info Overview
Name - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s full name?

Kayalo Lochlady

Pronunciation of name

(Kay-AH-lo Lock-lady)

Role - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s role in your story?

Queen of the Lake Kingdom

Other names - What other aliases does Kayalo Lochlady go by?

Water Princess

Gender - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s gender?



Age - How old is Kayalo Lochlady?

Deceased at 25

face Looks
Weight - How much does Kayalo Lochlady weigh?

Very light, 67 lbs

Height - How tall is Kayalo Lochlady?

5 foot 1 inch

Hair Color - What color is Kayalo Lochlady’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kayalo Lochlady style their hair?

Goes down to a bit past her waist, and is down. Her hair is parted down the middle, and she has two smaller pieces in front. It has assorted fish scales in it, containing the colors gold, silver, and pink.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kayalo Lochlady have?


Eye Color - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s eye color?

Her irises and pupils are light bubblegum pink, and the sclera is white.

Race - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s race?

1/4 floater, 1/4 absorber, 2/4 lanian

Skin Tone

Pale grey

Body Type

Her skin is very soft and delicate. Her body shape is kind of oval-shaped.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Kayalo Lochlady most?

After the Grand War, Kayalo has always wanted to unite the Sand Kingdom and the Lake Kingdom to make the Oasis Kingdom. The thing that motivates her to do this is Drua, the king of the Sand Kingdom. She is in love with him, after all.

Flaws - What flaws does Kayalo Lochlady have?

She's not good at talking to other people or just talking in general.

Talents - What talents does Kayalo Lochlady have?

She is phenomenal at controlling water

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kayalo Lochlady have?

Swimming, taking walks, talking with Drua.

Personality type - What personality type is Kayalo Lochlady?

She rarely speaks. She quiet, calm, collected, and is very sweet.

Magic Abilities

Kayalo can control any kind of water. She can move it, float it, basically do anything with it. If the water is mixed in with anything (let's say sand in this case) she can take out the water, leaving the dry sand separated from it.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kayalo Lochlady practice?

She worships Cathlex.

Occupation - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s occupation?

Queen of the Lake Kingdom

Favorite color - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s favorite color?

Gold and Pink

Favorite possession - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s favorite possession?

Her dress and her veil.

Favorite animal - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s favorite animal?

Xiphias gladius (Swordfish)

Job - What job does Kayalo Lochlady have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Kayalo Lochlady’s birthday?

She doesn't remember, and nobody was there to tell her. She only knows she's getting older.

Education - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s level of education?

She's very wise. She is amazing at advice. When it comes to quick thinking and wit, she is always on top of it.

Background - What is Kayalo Lochlady’s background?

Kayalo was born into royalty. Her father was the King of the Lake Kingdom and was always gone, and her mother was missing after Kayalos's birth. Kayalo was raised to be a lady, don't talk unless somebody is talking to you, and keep your head down. Her father was very demanding. He hated the Sand Kingdom because his rival had ruled it at the time. When Kayalo's father died, Kayalo became Queen. She was only 17.

The Grand War was announced when she was 20. The Grand war was the fight over land. Invaders from a different kingdom would come and take over a kingdom, and hold the ruler captive so the kingdom wouldn't die. Kayalo had taken a few warriors and moved over to the Sand Kingdom since her Kingdom was protected by giant walls. Kayalo has also set traps for Tsunamis to take place when invaders hit.

One night, Kayalo and Drua (King of the Sand Kingdom) snuck up to the top of a large hill. It was above a pit, dropping down 400 feet. They were quietly chatting, holding hands, and watching the sun go down.

Then Kaminki, the new ruler and overtaker of the Thrive Kingdom (Now called the Ruined Kingdom) was in his dragon form when he flew up from the depths of the pit. When he did this, he was flying alongside the wall. Because of this, one of his claws went straight through Kayalo's chest. She was launched up into the air, attached to Kaminki. Kaminki roared and zoomed towards the town of Pyra, dropping Kayalo off of his claw. Drua rushed to her side and cradled her in his arms. He cried and cried, telling Kayalo to stay with him. She looked up at him and touched his face, saying her final words:

"I-I... L-love you... change the w-world"

She died in Drua's arms.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kayalo Lochlady have?

She thinks of all the fish that live in the lakes her pets.

edit Notes

If you need a reference picture of her dress and veil, look up "Lochlady Dress SMO" and you can find it there.

All drawings in the gallery are drawn by me. (This was drawn by @ninja_violinist on this site. Thank you so much again!!)

brightness_5 Clothing







White high heels with golden pearls on them.


She weres a tiara with three prongs. The middle prong starts at white and fades into transparent pink. The other two start at white and then fade to light aqua.

She has a layered veil, the first layer being a sort of grey and the bottom layer being a shimmering white. This is attached to her tiara.

She also wears a lacy white choker.

On her ears, she has one silver hoop earring.




Kayalo wears a white, long, gorgeous dress. The top is a white sweetheart top. The bottom part is a shimmering white puffy skirt with white drapes.

As a tribute to her, the people of Lake Kingdom put the Dress and Veil on display after her death.

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Kayalo Lochlady

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Kayalo Lochlady

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Kayalo Lochlady

Character chevron_right Eye Color link mentioned Kayalo Lochlady

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Kayalo Lochlady

This character was created by ✨Cyber I guess✨ on

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