info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe SMO?

Basically just SMO but with my own fun twist on the lore >:D

Genre - What genre best describes SMO?


date_range History
Origin - How did SMO originate?

Oh boy, here we go...

People in the late 3000CE didn't have jobs. All of them worked from home, were online influencers, and technology had advanced so much that there was no need for factories, coal mines... along with gold mines. Fortnox was getting empty.

Soon, factories were demolished. Where did all those leftover chemicals and parts go? The ocean. Where was the world's primary source of water? The ocean. People were drinking the infected water and dying or turning into strange creatures. New species were emerging from the waters, ground, and falling from the sky. The world fell into a panic, and the leaders from each country all over the world decided to split the world into 13 pieces, with each their currency, culture, and materials.

Oceans rose, the land sank, and people were dying. These 13 new kingdoms were not working. People were gaining extraordinary powers, which some used for evil. The human race was 98% wiped out. The world was ending. There was no God.

But, there was one creature who would completely wipe out the world or its sickness and save society. And that creature's name was Cathlex.

Cathlex was born at the core of the Earth. He immediately felt wrong and unsettlement in the world and knew he had to do something. Cathlex had extreme power, he was the God of life, death, chaos, and order. Cathlex cleared the oceans of disease and restored the lands. He civilized the new humanoid species that came from the water, sky, and earth.

The 13 kingdoms that the leaders built still stood, but were still empty. Those kingdoms included:

Humble Kingdom
Cap Kingdom
Cascade Kingdom
Sand Kingdom
Lake Kingdom
Wooded Kingdom
Cloud Kingdom
Lost Kingdom
Metro Kingdom
Snow Kingdom
Luncheon Kingdom
Seaside Kingdom
Thrive Kingdom

((the Humble Kingdom splits into two later, and becomes the Mushroom Kingdom and the Bowser Kingdom. Thrive Kingdom becomes the Ruined Kingdom, and the Moon Kingdom gets established later.))

Cathlex chose one individual to lead each kingdom and granted them powers. They would each get one power immediately after being crowned the leader of that kingdom. After 50 years of ruling, they would get one other power. (Ex. Pillam gets Greenary when crowed the leader, then after 50 years of ruling, gets the power to talk to animals.)

Humans were barely still hanging on, so the ruler of Metro Kingdom created a haven for them to flock to. Others were allowed at the Metro Kingdom, but it is mainly where humans stayed.

This was called The New World

(Maybe more to be added)

History - What is SMO’s history?

After the first leaders get crowned, the kingdoms were like their own little worlds. They each had their own currency, culture, and landscape. The landscape was based mainly around the Rulers power(s).

((EX. The current leader of sand kingdom, Drua, gets the power to control sand when he is crowned.))

The moon was a popular destination for people, and soon Cathlex decided that he would make that a kingdom among the others. He granted a visitor the power to rule, and the power to control the ozone. With that, the man stretched the Earths ozone around the moon so you would be able to breath on the moon.

The leader of the Humble Kingdom got married to man with big plans. He wanted to turn Humble Kingdom into the most powerful kingdom in the world. The leader of Humble Kingdom at the time was a woman named Torinam. Torinam married Makimore. Makimore wanted to expand Humble Kingdom and start a war, taking over other kingdoms. Torinam didn't like this, so she divorced him and split the kingdom into two. The power that Torinam got granted was called split, she could split anything into two. She took 2/5 of the kingdom and split it in two, making the small cut off part drift into the ocean. Makimore was drifted off into this place, and named it Bowser Kingdom, after his last name. Torinam named her new kingdom Mushroom Kingdom.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in SMO?

The laws of physics are the same as they've always been on Earth. When the Moon Kingdom was established, Moon King could control the atmosphere. He stretched it a bit and made a pathway that leads from the Earth to the Moon. The Moon has a bit more gravity than it did before he moved the atmosphere.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in SMO?

When people get crowned the ruler of a kingdom, they earn a power. To be crowned a ruler, one must be chosen. To be chosen, the current ruler must choose you. To be given the title of the ruler and earn power, the current leader must pass away. When you have 50 years of ruling the kingdom, you get another power.

