and no one would ever expect anything of him.

Identity: Sara Diaz aka Coronas
Status: Alive, age 41
Appearance: Hispanic. Brown eyes, wavy black hair.
Powers: Age manipulation
Motivations: Staying happy with Kyle forever.
Overview: She was abandoned as a young child, and Kyle was her first friend. He was charming and kind, and the first person who ever looked at her and saw something more than a burden. She fell for him immediately. Her power can be used only to change her age, no one else's.

Identity: Aurora Daniels aka Aurora
Status: Alive, age 42
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, raven black hair.
Powers: Aura vision and manipulation
Motivations: Excitement and fun, her loyalty to her friends.
Overview: She looks up to Kyle, and she and Sara are good friends. She also has a soft spot for Luke. She is always looking for excitement, and The Protectors' talks about becoming 'heroes' seemed boring to her. She is very good at using her ability to read auras and emotions to manipulate others. She was the one who convinced the former Genesis employees to help her team in crime, by subtly manipulating the most angry and bitter, and having them convince the others.

Identity: Terrence Jones aka Stretch
Status: Alive, imprisoned at age 27
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, brown hair.
Powers: Elasticity
Motivations: Who cares? He doesn't matter anymore.
Overview: Was too overconfident and complacent; these traits allowed his capture by the combined efforts of Muse and Trean, one of the only times the two ever worked together.

folder_open Kid supers
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

Identity: Andrea Davis aka Halcyon
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, ash blonde hair.
Powers: Telekinesis
Overview: Protects the city. Wants vengeance on the supervillain who murdered her mother.

Identity: Ethan Grant aka Luxon
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, chocolate brown hair.
Powers: Teleportation
Overview: Protects the city.

Identity: Kellan Styles aka Angel
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Hazel eyes, honey brown hair.
Powers: Light manipulation
Overview: Her first foster family was kind at the beginning, and she, a young naive 6 year old child desperate for affection, fell for their act. They soon revealed their true colors, becoming abusive towards her, and this broke her. She was stuck in that situation for sixth months before she activated her powers, and this terrified the family so much they immediately sent her back to the orphanage. But the damage was done; she was severely traumatized. She wanted to prevent anyone else from feeling the same despair and pain she felt, and so became a full-time superhero to achieve this and make a difference. Loves children, and hates when they're mistreated.

Identity: Luke Steele aka Rogue
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Blue eyes, dark blonde hair.
Powers: Duplication
Overview: His third foster family was super overprotective, and they suffocated him. When they sent him back for 'acting out', he swore to always have fun and enjoy life. This made him extremely carefree and even whimsical. He was messing around for the lolz at age 17, and caught Aurora's attention, who offered to 'hire' him. He accepted with the condition that he would not go on 'heists' or 'missions' that went against his morals (is absolutely against hurting people, and being too hard on innocent people). He likes creating chaos and having fun, and messing with Halcyon. The two have a thing.

Identity: Delilah Miller aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Green eyes, brown hair.
Powers: Invisibility
Overview: Keeps her powers secret and only uses them for personal (and petty) reasons.

Identity: Austin Hill aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, brown hair.
Powers: Eidetic memory
Overview: Doesn't even know he has powers.

Identity: Veronica Stevens aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, wispy brown hair.
Powers: Super speed
Overview: Has not yet awakened her powers. Kaz still keeps an eye on her, but is unsure as to whether Veronica will ever access her powers.

Identity: Alice King aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 19
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, red hair. Freckles.
Powers: Can communicate with animals
Overview: Moved out to a nearby state. Keeps her powers secret and only uses them for personal (and petty) reasons.

Identity: Cody McAllen aka N/A
Status: Deceased at age 14
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, brown hair.
Powers: N/A
Overview: Died in a car accident, before his powers were activated.

folder_open 3 rogue supers who became civilians
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

Identity: Joshua Lee aka Lizard Man
Status: Alive, age 43
Appearance: Asian. Black eyes, black hair.
Powers: Lizard morphing
Overview: He was a superhero for two years before he quit, moving to the countryside.

Identity: Rachel Dover aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 42
Appearance: American. Hazel eyes, chestnut brown hair.
Powers: Healing
Overview: She is a doctor. Uses her powers to heal anyone who needs her, superheroes--and sometimes even villains--included.

Identity: Tara Shah aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 44
Appearance: Indian. Brown eyes, chocolate brown hair.
Powers: Precognition
Overview: Owns a coffee shop. She is good friends with Kaz. Generally warns her about the ominous visions, and then Kaz uses her connections to prevent the event from happening. She is otherwise uninvolved with any kind of hero work.

Identity: George Freeman aka N/A
Status: Alive, age 42
Appearance: American. Brown eyes, red hair.
Powers: Enhanced speed and strength
Overview: Joined the army. Is now a General. Has no connections to Kaz, the supers, or the rest of East City.

This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Andrea Davis Superhero; protagonist
group Nora Davis Andrea's foster mother
group Cassandra Wu Genius designer and inventor
group Luke Steele Supporting villain
group Kellan Styles Supporting hero
group Ethan Grant Superhero; deuteragonist

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain East City A metropolis with many superheroes to deal with its rampant crime and evildoers.

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Super Necklace Sylvia's necklace that allowed her to transform into Muse. After her death, Kaz modified it and gave it to Andrea, as per Muse's wishes. When Andrea imbues her power into the pendant, she transform...

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