info Overview
Name - What is Nora Davis’s full name?

Nora Davis

Other names - What other aliases does Nora Davis go by?


Role - What is Nora Davis’s role in your story?

Andrea's foster mother

Age - How old is Nora Davis?

Was 38 at the time of her death.

Gender - What is Nora Davis’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nora Davis have?


Hair Style - How does Nora Davis style their hair?

Long, ponytail

Hair Color - What color is Nora Davis’s hair?


Height - How tall is Nora Davis?


Weight - How much does Nora Davis weigh?

160 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nora Davis have?

Her charmed amethyst necklace, which after her death was modified by Kaz and given to Andrea.

Body Type

Extremely fit (underwent almost torturous training from a young age)

Skin Tone


Race - What is Nora Davis’s race?


Eye Color - What is Nora Davis’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Nora Davis have?

Intense hatred against people who try to control others for their own gain.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nora Davis have?

None; always calm and controlled

Motivations - What motivates Nora Davis most?

Protecting the city from some of her former colleagues; looking after Andrea

Flaws - What flaws does Nora Davis have?

Can be kind of standoffish due to her training

Talents - What talents does Nora Davis have?

Clairvoyance, telepathy, master combatant

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nora Davis have?

Yoga; taking care of and just hanging with Andrea (she's one of the only things that makes her feel genuinely happy); cooking and baking

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Nora Davis’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Nora Davis’s favorite weapon?

She was trained to become an expert combatant and gunner, and is proficient in the usage of all sorts of weapons.

Favorite possession - What is Nora Davis’s favorite possession?

Her charmed necklace, which later is given to Andrea, as per her wishes.

Favorite food - What is Nora Davis’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Nora Davis’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Nora Davis have?

Completely against oppression and suppression.

Religion - What religion does Nora Davis practice?


Favorite animal - What is Nora Davis’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is Nora Davis’s level of education?

Educated by the research company; in conventional system only completed elementary school.

Birthday - When is Nora Davis’s birthday?


Background - What is Nora Davis’s background?

Was taken from an orphanage at the age of eleven and melded (even brainwashed) into a fighter; at the age of twenty-three was administered the superhero formula and turned into Muse. Once the research company was closed down, she became a superhero to protect the city, and Andrea's foster mother.

When Andrea was 15, and Muse was 38, she was killed in an altercation with Trean.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Costume
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This character was created by Kat on

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