info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

gamarack universe

Description - How would you describe gamarack universe?


Genre - What genre best describes gamarack universe?


date_range History
gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in gamarack universe?

everything creates their own center of gravity so they can control gravity from their own bodies and a small space around them

edit Notes
This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Ali ran khan Ali is a mountain villager and the main character
group New Character l

3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain northland mountains icy black and has a rare ore that can make armor
terrain New Location
terrain founders volcanos a rocky and dangerous place, it is where the founder of the village in the mountains found their home now dormant when a person is born they scratch their name in the obsidian left behind from the ...

2 buildings reorder
business Buildings close
business landing base 2 tall towers connected to a big wall with a large open space at the top
business New Building

2 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets tigrex aiserix looks like a tiger but with antlers and wings
pets terra draconic

2 vehicles reorder
drive_eta Vehicles close
drive_eta dragnet a large mobile siege base mounted on the back of a large dragon equipped with a huge canon like structure, armor, and siege gear
drive_eta New Vehicle

This universe was created by muhammed on

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