info Overview
Name - What is Pillam’s full name?


Pronunciation of name


Role - What is Pillam’s role in your story?

Ruler of the Wooded Kingdom

Other names - What other aliases does Pillam go by?

Mx. Greenie

Gender - What is Pillam’s gender?



Age - How old is Pillam?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Pillam weigh?

150lbs (weighs more than they should because they are made of a material that is dense and heavy-ish.)

Height - How tall is Pillam?


Hair Color - What color is Pillam’s hair?

India Green (#138808)

Hair Style - How does Pillam style their hair?

Cut into those 'M' shaped bangs...? You usually see them on anime characters, people style their short wigs with those types of bangs... you might know what I'm talking about???

the back of their hair is short of pokey and sticks up in the back. They wear a red headband as well.

They have a cowlick in the shape of a sprout growing on their head.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Pillam have?


Eye Color - What is Pillam’s eye color?

Their eyes are a dark green around the edges of the iris, and then it fades into a lime green at the pupils. ((NOTE: they don't have pupils. Their eyes are similar to Kayalo Lochlady, but they look more robotic.

Race - What is Pillam’s race?

4/5 trebot, 1/5 human.

Skin Tone

Their skin tone is Wood (#3F301D) and quite literally is made of wood! Well, almost. Their skin is made of a mix of tungsten and wood. In the skin tone, there are darker spiral shapes of Pecan (#4A2511)

Body Type

Pillam is very rectangular. They have pointed fingers and toes. Their head is round but comes a shaper point at the chin.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Pillam have?

Pillam is known for their beautiful glowing eyes that are full of life.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Pillam have?

Pillam has always been more lively and less emotionless compared to the other trebots.

When they are happy they tend to laugh, but it comes out very electronic and high pitched, which others find hilarious.

Flaws - What flaws does Pillam have?

Their introverted, selfless self can sometimes get in the way of taking care of themself, which can lead to harmful consequences.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Pillam have?

Anybody who wants to cause destruction is a bad person.

Talents - What talents does Pillam have?

Pillam is amazing at gardening and farming. They are also great with animals.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Pillam have?

Watering, Gardening, Farming, Taking Walks,

Personality type - What personality type is Pillam?


Pillam is very introverted, quiet, shy, and selfless. Scratch that, EXTREMELY SELFLESS. Pillam will put anyone before themself.



Magic Abilities

Pillam can control Greenery. They can take an existing part of nature and control it (EX. they can take a vine and move it, use it like a whip, etc.) or they can grow their own greenery. (They can sprout flowers, plants, trees, etc.) and bend them to their will.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Pillam practice?

They DONT worship Cathlex like most of the leaders. They just do what's best for them, and not waste it on other people.

Politics - What politics does Pillam have?

Pillam believes that everyone should live in a peaceful environment run by people's own lifestyles, without anyone telling them what to do. Kinda like peaceful anarchy...? Idk bro sjakdhflkjsgf

Occupation - What is Pillam’s occupation?

Ruler of Wooded Kingdom

Favorite color - What is Pillam’s favorite color?

Lawn Green (#7CFC00)

Favorite food - What is Pillam’s favorite food?

Pillam doesn't eat

Favorite possession - What is Pillam’s favorite possession?

Their headband. They think it gives them style points, but others just think it makes them look adorable.

Favorite animal - What is Pillam’s favorite animal?

Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Job - What job does Pillam have?

Ruler of Wooded Kingdom

date_range History
Birthday - When is Pillam’s birthday?

They were built on August 8th

Education - What is Pillam’s level of education?

PIllam was built to be very smart. They can calculate anything you ask them to.

Background - What is Pillam’s background?

Pillam isn't human, they were built, not born.

Luke Ramshakle was the creator of the Wooded Kingdom(He created the Wooded Kingdom at 20 years old.). Luke made this Kingdom and survived The Cleansing (When Cathlex created the new world.) Luke started creating humanoid robots called Trebots. Trebots are insanely smart, they could answer almost anything you ask them. They were all made from Tungsten and Wood. Luke had the power to control Greenery and would choose to pass down the power to Pillam's father, Unstar. Luke later built Unstar a child, and that child was Pillam. When Luke finally passed on from old age, Unstar inherited the power. Almost immediately after Unstar was crowned King, The Grand War broke out. Unstar was unfortunately killed in the war, and all the power went to Pillam.

Pillam was 14.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Pillam have?

All the animals in the wooded kingdom are Pillam's pets.

edit Notes

Sorry if I referred to Pillam using the 'he/him' pronouns, they were originally a male, so that mindset is still kind of stuck in my brain. whoops.

All art in the gallery is drawn by me.

brightness_5 Clothing

Pillam wears a Brunette (#3B1E08) thick turtleneck.




Pillam wears dark green overalls that roll at the ends. There is a small pocket on the top left side that holds a sunflower at all times.


Hickory (#371D10) boots with black laces and mud-stained soles.


Pillam has sunflower earring studs, an orange belt, and a red white polka-dot covered headband.





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This character was created by ✨Cyber I guess✨ on

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