info Overview
Name - What is northland mountains ’s full name?

northland mountains

Type - What type of location is northland mountains ?

a rocky region full of dragons

Description - Describe northland mountains .

icy black and has a rare ore that can make armor

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in northland mountains ?

the voice of the northerners

Population - What is northland mountains ’s population?

25,000 people

Currency - What currencies are used in northland mountains ?

northking tokens, lightlannd tokens

Motto - What is northland mountains ’s motto?

water comes from ice, water gives life
Although the weather is brutal we still live.We are life in the mountains

Laws - What are the laws in northland mountains ?

no going out of either village without the proper clothes or gear. no bringing people under the age of fifteen, you must bring 5 people when you exit either village

Sports - What sports are played in northland mountains ?

sky shooters. a game where people ride dragons and people hold large nets on poles. They need to steal the opposing teams knives while guarding their own, the knives are strapped to their sides.Once they get the other teams knives they try to cut the nets of the other team.But the people holding the poles move, so they have to try to cut the moving nets. once the nets are cut open, they have to fly to a nearby mountain where balls are located, once they have the balls they have to trow the balls into the other teams net, but the nets are moving most goals win.

business Cities
map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
Creature chevron_right Habitats link linked northland mountains

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked northland mountains

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