The Sniper- soulsense
Sniping Sniper
1,63 m
recently shaved, currently 5mm long
completely black
trained marathon runner
Outside of work she usually wears a hijab and special brown lenses or sunglasses to hide her eyes.
She is often dressed in dark colours such as marine blue or deep purple but never in black. she likes long coats with hoodies and hoodies in general. she always wears sneakers and jeans that allow her to move easily.
during work: serious, sneaky, quiet as a mouse
private life: likes dark humour, kinda threatening towards others without noticing, sings songs whenever
She works for the government and is tasked with taking out dangerous people or finding fugitives
Due to her powers she often knows essential things about someone before talking to them. She talks faster than she thinks and often accidentally profiles her self as a stalker.
She has impeckable eyesight and can sing along to nearly every semi-popular song.
singing along to songs, winning carnival games and paintball/laser tag matches.
She's stern and bossy with a strange desire to be as bubbly as possible (without much success)
without lenses, her eyes are considered to be creepy by the majority of people. In stressful situations, her sense is automatically activated which can cause her to lose focus. In area's with lots of people, the sudden activation can cause an overwhelming wave of information with a splitting, incapacitating headache as a result.
born with it
she doesn't mind since she has learned how to turn it on and of at will and can control the range with ease. When it just started to manifest she would be unable to sleep and lock herself in rooms to try and get rit of the experience as the information often came in overwhelming waves.
soul sense
She can sense any living creature within a 50 km radius (possible to turn on and of or focus on a specific species)
However, to find someone specific she has to personally know them or know something specific about them. She experiences this as the buzzing to that of bees around her and if she closes her eyes she can "see" the light/energy of a person's body. both of these effects are unique to an individual.
If she knows a person well enough she can predict the light or specific buzz they will produce.
Delila grew up in a self-sustaining farmers community. Her family mostly tended corn crops and sweet potatoes though they did have a small chicken coup.
She was taken to go hunting for boars at the age of seven for the first time as the steady, unhindered growth of the animals showed negative effects on the local ecosystem. It was then that she discovered her affinity for tracking and chasing down lifeforms.
When her powers of soul sense started to manifest, Delila would often be overwhelmed by the sudden wealth of information. In the beginning, she barely understood what it was she experienced and tried to close herself of from it by locking herself in her room or basement. soul sense quickly became stronger and before long there was no place left i the village were she could close of her senses.
she eventually learned to control her powers when she fled into the caves nearby during an especially strong wave. Since there were far less lifeforms in the caves then the forest or the village it was easier for her to concentrate and learn how to use her gift.
The name Quiet death was given to her by the newspapers.
Her soul sense is a secret and as far as a civilian or normal officer can find out her only 'superpower' is black eyes
This character was created by M.W. Poel on
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sniper/ assasin in service of the government
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Storon KX