info Overview
Name - What is Hypno- sirensong’s full name?

Hypno- sirensong

Role - What is Hypno- sirensong’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Hypno- sirensong go by?

Hypno Mista Ó Cathain (Ó Kane)
Baron Dork
(I imagen royals don't exist in the future anymore and people think Baron was a fancy first name)

Gender - What is Hypno- sirensong’s gender?


Age - How old is Hypno- sirensong?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Hypno- sirensong weigh?

92 kg

Height - How tall is Hypno- sirensong?

1,95 m

Hair Color - What color is Hypno- sirensong’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Hypno- sirensong style their hair?

short and naturally wavy,
he staightens it nearly every morning though

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hypno- sirensong have?

that thing Iron man has (goatie ring???)

Eye Color - What is Hypno- sirensong’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Race - What is Hypno- sirensong’s race?


Skin Tone

tanned (like people from turkey)

Body Type

very tall, he has no muscles to speak of though he isn't fat

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hypno- sirensong have?

red hair and tanned skin aren't that uncommon. The combination with his blue eyes on the other hand...
But most identifying is his hypnotic deep voice

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hypno- sirensong have?

Stoic, calm and collected, making sure to think about every sentence he speaks

Motivations - What motivates Hypno- sirensong most?

He wants the bar he runs in a joined partner ship to become a safe haven for everyone outside of their line of work

Flaws - What flaws does Hypno- sirensong have?

Automatically sings along to songs he knows when concentrated on a task (considering his powers this is problematic).
Is confident he knows how to mix drinks while being absolute rubish at it

Prejudices - What prejudices does Hypno- sirensong have?

He thinks he knows everything there is to know about Jazz, like how the trumpet was believed to be a sacret instrument by the followers of Charlie Parker

Talents - What talents does Hypno- sirensong have?

singing (obviously)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hypno- sirensong have?

writing jazz music
mixing cocktails

Personality type - What personality type is Hypno- sirensong?

Due to his abilities, he has to keep his normal talking voice monotone in order to avoid hypnotising people. Underneath his frankly stoic mannerisms lies a friendly bear who loves working at the bar.

star_half Magic abilities
Are there drawbacks?

if there is any kind of melody in his voice people will fall under his hypnosis.
However, they have to understand him in order to follow commands. otherwise, they'll just stand there, drooling, for about two hours.

How did they acquire this ability?

Born with it, his mother has a simmilar power

How do they view the ability? blessing or curse?

Blessing, although having to constantly remain vigilant on your own way of talking is very tiring.

What magic abilities does the character have?


hypnosis application

can sing an enchanting tune to hypnotise others (maximum of luring people into a trap or just standing there)
Sonic shriek, application
belting out a short shriek to send powerful destructive soundwaves in one direction.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Hypno- sirensong practice?

Politics - What politics does Hypno- sirensong have?

all this fighting is noncence

Occupation - What is Hypno- sirensong’s occupation?

he owns a bar in a joined partnership. If he isn't performing Jazz numbers on stage using a special microfoon he can usually be found helping behind the bar

Favorite color - What is Hypno- sirensong’s favorite color?

deep green

Favorite food - What is Hypno- sirensong’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Hypno- sirensong’s favorite possession?

a special microfoon made by Lyra to cancel out his voice's hypnotic tendencies.

Favorite weapon - What is Hypno- sirensong’s favorite weapon?

his voice

filter_vintage Tidbits and relationships to other chracters
info History
Background - What is Hypno- sirensong’s background?

He learned to sing from his mother who was an opera singer in a small orchestra (she didn't care if she hypnotised people). He himself didn't share the love for classical music and choose to do something more upbeat working his way through rock and roll, pop etc. eventually finding his way to the wonderous world of Jazz.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
adjust Goals and stuff
Did/ does their want and/or need change over time?

Their short term want might switch to getting Lyra out of prison

How do their wants and needs clash to create internal conflict?

people of all origins would include his mother, who is sulking somewhere because he choose to run a bar instead of becoming a profesional singer

what do they need more than anything?

Probably to resolve quarells with his mother

What do they want more than anything?

they want their bar to become a succes and a safe haven to people of all origins.

What is their conflict with the world, and how does it play into their internal conflict?

No matter how much time has passed, people will always look down on eachother.

What limits have they given themselves?

He does not want to use his gift to purposefully control others

history Changelog
edit Notes

His mother's power is very similar but there are some differences due to the pitch of their voice.
High pitch: The shriek is far more destructive within short range and the 'hypnosis' has more possibilities
Low pitch: though less destructive, shriek range becomes greater and 'hypnosis' can target more people

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This character was created by M.W. Poel on

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