Here are the current ruling systems, as of the time Super Mario Odyssey: the game takes place:

Cascade Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Madame Broode (Unofficial ruler, never crowned)
Previous ruler: Unknown (dead kingdom)
Next Ruler: Topper Broodal
1st Power: Earth Control (Since Madame was never officially crowned, she never got the power)
2nd Power: Never decided

-Sand Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Drua
Previous ruler: Father of Drua
Next ruler: Undecided.
1st Power: Sand control
2nd Power: Water Control

-Lake Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Unknown (this person is alive and existing, but nobody knows who it is)
Previous ruler: Kayalo Lochlady.
Next ruler: Undecided
1st Power: Water control
2nd Power: Sand Control

-Wooded Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Pillam.
Previous Ruler: Unknown
Next Ruler: Undecided
1st Power: Greenery Control
2nd Power: Animal Control

-Cloud Kingdom:
Current Ruler: No ruler (dead kingdom)
Previous Ruler: Meekah
Next Ruler: None
1st Power: Cloud Control
2nd Power: Never decided

-Lost Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Aiyanna
Previous Ruler: Vyra
Next Ruler: Jamino (Younger Brother)
1st Power: Poison Control
2nd Power: Steam Control

-Metro Kingdom: Current Ruler: Pauline
Previous Ruler: Mother of Pauline
Next Ruler: Undecided
1st Power: Controller of Ownselfs Mind (Really smart)
2nd Power: Telepathy

-Snow Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Elder Snow
Previous Ruler: Unknown, may not be a previous
Next Ruler: “I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, but, just in case… HEY! YOU! Yeah you! Can you handle amazing responsibility? Alright then, you're the next King of Snow Kingdom in case I die.” (Basically a random dude)
1st Power: Snow Control
2nd Power: Ice Control (Elder Snow has both)

-Seaside Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Jentah
Previous Ruler: Layla (sister)
Next Ruler: Finad (adopted daughter)
1st Power: Tide Control
2nd Power: Glass Control

-Luncheon Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Li
Previous Ruler: Meia
Next Ruler: Milo (adopted son)
1st Power: Lava Control
2nd Power: Enhanced Senses

-Ruined Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Kaminki
Previous: Gawn and Senna, when it used to be the Thrive Kingdom
Next: Undecided
1st Power: Lightning Control
2nd Power: Steel Control

-Bowser Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Montgomery Bowser
Previous: Otto Bowser
Next: Tanner Bowser (Bowser JR)
1st Power: Fire Control
2nd Power: Lava Control

-Mushroom Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Peach Toadstool
Previous Ruler: Mother of Peach
Next Ruler: Undecided
1st Power: Wind Control
2nd Power: Undecided

-Cap Kingdom:
Current Ruler: Cappy
Previous Ruler: Wendy (Cappy’s Mother)
Next Ruler: Undecided
1st Power: Controller of The Sky
2nd Power: Weather Control

-Moon Kingdom
Current Ruler: None (dead kingdom)
Previous Ruler: Moon King
Next Ruler: None
1st Power: Gravity Control
2nd Power: Ozone Control

When a ruler dies without choosing the next ruler, the kingdom dies. This means that every single living being living there will immediately die with their ruler. The ruler is the source of their life, which is why wars are a horrible thing. Everything is abandoned when a kingdom dies. But, the kingdom cannot be overtaken by anyone or anything. It is just a bare wasteland. It is still visitable, but it cannot be changed into anything

Technology - What is the level of technology like in SMO?

The technology was ultra-advanced before the new world was made. But, Cathlex wiped most of that technology and any remembrance that comes with it because it was toxic and destroying the beautiful Earth. So now it's just magic.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for SMO?

I absolutely love anything Mario, and I thought that Super Mario Odyssey out of everything had the most potential for lore, so I made lore!

This universe contains...
5 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Kayalo Lochlady Queen of the Lake Kingdom
group Drua King of the Sand Kingdom
group Pillam Ruler of the Wooded Kingdom
group Meekah Queen of the Cloud Kingdom
group Vyra Queen of the Lost Kingdom

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Sand Kingdom The Sand Kingdom is, well, covered in sand! It is always scorching hot there, reaching almost 110 degrees Fahrenheit. There are many ruins to go and see for tourists, but the main attraction is the...

This universe was created by ✨Cyber I guess✨ on

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