info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Supers?

A world were superheroes and villains have become normal since they first emerged 300 years ago
50% of the population has some sort of superpower

Genre - What genre best describes Supers?

superhero's/ villains, slightly dramatic

book History
History - What is Supers’s history?

Up to 300 years ago (current modern day) evrything was normal. Then one day, a labexperiment went horribly wrong and obliterated an entire town. however, this accident also called the first superhumans to live due to a worldwide spread of chemical altering the brain and dna. 300 years later superheroes and villains are seen fighting every day and superheroes are payed for their efforts by the governments.
100 years before the story takes place, the world was plunged into a severe energy crisis which forced companies and worldleaders to aknowledge the need for change.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Supers?

following the energy crisis, humanity has become a lot more efficient with their resources. nearly everything is either recycled or decomposes into soil. Electricity is created with special turbines on the bottom of the sea. Many vehicles either work on electricity or hydrogen engines. A lot of the hard labor has been taken over by non sentient robots supervised by a human being. those who earn a lot of money usually have a robot servant following them around, reminding them of appointments, driving them around and carrying their stuf while shopping.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Supers?

the laws of physics work pretty much the same. it only is when someone has a specific ability that they can be ignored or altered.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Supers?


Powers are tied to the development of the brain. this means that people usually become stronger over the course of their live up to their twentieth year and grow weaker again once they reach the age of fifty/sixty years.

edit Notes

With the normalization of superpowers, the government has invested in ways to either neutralize superpowers (not that successful) or contain those with superpowers (succesful)

history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person M.W. Poel

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
folder_open Magic system
Who can use it

superpowers are solely accesable to the person it belongs to

What is an example of a small/simple magic effect?

An unusual hair/ eye colour

what is an example of a large/complex magical affect?

Liguid shape, turn your body into a liquid at will

What are the exceptions if any?


What are the costst


What are the basic rules?

  1. 50% of the population has some sort of superpower/ mutation

  2. most people only have one power, some get two

  3. the power increases up to the age of 20 years, at 50/60 years the powers usually start fading

This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain New Europe The countries that made up the old EU (plus some) have became one and dubbed themselves New Europe
terrain New Barcelonis New Barcelonis is the Capital city of New Europe. It is especially well known for being the the the fashion center of the world.
terrain Stone garden On an island far from the civilized world stands a fortress with 3 meter thick stone walls, no windows, no outside garden, and a single entrance which is only accessible with one-use-submarine drones

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events BX8-23J ( B X eight dash two three J) This robot is one of the many robots used by hospitals to keep an eye on patient and help them with basic needs. Its purpose is to bring drinks, food, alert staff in emergencies and calm patient's...
emoji_events Pucokí (puh co k e) This tiny adorable robot flies around at high speed and enables its owner to talk to someone over long distances
emoji_events Storon KX this gun shoots small needle like bullets designed to enter through the smallest gap. The gun's maximum effective range is 5690 meters
emoji_events M0X-91 (M zero X dash nine one) Missy: Mox ninety one Its sol purpose is to follow its assigned reporter around and film whatever its told. Looks like a floating orb

This universe was created by M.W. Poel on with 1 contributor.

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