info Overview

tigrex aiserix

Description - How would you describe a tigrex aiserix?

looks like a tiger but with antlers and wings

Type of creature - What type of animal is tigrex aiserix?


pets Looks
Color - What colors does a tigrex aiserix come in?

white fur with red stripes black fur and gold stripes

Shape - How would you describe the shape of a tigrex aiserix?

Muscular body and bird like wings on back

Size - How big (or small) is the usual tigrex aiserix?

females 12-13 males 24-25 feet long

Height - How tall is the usual tigrex aiserix?

Females 6 feet tall males 8 feet tall

Weight - How much does the usual tigrex aiserix weigh?

Females 10,000 pounds males 12,000 pounds

Notable features - What physical features are most notable for tigrex aiserix?

large antlers and bird like wings, club

Vestigial features - What vestigial features does tigrex aiserix have?

Their paws had double pads when they dealt with sudden gravity changes when they lived on middle ground but as they migrated higher into the mountains and lower into the valley they lost one of the pads.back When they lived on middle ground their pads had light and heavy parts.As they migrated to the mountains they lost a pad and their pads grew lighter gravity because the mountains gravity was strong, meanwhile the ones that moved to the valley grew heavier pads because the valley had very little gravity. you can still see small remains of the other pad today.

Materials - What materials (feathers, scales, etc) is tigrex aiserix made of?

Fur, feathery wings, small scales make armor and club at the end of it's tail

fingerprint Traits
Aggressiveness - How aggressive is the average tigrex aiserix?

very aggressive

Method of attack - What methods does a tigrex aiserix use to attack?

claws, jaws, horns, fangs, gravity control, club on tail

Methods of defense - How does a tigrex aiserix defend itself from attackers?

hard small scales under the fur

Maximum speed - How fast can a tigrex aiserix move?

125 mph

Strengths - What are the notable strengths of tigrex aiserix?

strength, smell, speed, armor, club,

Weaknesses - What are the notable weaknesses of tigrex aiserix?

Eyesight small spot under throat

Sounds - What sounds does tigrex aiserix make?

purrs deep roaring and a growling laughter

Spoils - When hunted, what spoils does a tigrex aiserix leave behind?

This is a list of all the spoils of tigrex aiserix: the antlers are used for arrows, the tail club is used to make clubs, the scales under the fur are used to make armor, the fur is used to to make clothing,


cold mountain to warm Vally or humid jungle

Strongest sense - What is tigrex aiserix's strongest sense?

sight and hearing

Weakest sense - What is tigrex aiserix's weakest sense?


call_split Comparisons
timeline Evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction
bubble_chart Classification
edit Notes
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